Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1939, p. 44

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. ..........175 lot ........$10 ... ..........$135.- Inc. Winn.18 133L1'N1-1te N. E. WILMETI'E - 4 BEDRMS., MDS. irm. , 1% baths. Screened din. & slp. %prchs. 011 ht. 2 car gar. Oct. lit. . .$100. HIGHLAND, PARK. NEAR LINCOLN sehool. Framne Colonial, 4 bedrms.. 2, baths, oil. ht., newly decorated. Avail. now ... .$1. .. . .. . .. . QUINLAN&TYSON', Inc. 504 Lincoln Ave. Winn 77. CHARMING ENGLISH BRICK HOUSE biltby well known architeet in ideal Winnetka location on 1 ¼ wooded acres. 4 bedrms. 41J~ baths, a lovely screen pch. 2-car gar. BAUMANN.COOIC 553- Lincoln Avenue Winneika 3450 133LTN11-te Small 4 Roomn Cottage COMPLETELY REDEC. APPLY 394 JEFFERSON AVE., GLENCOE 651. 133LTN11-Itp worth, lst of Oct. 5 rms. & bath. Newly decorated. Nr. transp. Caîl Ken- ilworth 5694 or Winnetka 3841. 133LTNl1-Itce HOUSE 'IN DESIR.ABLE EAST SIDE ]oc. Equal distance from Winn. and H. Wds. Trans., conv. to schools. 4. bdrms. 1 bath. Poss. Aug. 1 or Sept. i. Reas. Winn. 513-J. 133LTN11-ltp FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 7 1W. BRICK; 4 BDRMS., 2 BATHS. pcrch, oul. Near New Trier H. S. $95. Winnetka 269. 1332TN11-11<. 576 LINCOLN AVE., WINNETK& Excellent. location for photographer. men's furnishings, Igdies'.wear, etc. McGUIRE, & ORR, Ine. 530 Davis, St., Evanston Wlimette 22 14OLTN11-ltc 147 FOR SALg-HOUSES TRUE 1BLUE 'VALUE HUBBARD WOODS 1000 Vernon, Winnetka INSPECTION INVITED> EVERY DAY-7 TOý 9 P.M. 7 rms. 4 bdrms.-3i à baths-2 car att. gar. Modern PEnglish Tudor-Rough brick Lot 75x60m:-near school and trains Fenced in yard and garden-wooded. Buy now instead of this Fal Because this home, is best, of, al And 'Twill. add to life many a smnile For a home of your own is',wýorth while. DON'T MISS THIS EAST WINTKA 85 ABBOTTSFORD RD. Brick-8 rins. 5 brms.-4 baths-2 car att. Lot-75x150; 'Beautiful trees. garden1 English Architecture. well constructedl lst Floor: Guest room or den and bath sun rm. scr: pch. canvased 2nd Floor: 3 mâster brms. and 2 master baths, dressing rooni. M«aid's room and bath ini English bsmnt. Heat: 011 B&G system. 2 car att. and htoi. garage wvith sun deck above-insulated. PRICE $21,900.00 W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 51~7 Davis Street, Evanston Ho]. 6886 Uni. 6886 Wil. 1660 147LTN11-1tc, FOIR JUST HALF ITS ORIGINAL COST ,we are offering an aristocratie, charm- ing English brick housenear the Skokie Club-Seven large, light rooms and, a cool screened terra.ce porch that opens from living -and diming rooms,: modern kitchen with loads of cupboard and pantry space.. 4 large bedrmns., 3%2 tie baths,' attached 2 car garage. The.lot is 73xl72 with lux- uriant: honeysuckles and pines. The Ihouse is: in such r ice condition you can Imove right in. We know of nothing to Icompare wuth it for value for your mnoney. $18,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 584 Lincoln Av e.. Winn. 117 147LTN11-ltc ONE F.OR THE MONEY East Wilmette - White Claàpboard, 4 bedrms., 2 baths. br. rmn. 75 ft. lot. A knockout at $12.500. Large llght rooms. F.H.T- A ferms TWO TO SHOW. S. E. Winnetka - 7 Room bouse. ofi heat, 2 car gar. near New Trier. $10,- 500. Terrnis to suit. Wînn.- 3250 Rogers Parke 1302 147LTN11-tc SKOKIE HEIGHTS ONE 0F THE FINEST HOMES in Glencoe. Beautlftllly designed English residence. 9 roonis. 3 baths. Many unusual features. No expense was spared. Garden with s<ereened ,summe. houe pool,. etc.'Ovnerî willingý to dis- regard original investment and selI at- great loss. MeGUTRE & ORR, meC. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evaniston Wlmette -228, 716 Vernon Ave.,- Glencoe Glencoe 13 147]LTN1l-ltc MODERN QEORGIAN., REALLY LOVE. ly ston--e bouse with Ludovicci tile roof. Brand new. Superb .construction by. building engineer. The men wl appreciate this and.'the womnen wîll iove the exquisite detail. 4 spaclous bedrmns., 2 pastel tile baths and completo lava- tory. Pécky cypress book room. Strea m.- lined kitchen. Parquet floors. lovely papers. Open for inspýection if you go w't h one of our representatives. Don't. akus for address. Let us take you through. In block of new homes in Wil- mette. Cail MRS. FULYLELR & WM. PICICARD. Irnx Winn. 3603. 147LTN11-ltc 362 OAKLAND DRIVE EAST RAVINIA Open Sunday 2 to, 5 P. m. We~st vVinetk-a-6 Room Bungalow on INE MODERN BRICK RESIDENCÊ large wooded lot. A buy, at$7.5W0,'4 Bedrm's., 2 tile baths. att. gar., cil: $1,000 cash. Bal. like rent. Cail Mr. heat,, lovely porch. *$16 '500, reas. terms, Daîly for appointments.. near school and trans. FRANKLIN R ALTYblocks west of Sheridan Rd cor. FRAN LINR ALT AshandPlace. See it Sunday. 1569 Shermnan Ave., Evanston. Univ. 7777 FR N LN EA T 147LTNll-1tc R N LNR A T Sunst RdgeSecion 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Univ. 7777 We have iust isteîi the P ERwFwECw T Tr 'r 'r "T XYr . I t, I -%C Attractive colonial porch. 2 baths, heat. Near schooI. a mo., f urn.. for1 Frances 614 Willow Road' 13 bdrms., heated slp. , heated sun rm., o011 Is, lake & transp., $100. ior 2 years. J.. Winscott Wmnnetka 1267 134LTNII-itec MOn TlE- MONTH O0F AUGUST ONLY,- attractivel yý furnished 2 story residence 6 rooms, 2 baths. ýfine norch. Kenul- RýST SI ..Scoop." It:s 2-story, Frerý 6 roons. 2"2 fa*st nook. kr room. beai roomT. In ar new homes the mostex. TT¶TT ERVED- THRILL YOU, hing for a home .scover a bouse rm and beauty NRT & GOLEE hite brick, fIli 'ovincial type of d baths. bre-ak- bath an a prchonte2ndflor. ai'd Pce 17.500-Terrms room anid bath on Ist 'floor. Extra lava- I SHIORE-TOWNS REALTY toryv. Screened terrace pôrch. 2 car att.CO ORTN garage. $26.000. Corne in the office for 10 CicagoAeNEnto address. No information on this can ie W 1.608 Gre. 2700Av Rog.,Pk. 6636 given over the phone. Wi4 68LTGre 2701Ôg ltc 63 QUINLAN & TYSON, meI- 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn., 177 5 Bedrms., 312 Tle, Baths 147LTN1 1- tc S17,500 532 KENILWORTII AVE. CHARMINGLY DESIGNED OW NE R ALMOST N E W WHITE WASHED buîlt brick house. Large living rm., a bric'k WFrenc'h hoe e.è Pp.vh 7cool sereen,, ph. over1nnkinR a oelvn~ ai. Fr.Lice ad him~ ijoy., T [LMErrE., F1 147LTN1.*ltcý GR~EAT LOVELY OLI wooded wli netka. $21,00( Cost ow-ner oc t..L Wilmette 3740 147LTNl.Itlt AVP .5 roorns and 6 rooms, I%~ 7 rooms. 1 8rooms,3 ELMER E. Winn. 3 WA>NT sit0 4 114 IC05 si .ir

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