286 Ridge Ave.., Winnetka LOCATION SUPREME AMONG THE finest nelghbors, close to> ail coftv. and 2 blocks« to new parochial schl. See what an attrac. homne this is set on a Ige. 100 ft. corner lot. Rerhodeling Was done by Chester Walcott, 4 bedrms. 2 baths on 9nd; maid's rm. end bat h on 3rd. Huge screened lvg. pèh. opens into Ivg. rm.. din. rm. and yard. Priced very low at $18500. ELME1R E. STULTS INC. WINN. 1800 147LTN12-ltc PRETTY DUTCII COLONIAL UPNDER sleepin~g porch, near transportation an schools. Deep private yard with sereen- ed tea house. Lovely for children. Vene- tian bliflds inclucled. Something very. a, pealing about ths house. FHA mortgage of $6300. at 41,2 pereent can be secured. $9500 or better for cash above présent loan of $4300. MRS.. FULLER & WM. PICICARD INC. WINNETKA 3603. 147LTN12-ltc NEAR INDIAN HILL CLUB, ONE 0F the mast atfractive Colonial homes A Distinctively Indiéviduai. Resid. ln a beaut. block in, Wil- mette. 5 bedrms., 3 baths and lavatory, Ige. well-proportioned liv. rTn., tiled screened porch, Ôverlooking prize-winnling garden. Owne? leaving state ha. rýeducecf price for. $19.500 to $16,000 to maeit an outstaeding value... HOKANSON JENKS, Ince 513 Davis Street Evans., Greenleaf 1617 147LTN12-ltc EAST WINNETKA CLOSE TO LAKE, ôÔXÀA QÜIPt' street among Ige. trees a whitejCol. on nearly 1ý acre of ground. Spacious liv. and din. rms., solarium. brkfst. tin. 5 bdrms. 3 baths, oil ht. 2-car gar. An out- standing valué at $21,000. Mrs. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc.. 510 Davis St. Wil. 3740 147LTN12-ltc 444 ELDER LANE C.C.C. Not a camp, but comforta- - - -.ailP7 aelo UNUSUAL HOME .SITE, EAST C coe, -l10x375 on Hazel Avenue. Si for 2 homes at price of one. ýSEE MIL NEWHALL BAIRD'& WARNER,- >790 Elm Street, .Wlnnetka Wlnn. 2700 or Briargate 15IL1" EAST GLENCOE ~N~A1W-0 0 D E D. 1 than 100 ft. of frontage. Surrc by lovely homes. Only $4500. SMART &,GOLEE,I 1564 Sherman Ave. wilmettl 151LT? GLEN- 'uitable Inc.. eý 1855 LIVING ROOM. DININO ROOM1. BÉ5 1q2lt oom furniture and other articles. V.ry -reasonably priced. Phone Glencop' MI3 1'lILTW1-ltp MORUSUY' .ounded niture, breakfast set, dresser, springs, lamp, dishes, etc. Wlmette 2M0. r,... 171LTN1.tp e 2486. W12-ltc LYON AND HEALY UPRIGIiT PIANO. $20. Victor cabinet radio, $15. Winnetka 990 $1