Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1939, p. 43

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Deudine or Insertioom--"P">advertluernei2tswiflb. c Dodln 9cPt0 't edY 9P .for WIL~1T LFE or ail three pýapers*,. Wednesda 9 P.M. for WINflETK& TALK an Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENXCOE'NEWZS. Telephones: Wlzmette 4M0. Wlnnetka 2000, (Wînnetka 50 after 6. P. M.> ýGreenleaf 4300) or Shel- drake l216-1217. 90 mSITUATioNS WANTED-NEN GENEXIAL MANAGER: COMPREHEN- sive experience i administration of, corporate affairs gives this man. very broad understandlng of economics, bui- ness conditions and practices and their application. in fields of ,finance,- manu- facturirig, sales. advertising.. Impres- sive record;-.analytical mid; opr ates . readily with* others. Ready to take full respensibility, for success of any am- bitious concern. MEN OVER FORTY' CLUB, 41 North Canal St., REFER TO NO. 36. 95LTNIltp EXP. GARDENE R WISHES PERM. pos. or wili care for gardens and lawns by the hour. Good worker. Wili do any klçnd of work. WValter, Winn. 313. MtCHANICAL ENGINEER; (LI- censed) Specialist in design, manufac- ture and sales of mechanical refrîgera- tion equipment and accessories - bath as, manufacturing of refrigerating units. valves, controis, heat exehangers, com- pressors, etc., or with maker of small mechanical equipment, such as hoists,, sprayers, etc. MEN OVER FORTY' CLUB, 41 North Canal St., Chicago. RE- FER TO NO. .43. 95LTN11-ltp EXPERIENCED MAN' WISHES Gard.ening and Housewoirk by day or hour. Winnetka 1739 951,4-ltp CHAUFFEUR, HOUSE & YARD MAN. 15 years as auto service m'an' & mei- chanic. 10 years on 1 job. Good refers. Write Post Office Box 21, Wilmette. 95LTN11-ltp EXPERTr GARD)ENER WANTS WORK by hour or contract. North Shore ref- erences. Cail Wlmette 3073. 9L'1-t HANDY MAN Work by day or hour. Caîl Floyd. :,Wilmnette 3028 .HIELP WANtaED.-WoMElN GIRLS-WANTED--GIUI.S 2 cooks, $18-$20,;.4 generals, $1-$20; 10 g enerals, $15; "5 generals, $12; 4. sec- ond. mnald, $15; 5 nurse. maids, $15-$18; chamber maids. $15; jobs for 1inexeri- ence, $$$10;16 couples wtd., $10-150; 3couples, inexp.-$75. WE.COVER TH NORTH SHORE. SHORLINE ZMPLOYMENT'AGENCY 74KIEM -St. .Winnietka 97LTN11-ltc Domes tic Help With Good Ref s. LINDGREN EMPL. AGCY. WMNÉlCA Y64l 799 ELM ST 97LTN1-tfe WANTED GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK. One wvith experience in Ad taking pre- ferred. Must know how ta use type. writer and have some. knowiecjge, of bookkeeping. Write givlng full particu- lars. B 228, Box 60, Wilrnette, Ill. ________________97LTN11-ltp CALL US GIRLS FOR EXCELLENT PLACEMENTS PAULINE'S EMPLYT. AGCIES. 421 4th St. Wilmette 2171 97LTN11,1tc BRIGHT AND NEAT WHITE GIRL, 20 --35 yrs. wlth exper. Local refs. For genera1 iisework. Plain cooking. In new hse. 1 blo. to trans. 2 adults. 1 chilci. Must like children. Own room. No heavy laundry. $10'. Kenil. 5610. 9'YLTN11ltp Exp.Wanted Ex.Beauty Operator WINNETKA 772 Experiencedonly. Those that can handie the good Jobs at »F. good pay. Several openlogu. SHORLINE EMPL. AGCY. al 746.Elm St,, Wlnnetka: ODLT11-ltcL .GIRLS AND> COUPLES 1 Good Pa'Yzng Jobs open. nowM Apply in person only., Carlson's Empi. Agency,' 818 Elm st. Winn. 1175 ci 009LTN111tc n SACRI FICE PONTIAC -TOWN SEDAN. $200 CASH. Perfect cond., Private part. Winn. X 1063. 105L11-ltp r, 1939 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN. 1Neyer used. Cost over $800, seil for- $650. Can lbe seen at Heinz Motor Co., Niles Center, 111. IO5LTNll-ltp C 190 B UICK VICTORIA COUE. RI ning condition. $30. 1278 Scott avene, % Winnetka. 105LTN11-It 106 WTrD. TO BUY-AUTOMOBILES LET US SELL YOUR CAR FOR Y(OU Pure Oil Station 4th & Linden Wilmette 551. e 106LTN9-4tp 111 MOTQRCYCLES HARLEY DAVIDSON, DE LUXE 1937 motorcycle model 74; fully equipped, excellent condition. Priced low. Phone Glenview 106-M. 111L1-ltp 118 BOAT$ & OUTBOANtO MOTORIS FOR RENT-OUTBOARD FISHING MO- tors a t $1.00 per day. Pavlik Brsa Kenilworth 5672. I1LN.t 10 FOOT KAYAK. SAIL AND COMPLETE equipment. In good condition. Orig. 1 price $65, seli for' $20. Wilniette 350. 113LT-Nl-tp 1 16 FOR REJIT-ROOMS t COMFORTABLE FRONT ROOM. CON-a venient to bath; Private east sidee home, -1 block to transportation. Rea-r sonable. Phone Wilmette 2475.d 1161.TN11-ltp OCELY FUlNISHeD 1100h! SuIT- able for 1 or.2. Meals If destred. Gar- kgO avallable. Near transp.- Ph. WOI- nette 2503. 1GT1.t ýARGE, ROOM, CANBE.USED AS single or-double. Convenlent te bath . , 154 Lake Ave.,, near transp. ph. Wil- nette 2255, 11LT I1-ltp rICELY FURNISED IROOM, AS smnaller roomn; conivenient east side 1o- cation. Garage if desired. Phône wil. mette 166. I16LýTN11-ltp 17 WANTED TO RENT-ROOS COUPLE-WISHES TO REN T (OR Ex- change some 1 services for) room or garage, apt. -11111 rd., viclnity'. No ehild- ren. :Reliable, quiet. Excelilent N4. S. refs. Winnetka M002. 117LTN11-ltp 19 FOR REINT-LerT. HSKPGi. ROOI4S COMFORTABLE' HOUSEKEEp- wàté. Cntrl eat lcaton.Wilniette 2484, 119LTN11i.tp FURNISHED IGHT 1H0USEKEEPING rOOM for rent. Near transportation. W.iimette 4503. 119LTN11-1te .JGHT HO'USEJCEEPING ROOMS SUI- able for couple. Garage avallable. Csll evenlngs. Wilmette 3670. 11fJLTN1I-îtp 128 FOR RENT-ApARIMENTB . 925-931 Forest Ave. Evanston 4 rms. $57.50-5 rnis. $75-80 INSPECT THESE ATTRACTIVE WÉLL loeated apartments today. Near lake and tranmp. and school . See representa. ive on the premises. BAIRD & WARNER 522 DAVIS ST. GRÉ. 1855 128LTN11-1te, DELTJXE 4 RM. APT. WITH 5 Rh!. efficiency; across the front of an 'en- tire wing. Att. liv. &'din. rms. with I-. a-dor Bedrm. takes twin beds: tile bath, etc. New Magie Chef stove &, G.E., refrlg. AIl outside rms. Beautiful Lin- den Crest Bldg. KROLL AND SMrM 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 500 r ! .-

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