Becomes Bride of John Woodhead., Jr. Miss Dorothy, Johanna Batter, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.' Carl. J. Batte-, formerly of Kenilworth, andj John Arthur Woodhead, Jr., son of Mr.. and Mrs. John A.. Woodhead of Wilmette, .were married Saturday, July 8 ,> at: the Woodside Methodist chiurch, Silver' Spring, Md., with the Rev. Ralph Smith officiating at 2:30 o'clock., Donald Berblinger of Wilmette sang during the, ceremoriy for which the church va s beautifully decor- ated witb white gladiofli and 'palmis. The bride's weddmgÉ dress was of starchedý white' chiffon, with1 floor;- length skirt and the bolice , with short puffed, sleeve s. She wore a finger-tip length veil and- carried bride's roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Walter .Gielen, Jr., of Chi-6ar cago, sister of the bri de and matron Cr of honor, wore dusty pink net with Flora Jean White of Wini a rnatching picture hat and carried is a student at the summer s pink roses and delphinium. at the University. of Wise, Stephen Lee Woodhead served as where she isalaso a regular best man for his brother, and Carl dent and a miember of Ga, flatter, Jr., brother of the bride, Phi Beta sorority. and her uncle, William Batter of Long Island, were ushers. The reception was held in the* home of the bride's parents, after Penthouse Prance which Mr. and Mrs. Woodhead left ai o .& ira vCiing en.iU, UelUIe making her debut ini the winter of 19 34. She-is a memberof the Chi- cago Junior, league. Their wedding, is to take place this fal. losPi înetký schoo consii ýr stt flmas WiJI Reaci, Climax This Friday 'ioto -a Married This FaIli Preceding W edding Miss Ruth Elizabeth Rich (Bette), daughter of Mrs. R. Joseph Rich, 985 Sheridan road, Winnetka, O Two Winnetkans is to become the bride of James The most recent entertaining in Grierson Shennan it was announced hnro isElieMne n Sunday at a small.cocktail party at.Nra-.Gasrobt fWn theRich home. Mr. Shennani is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gýrier- netka4 is now annaunc-ed.-,Their, mar- son hennn ofHazetonFa. age will- take place on August 4. On July 9. the bride%. sister and He Is engaged in, business in El-m 'aid of honor. Miss> Venita Mangel, gin. With the class of 132 he -grad- gave a beach picnic fr tev uated. from Princeton where he was couplsado Jl 6 rs. Greig a member of the- Cap and Gown Yarger was hostess at a Sunday tea club. at her home in Ravinia. Three Miss Rich finished at Miss FPor- asltrnr.P .Gnton ters .school 'at Farmnington. Conn, mother of, the, bridegroom.. gave 'a and* spent .a year abroad with Mis buffet supper-,for the two famiïlies ~ ~ and a few relatives. Here for Weddfig n Mrs.' P. J. Kirwan. 1607 Elmwood avenue. has just returned from Elk- ahart. Ind., after visiting her daugh- ter. Mrs. Donald F. Becker, the, former Betty Knox Kirwan. Mrs. Becker accompanied her mother to Wilmette to be present for the wed- ding and pre-nuptial parties for Miss Betty, Jean Hurtt of Wilmette, who will be' married on August 2, to Robert Mayer Shirk of West Palm Beach. Fla. fA luncheon and kitchen shower at the Homestead in Evanston.was giv- en by Mies Betty Jones of Evanst-on on July 22, and that same everiing, Mrs. Carl Herbst and «Mrs. John Romer of Highlanid Park entertain- ed iftteern couples at an evening party at the home of their nmother. Mrs. Carl Enchelmaver, in Glencoe. To condlude the pre-w,ýedding, en- tertaining. Mrs. George Mangel will give a luncheon and bathroomn show- er at Shawnee Country club on July 29. Mr. Granstror- will have his bachelor dinner at, his homie. prob- ablvý that night. Mrs. Catherine Rogers is giving a linen shower at her home in Wilmette on August 2, and the evening of Auzust 3. the bridé's, mother. Mrs. John Mangel, wilÏ be bos*tess at thebridaI dinner. Engaged- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shefner of 1134 Elmwood avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Har- riefl June, to Samuel Ruif, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan 1Ruff of East Chicago, Ind. Miss Shefner attends Northwestern university and Mr. Ruff is a graduate of the University of Indiana. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Frances Akcy of 615 Lake avenue is spendlng- a two weeks$ va- cation at the Wallace Millers' sun- mer home at Mincoqua, Wis., as the guest.of Miss Jean Mier. Plans for 'the Sec ond Annual Pent- house Prance will be completed this week when the dance takes place on the Ornington roof Friday eve- ning, July 28. Comnmittees from both St. Francis Xavier and St. Athanasius Young People's clubs report the dance, a summer formal, wil enjoy the same success it was last year, if the sale of -bids- at the door mneets expec- Speejal features have been' ar- ranged for the evening. Tickets niay be obtained at the door or fromn any member of the comrnittee. Lives in Peoria; îr lroneumoon in sconsin. Enaaaemnenf Announced Du,4nma Familvy Dnner- At a family partv ýat their homneon Sunday evening Mýr.,and Mrs. Her- bert Sieck of Wînnetka announced the engagement of their daughter. Marian, and Dr. Ernst Déhne. Miss Sieck is a gradua te of New Trier Rieh school and Benninzton and3 of .Wi Of Miss Mildred to, Robert Here- of Mr. anid Mrs. lay of Evanston, )er p arents, Mr. lorman Murdock