ing scenes. Radio fans. will be ti- terested to, .kniow > that Mr. Breese played the role of- Doctor Thompson in "«The 1Road of Life." Mystery, Play Playhouse -patrons wrill see a mys- tery. Play mnuch abolve the .avera ge in quality, inrtense i'straight da matic in terest with the uomedy re- lief i the capable harids of..Gloria Hopkins -and Don Hanmner, who- de- lighted packed houses m "Es Lynne" and 1 Tamning'of the, Shrew."lo Both Mr. Breese and Miss Aure- u i lius wereseen i the Playhouse pro- duction o! "Our Town," and will be remembered as the: Stage Manager -and Mrs..Gibbs, respectively. Kurth Designis SetsT The sets o! the F>iayhoise pro- ductions are designed by Henry ~Kurth and built utnder his super-, vision. Mr. Kurth is recognized as one of the outstanding young de- signers in the middle west. The Playhouse is near the sea wall ini Lake Zurich, and may be reached by Routes 12 and 22. The curtain is at 8: 40. [Se. ScoutsI By Tom Luca.s STORM L wP I Monday night o! last week the Scouts went down to Wilmette har- bor for their regular meeting only to be greeted by a rather wildFOMR SL scene. SZ There was a terrific storm blow- SIEPRCE PRICE inig straight out o! the east. As the mouth o! the .harbor faces al- 1=7 r.0x - $1 0.0 $ 7.5 most directly, east the wind and waves were causmng quite a bit of damage. The boys, with character. 4.75-5.00x 19 $ 10.30 $ 7.75 istie good nature, pitched in and aided Mr. Van Deusen, the harbor master, in tying up the boats which 5.2 5-5.50x 17 $1 3.20 $9.90 had broken loose, and maiçing fast. those that were likely to break 5.2-s5.0x 18 $1 3.70 $* loose. The entire cost o! this eve- 89 ning's experience was a tliorough'$27 wetting. 5450x] 6 $1~ $ 9.57 SEA SCOUT BASE Thi1s wee k the Scut were busily 6.00X] 6 $14,3.107 410 engaged la im~prving theazr iatbor parking spaaa and in the, nagd$29 space place a. seà chest in, whiicb tey an sorpe the niaterials tbey 7.OOX 16 $97 1.5 n 1dfo he guTmer seasQP. ging that th h~~ ave been occupie VISIT RIERE Mrs., Fred 1-1 Strayer, her daugh- # T ItI1fA OIC ter, Sally, and her sons, Fred, Jr., and Paul, o! San~ Antonlio, Texas, are houséguests this sumnmer o! Mr. B & 1 and Mrs. john W. fleuttas, 533 IRV-IN G 84 Maple avenue. Mr. Strayer wiII joift his family here in Wilmette in Au- Wilmel'te and Prairie Av. gust.