These Kenilworth boys flnd sailing a thrUliing sport at Kooch-Chj#g Vance's,North Countr-y camp.. Rectchng left to right: Orvile WacZTCYCIl Larrg, Jarchowv,,jack Beglen, Paule Schulze III, Roger. Anderson, Robi- ert Ellis, andZ Carl Parker, counselor. With several hundred square. miles York on July .15, JuIy 29 and Augusi of water on which .to. tack. and:corne 12, h Roma, the largest 'Ship tc about with ease, saifing is becoming cruisee m the St. Lawrence this sea- încreasingly p o p u 1 a r, at- Camp son, will dock beneath Quebec's tow- Kooch-i-Ching, International FPails, Jering clijfs and her passengers wil Minn. The camp, on Rainv Lak c) nin, .. - - --' - - - ices are available without cost L I or any, ther obligation. DI READ THE WANT -- ------- ÀDS c