Comida. won its first league gaflie since its, late entrance into the league by defeatihg Theý Village Chevrolets by thé score of 74. Thé River.Inn team emerged victorious in a see-saw affair with the Crosse & Blackwell teamn. Neither. ofth teams were playing ýthe brand o .f '1 bail we have been witnessing on the Village Green ta date and either teamh mighthave won. The River Inn's appeared thankcful in their .13- 12 victory. Teamn standings as of July .21 are as.follows:- Casa Lama ................ 6 Lynam's Sinclair........ 6 River Inn................. 6 pandas 4 Ed. 1R1hard's Carpets... 4 lkornets.......... Ace............ crosse & Bliackweli..... Wim Yt aiors........... La Comida ................ 1 Iifimmop!d Ice Creamn Co..,. . Viflaze Chevrolet.........1 C. of.F,.............. Pet. .3m3 .333 .167 A143 .000 JUNIOR LEAGUE Only one game was piayed last week ini the Wilmette Playground & Recreation Board's Junior league due te the Wilmette Day activities on the Village Green. The Lynam's1 Fiag-ratstng ceremonyý is an important leature of every day's pro- gram, at the Wilmette playgrounds, as these embryo citizens, seen saluting Old Glory., will, testifýj. have no ore, base bail games so when the Thursday kickbaii teanm was ready to play the Village Gr'een., two oftihe Intermediate girls who had played basebaîl wanted to play on the kickball team. The teamn was victorious with a score of 19-7. The good sportsmanship 0of the pre- vious games fell down a littie at this game, but maybe everyone was out late at the Wiimette Day cele- bration. The girls like to play kick- bail very much and have two teams available most all the time. be Joseph Lee Day andi a special treat is ini store for everyone. Corne adtake - art * Cheeker Tournament A checker tournament was started during the rainy weather and David. Leach seems to walk away with.' the prize for winning the mnost garnes. SThe tournament for table tennis finalists is about over and Vattman park entries are ready for the vil- iage-wide contest. The tennis courts are open at il The Village Green senior boys shut out the Vattman boys in the playground league 5-0. Stolp won from the Village Green by forfeit and lead the league withfive wins and no defeats.' The StoIp Junior boys. also made it- fhve straight when they defeated the Vattmnan and Village Green à-5 and 9-3. The standings, July 21, are as follows: Stolp, .................... 5 village Green....... Vattman Park,...... IStolpW L Pct. 5~O1.000, Village Green ... ......... 2 3 .400o Vattman Park...........i1.5 .16 Shawnee Girls Go To Des Moines For A AU Events Three girl swimrnming. stars of the Shawnee Country club are in Des Moines, la., this week to compete in the national AAU, outdoor swim- ming and diving championships to be held July 27, 28, 29, andi 30. Coach George Eckert will accom- pany the squad. The three girls who will seek to win national honors, which wiIl have Pct. .400 LL- up A)rJuity J iearii Lyams inlir.....W L Pet.1 day--and this one proved no eie- how to play tennis. Fundamental Uorniets........5 1i .e io to the rule of the ps rdy. strokes with rp giswl-âp flusters........3 z2 .oM Mr. Eckland, Mr. Luck, Mr. Sper- taught. Dodgers .............. ý2 .4 .333 edes and Mr. Andresen had charge Goodwins ............... 1 4 .200 of the program this Friday. Games . STOLP PLAYGROIJND ______..............._0__ W were piayed, the first one being -a bahl game between boys and girls in Every week has been a bigger VATTMAN PARK which the baîl had to be batted and Thisk a Stolp. Therai ddn' stp ctiitis t tenplaced ini a big basket away Ti week marks the beginning Vattmnan park this fifth week of the out in the field before the runnerlofwith r attera theablesintc-, playground program. Mrs.,.Kamer- got ail the way around the bases wtr..ttra heal isre man had a 'snecial handicraft pro- and home. The girls won with a. tnree, lias completely dominated Midwestern swimming the past year. Ail three won Central AAU chanipionships Iast week. Miss Eckert will enter four events. On Thursday, July 27, she will swim 'in the 100-rneter free :style event and then,' on the same day, she wili compete against the country's finest divers for the 3-meter diving charn- pionship. She will. swim the 300- sons of: rof 911 lay for ,r aunt, H. Eby.