hoe..1'3 S6irIan road.,Winfletka. Funeral services were beld at the Winnetka address on Monday rnorn- ing and interment was i Daven- port, la., the borne of Mrs. Moore. In addition,-to bis widow., the for- mer Mary' Kinnavey, and his son Willfred. wiho is 14 vearsý old, Mr.. Moore is survived,_by three other ichildrIn., Nancy. 13,- Patricia, 9, and. Eric. 6.,bis, mother . Mrs. Chiarles E. Moore. wbo had been livjinErwith bin. and a sister. Mrs. Josepb Pettit, of 'Portland, Ore. Bad Played Tennis Mr. Moore succurnbed on Towerý road, in Winnetka. as be returned from a sqet of tennis.at..S.kokie Coun- try club where he héld à tennis membersbip. His son had been, tak- ing a tennis lessoni at tbe club at tbe same time. Mr. Moore. a radio script writer, bad been a lieutenant witb tbe Brit- ish air force and served two years at the front durirrg the World ýwar. .He also beld a. commission - as a captain in the United States Air Corps Reserve. Following the war, he barnstormed across the U. S. and later becarne a racing and test pilot. .ust Home From Alaska Early last week. Mr. Moore re- turned from a 6,000 mile Canadian journey, made mos tly by air, t/o tbe- town of Aklavik. near tbe Arctic ocean. This trip was made to ob- tain background and "local color.' for a radio serial be was planning to write. He was a native of Green Bay, Wis., and a gradua te of the bigb scbool there. He aise was a mem- ber of one of tbe very e a rli es t Green Bay 'Packer football teams. MRS. CHARLES HUTCHINGS Funeral services were held for Mrs.. Cbarles Hutcbings in Glen- view on Tuesday, July 11. Mrs. De succeeded by Dr. Shirley A. Hamrin, professer of education. Dr. Habne, who bas euided the suttrmr pq eion since 1910. offered bis resignation i order to devote more trne to teaching and research in economics.ý He bas been a mnem- ber of the Northwestern university faculty' since 1919. -A graduate of; the Uiiversity of Nebraska.. Harvard, and the Vi- versity of Chica go, Dr..Haline bas participated in, public life as, per- sne'officer, attached to the United .States 'Army ,during .the World war and as a memnber of a national code autbority; under the NRA.: Makes Rapid Growth He -acted, as assistant dean of tbe college of liberal arts a t Nortb- ,western university trom 1925 to 1930. His work as summer session ad- ministrator led to his election in Mrs. David S. Lasier of 1271 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, died1 Thursday rnorning; July 13, after only a few hour's illnesatthe sum- mer borne of ber son, David R. La- sier, at Minocqua, Wis. Mrs. Lasier was born in Ply- mouth, Micb., October 6, 1866, the daugbter of John T. and Elizabeth- Radcliffe. She married David S. La- sier, a native of Freeport, Ill., and a former member of the Chicago, board of trade, in 1893, and liv'ed in Edgewateruntil the faniily came to Winnetka i 1910.' Mr, Lasier died in 1918.1 During the 29 years sbe lived in Winnetka, Mrs. Lasier bad mauy community interests. An active member of the Winnetka Cngrega- tional cburch, she was at one time president ofthte Women's sec iety. Sbe helped to found tbe "Stitcb-in- Tirne" group withui the society, and tbis remained one of lier chie! Today Northwestern's session, with an enrollment of 4,600, ranks eighth ini the nation for size, belng exceeded by those o! Columbia uni- versity, New -York. u.niversity,. and the univjersities of, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas,- California, and Michigan,.. Faculty of 389 That. .tbe expansion in sizeo Nortbwestern's summersession bas been matcbed by inereasing fa<,il- ities is attested. by the tact that the faculty has been enlarged from 201 memnbers, in 1933- to 389 ii 1938. the curriculum bas been. broadened fromn 276 courges to 405,. and the number o! persons réc.eivlng de-. grees bas doubled. In 1933 the sumâmer s ession en- rolled 998 graduate students. By 1938 this figure had been raised to 2512. Training for teacbers under- went a similar expansion, witb 150 per cent more teachers enrolled in 1,38 tban ini1.93. Numerous 'Innovations Dr. Habne's administration bas sponsored a' number of innovations wbich have been adapted by other scbools. The Institute of liigher Studies in Englisb, now holding its fourth session on the campus, was ôrganized as an administrative. ex-ý periment te offer special courses of particular interest to summer ses- sion students. Suceess of the Institute idea is indicated flot only by the establish- mnit .of similar units at other scbools, but by the inauguration this year of the Institute of »emro- cracy at Northwestern university. Operated i cooperation by the social science departments, AIt s attèmpting te strengthen the demo- cratie process by intensive study o! contemporary problems under the leadersbip of acknowledged experts from ail over the country. Dlverslled Prograin -jusoui aa u tK1VF EiE5moOn. At the beginnitng of.lits summer, Vacation fromn Carleton college,, Mr. Lee- took 'a canoe trip1n Northern .Michigan, .with .four .,seboolmates. Hle. expects to be borne -for about a week before returning to Nortlitield, Mnn., te enter bisunoyart HOMEPr»ONM CANADA elwocod Mons, son of Mn. an d Mns. .HarrY W. Mons, 157. Wood stock avenue, Kennlworth, bas just returned from a two weeks' canoe trip in northern Canada. Bs for-, mner roommnate at Princeton univer- sity, Pete Gleason o! Garden City,. New York, flew here tW acéomapany. him. RETURNS PROM EAST MI'g. M. W. 'BtcTcer, 146 L.aurel avenue, netunned last week-end from a trip east. Accempanied lby Mrs. R. H. Brunkhorst of the Lake Shore Athletic club in Chicago, she spent two weeks in New York, attendig the fair and visiting several . iiends. VISITS DAUGHTEuR Mrs. H. R. Kendall, 197 Oxford noad, Kenilworth, left Wednesday ton Louisville, Ky., te visit her daugliter, Miss iLouise *Iyan, eorn a week. Miss Ryan inay accompany her' mother, when she returns, and visit for a while in Kenilworth, RAS ROUSEGUEST Mary Anne Meacham,, daugbter o! the F. David Meachams, 222 Oxford road, Kenlworth, bas as lier guest for several weeks Cynthia Tliomp- son of St. Louis, VSIT IN INDIANA H-e is surviveci vy thie lacksmith tWade, and for Lena Gonyo, and a years was established in thal Horace 'Pressl et ness on Lake ayenue west et road.