REAL ESTATE, FIRSTrMORTCAGE SOLICITOR Liberal, eommissions offered capa- ble salieigor of applications for first Ùiortgage loans in «very de-' afrable Nortfk Shore terrïtory. Apply hy Icuter only stating fuiily, experience and other, qualiflea- IRVIN JACOBS & COMPANY 105 .S. LaSaie-st, Chicago MIRRORS FOR ALL PURPOSIS GLAS S CRA FuT MFG.ICO. r. ,J* Oev e r J '.flcar, Co* A%.xeugu iib7s~ . a 3 rvt od o 250 H. Dovenmuehle of Winnetka, presi-' 1937 1938 1939at95Piteracsig jO, den o th asoiaton "w hveJanuary.......96 94 Ili and David Corkran is building a dent df theassgceatiden, aboutave February........ 129 105 104 two-story frame garage addition to bee redig agrat ealabut heMarch ................ 148 126 12 the residence at 274 Ridge 'avenue, increase i suburban hdr 'e building April................. 16o 144 195 activi ty, while the great area of Chi- MaY................. 145 136, 2w costflg $4,0,00, June....... ...........1158 147. 239 cago proper has been a conýspicu-- - ous Iaggard ini this regard. During TOTALS......... 836 752 9 99 that the steady declime in- the nilumber of the îrs haf o 193, acoringto "ereagan," Mr.Dovnmuhleforeclosed properties -over the past five tfirstc.mpile ofy1th9, ecugtv oint11ee out, "it wil be obsevedyears has suddenljy been Cook figues ompied by te eecutve pontedout "itwil be bsevedcounty, 1,841 foreclosures >were -filed in offic e of the. Chicago Mortgage ithat the number of m ortgage1 trans- the first hall of 1939, as cempared With Bankersassociation, there has been, actions in the first hall of, 1939 was 1o75 6ntfrshalf198annree asudden increase o! ahead of 1938 by 33 per cent, and O 6 h p ter t. ti nmerI moderately sized homes: within the likewise ahead of .1937 by 19.5 per 78.3 per. cent less than the peak year of city's Iimits. While this volume. is cent. 1933. wheh 8,473 foreclostires were, filed during the corresponding period. Further- isiimodest, -compared with other Smallei Homes Lead. more, ît is possible that a large part of gret ctis, t'indcaes ha Ch- "Thet financial consideration of Lake the'foreclosures instituted ia the. last six . ' i county mojrtgages for the first hall of months were mnerely a cleëaning up* of old cago is. at last' beginninig to buIld. 1939 was $4,044i547. This represents a 15 difflculties.. homes again. per cent. merease over the $3,495,413, in -The dollar volume of foreclosed mort- 1938, and a 22.5 per cent decrease from gages In the firsthall of 19.19 was only increase of 130 'Per, Cent the. $5.215.630. volume of 1937. 'These IIg- $ià.72-22--as compared with $20,525,X~6 "-The association's survey shows ures likewise indicate that homes being lai 1938, a decline of 23.5 per -cent: and tha drig te irt ix onli ~buit alonlg the North Shore in the first e224,437,386 in 1933, a dedline of 93, pep, thatdurng' thefir.t ix mnth Ofhall of the current year were o as large cent. 1939, pe rmits have been issued for on the average as those built a couple -Thus the dollar volume of mortgages 1,265 ne homes in Chicago, involv- of years ago. in trouble," Mr. Dovenmuehie concluded, of $,~4,7O. 'Not ail the trentds shown in the Chi.- has declined without interruption for ing an aggregate cost o 66873 cago Mortgage Bankers' survey, ho-w- six years. F'rom this angle as well we This represents an mcerease of 130 ever, shouid be consideredias a bass or r jp eintheChicago per 'cent in umber and 124 per A irflg<te ipasasae ners the second hall of 1939 on a cent in volume over 1938, when 5-4 well. The study of foreclosures reveals sounder footing." homes were buit at a cost of $2,963,- 475. . In the first half of 1937, which L>~ i i ,. was a. pretty fair period for home construction generally, 624 permits were issued in the city for new homes totaling $3,873,220. Thus the first haîf of 1939 shows an increase of 103 per cent in number and ap- prQximately 72 per cent in volume over 1937. U/U~ 4]5. ..5E4F&&~ nUU IA ULt Exclusive Correupuiudent Resdentlal Loasa ne. NORTNWIESTERN MIJTUAL LIN INSURANCI CO. entire city.i ToasEncouraging1 "The analysis of mortgage re-! cordings for ail types of property,i reflecting conditions in the mort- gage business generally, runs int much larger figures," Mr. Doyen- muehle continued. -Here, despite the fact that the trend is moving ilin a narrow range, the totals are encouraging." WTTE VWixm OL IL& wco I1301 Av*. 4200 o! slightly smfaller de- 1 porch. EverU r e cor d ed and more, make the mo liv- wifl Our C=aO uee ole u u L. v )me the last orjcomrn ý dm