At Sunset Ridge Sunset Ridge Country clu~b drives a* new peg into its activity notch when it opens formally its new gw*imniing Pool tonfight (Thursday>. The ceni- ter of attraction will. be the Wally Colbath Water circus. 'Mr. Colbath Winl present among bis acta fine special, events.. For the first, it bas been planned to have Claudia Eckert of Shawnee* noted swimmer, give a, performance, and she Will be present tg, open the circus if arrangements can -be made s0 that she cahx del9iy her departure for a swîmming meet in'which she is to participate. The second number, on the pro- gram wil be the landmng of a two- -hundred pound h uman fish by deep- sea fishing tackle. 'the third num- ber on the programn will be Lois Menzel, fifteen.year-old swimmer; a ta nxem swim with Betty Wyle and Tom Powell of Northwestern -uversity taking part. Dorothy Schiller, wbo at present holds the world's breast stroke rec-' ord at 200 meters, will give the' *sixth. number on the program; the Islanders, a novelty Hawaiian num- ber will be seventh. To bring the circus* to a close, B *the last two numbers will present, year's national collegiate. diving championships. Bleachers --_ave been constructed around the pool for the gala' event which,, at 9 o'clock, will follow a buffet supper served from 6:30 to 9. An orchestra wfll provide 'music. Saturday, July 29, a progressive bridge party will take place at the club, with Mrs. C; G. Bennett as the hosteau. Sunday. Jüly 30, a : ~ Paddl:ng on the quiet waters of a woods-ed7ed lZake in the'notth woods of Wisconsin is one of the popular sports girls at the Joy' Camps at Hazelhurat are enjoying this summer. You~ng canoeists picturecl here inelude young North Shore-ites: From left to right in the canoes, and from b.c o front oare:, Cnote, 'nuwber 1û; Mln't cll,èUb, oÔn- selor, of Winnetka; Joan Kostbacle, Dorothy Farrington, and Nancyf Bower, also of Wnnetka. Canoe 1--SaZ1y Royal of Winnetka and Jean Hypes and Pçitty and Bobby Gay Wyman of Glencoe. Canoe li-Anne Tippens of Lake Forest, Patty Zipprodt and Janet. Fry of Kenilworth, and Barbarai Birkelund of Glencoe. Buffet Supper The most important social event at Indian Hill club this week will be the buffet supper dance on Thursday evenlng, July 27. Supper will be served from 6 to 8:30 'clock and dancing will commence at 7:30. Sunday, Indian Hill members will come out to see the North Shore Interclub tennis match which is scheduled to. be played about 2 o'clock between Indian Hill and Ex- N ext- Dinner Dance, Country Club, North Shore Country club bas a large gathering of bridge enthusi- asts each Saturday 'ontbe occasion. of the weekly bridge-luncheon-days for. the cllub's femniine contingent and their guests. Among t h o s >e entertaining- at luncheon, last Saturday was. Mrs. Victor Scott of Wilmette,. who was hostess to ber bridge foursomne, whose other' members are. Mrs. H. Wolf and Mrs. AgeNes C. Wilson of Wilmnette.,,and 'Mrùs. Fred, Harwood of the Homnestead. Mrs. A. H. Pendleton of 614 Earl- ston road, Kenilworth, entertained, --Mrs. H. S. .Embree, 'Mrs., C. A Brassert, and Mrs. F. F. Coffin. Other hostesses iheluded Mrs. E B. Lehrack of Evanston, Mrs. Al- fred W. Burket of Êvanston, whose three guests included Mrs. C. W. Uanna of Winnetka, aiid lrs. Rob>. ert L. Farrow of Chicago, among whose guests was Mrs. Walter P. Murphy of Wilmette. .Friday night of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wolf of the In- dian Hill estates had a pre-nuptial dinner for their nephew, G. Dorr Wolf, and bis fiancée, Miss Mar- garet Hurlbutt, who are to be mar- ried August Il. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. George D. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. 'Frederick L. Htirlbutt. pooL. during the summer. Ttiat same afternoon thëre will be a bridge party for the women, with. Mrs. E. G. Davies and Mrs. T. Oliver Mor- gan, the chairman and the co-chair- man, in. charge of the arrange- ments. F'riday of this week wil be Ladies' Golf day,, and a special luncheon will be served. Prizes are to be awarded for second nd fA *U Mi-Summr Benefif Is For Woman's Symphony Shawneeý Country club will be the setting for a large bridge and tea on August 9, given to benefit the Woman's Symphony orchestra, with Mrs. Edward M. Whiting as host- ess. A. C. l'y«o v~~r. ing outside on e e or ýver. Lç.new. floôr..