The emphasis on residential build- ing in the Chicago metropoljtanarea during the half-year brought an up- swing of more than l4-millions of dollars over the cortract valuations of the, first haif of 1938, T. O., Mor- gan in his monthly Dodge Re- ports sumnmary of local construction a c--t i v i t y . Non-residential work moved. upward ,from'.the half-year level of 1938 and heavy engineering construction was ahead of last year's correspoftding valuation. The contractes awarded for1 resi- dential building in the Chicago met- rooitan area.during the January- thogh-June perioci were valued atý a total of $26,518,00 by Dodge Re- p orts. In 1938, the half-way, total was $12,298,-000. The spectac ular local gain- is in une with the 245-million- dollar increase recorded for ail resi- dential icontr acts awarded in the 37 states east of the Rocky Mountains during the six months' period. Reach November Level A côftïprisôh of Chicago area res-. idential building during the flrst halves of this year and last year re- veals that the current valuation-lev- el was not reached until during the month of November in 1938. Non-residential building in the' Chicago area, which includes Lake, Cook and Du Page counties, Illinois, and Lake Porter and La Porte coun ties, Indiana, moved nearly as rap- idly as the residential during .1th ture. B ut w e do pick Up a few snacks here mnuch. like fol- lowing the trait of odd s h oe s, L o n e' Ranger badges and' "nick nacks". of a young hope- fui preparing to retire 'for 1the W.. A. Sadier widely, scatter- e d sources i t would. appear that Dame- Fortune has smie upon some members of the reai estate fraternity., With others it has been the merest flick- er, but, nevertheless, there's a note of cheerfuiness that gives hint of Autun-n business. A hardy group- these realtors, Who neyer die off likeother refugees -or maybe it is sinply that they have ceased to care. Consider the Sports comrnittee which hoped to draw a handful to the annual golf outing this 'week at the Arlington The long-anticipated report of the Renting committee is expected to sho#w 'far' ess va-cnc~ies in apart- ments in Evanston than had been expected by some. There has evi- dently been a greater number of out- of-town transfers than anticipated to take up the slack. The same scar- city of desirable houses for rent is, apparent from early reports. Gain in Confidence "How soon it may fiare up again, of ousen 0We one O lIflws," he aide "but for the present it has permit- ted us to gain more confidence in our own future. Naturally there has been a great deal of optimism re- cently with the current activity ini the stock market, and the improve- ment in general business has war- ranted this. The second quarter earnings of many corporations ap- pears spectacular when compared with a year ago, but it should be remenibered that 1938 was one of -illness, but upon her recovery will ý.ývýt 'y. euntth raiainth is 28 lots left m rtuitnteoraiato.Wilmette n bordering the designed and Kenilworth are being sold in a complete l'pack-' o! homnes The smallest age" with moderate monthly, pay- as doing 50 feet. Homes ments, it is announced. work in -