preuAiiKIb UDy sDoi..AL 11 Ive ns1 aa1he irt al o th glargr two seconds in an amazing exhibi- Th is ato h aaporm I~tion of competitive ability. The1 Wil- will be devoted to excerpts from. mette ace set two new mieet records Rlichard. Wagner's great works - by negotiating the 100-meter free «Lhnrn,«Tnhasr n stylein 1: 10.3 and clieping- the 200- "Die lMeistrigr" Teson metr mrk o 240.. Se asohaif presents excerpts from, Rich- earned. firsts in. the 400-mneter free ard Strauss' "'Der Rosenkavalier, styeth srigbar fnc dvigincludiigý the brilliant trio in Adt 3. and the 300-meter medley, whichOtSadU Arit consiats of' a backstroke, . brea st- AUl artisti are preemninent in the J stroke and free style combination. operatic Worid -Grete 'Stueckgold, Altoug Mis Ekèr's erfrm-Eyvmng Lahoilm, Susanne Fisher, and AlthughMiss Eker's erfrm-Suza nne Sten. ancedommtedthe eet Shanee Prima donna of the, Metropolitan coach, George Eckert, ,was .elated Oeaadotnacamdi e ove th exellntshoingo! heappearances, withi the. Chicago City; other three fmie point winners, and especially. the brilliant work of OprGeeSucgl as sumg under the, batons of the greatest 13-earol Los enzl, neo! heconductors in. America and in most promising youngsters in the Europe. natinalaqutic cen. - Eyvlnd Lahôlm, who was born Ed- Lois, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. win Johnson in Eau Claire,. Wis., is a A. W. Wenzel, took first place in tenor whose opera debut in Chicago the1 4*4eter backstrsl.. ad -st a ~two Ieasons aga was uttadi new Central AAU record -for the Re has sung ini ail the music capi- event with her time of 1: 25.3 She tais of Europe and is established as garnered seven additional points for a ieading interpreter of Wagnerian the Shawnee team total by finishing roies. Last year he sang in an ail- second i the grueiing 300-meter Wagner program with Kirsten Fiag- rnedley, and taking two third places stad in a presentation of the New in the 200-meter breast stroke and York Philharmonic-Symphony Which the 200-meter free style.1 was one of the great musical events Shawnee's point winners were of the New York season. rounded out by Dorothy Schiller, Fained for Lyric Rolès for.mer fllyrmnilstar, who .took thej Susanne Fishe~r. snnranoof the~ suasanne, Fisher Pauline'Paimer Art. Wc'rks Exh ibitedý at Gairing Galleries All àvài1iable paintings outside of the Art Institute, by the late Paul- ie Palmer of Chicago, are now on exhibition at the Gairing Art gai- leries, 563 Lincoln avenue, Win- netka, and 1729 Sherman avenue, Evanston. rhey wili be on display during July, August and Septem-, ber. C. J. Bulliet, art critie of the Chicago Daiiy News wrote: avenue, Wulmeue; Jennie .Boomer, 412 Wainut street, Winnetka; Mar- jorie Brown, 420 Sunset road, Win- netka; Mrs., Thomas J.Bull, 834 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe; Mrs.ý Gayiord J. Case, 1 126 Michigan ave- nue,, Wilmette; Mrs. Edgar Criily, 375 Sheridan road, Winnetka; C. ýL. Darling, 1538 Highland avenue,: Wil-, mette,;, Marjorie Day,' 504 FPi f t h street, Wiimette; Bertha DeHaye,. 1510 Lake avenue,. Wlmette; Nancy Deianey, 834 Valley road, Giencoe;, Betty 'Doyle, 1035 Starr road, Win- netka;. Mrs. George T. French, 233 Essex road, Winnetka; Isabel Gillespie23 Essex road, Winnètka;,Mrs. Louise C.. Goss, 503 Longwood drive, Glen- coe; Mrs. S. B. Groves, 1223 Wil- mette avenue, Wiimette; Mrs. N. me.te; na, 952 Sprnish court, Wil- mete; rs.WiliamS.Hay, 645 Sheridan road, Winnetka; Mrs. F. H. Hollister, 914 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette; Mrs. Walter Hughes, 830 Grove street, Glencoe; Willard Jar- chow, 1700 Forest avenue, Wiimette, Mrs. W. Katz, 510 Washington ave- nue, Wlmette; Lorraine Kirtland, 1000 Michigan avenue, Wilmette; Mrs. R. J. Koch, 325 White Oak lané, Winnetka; Mary F r a n c e. s Laughhead, 496 Oakdale a v e n u e, &ëe ana -meter Virginia Fitzgerald, i1-year old daughter o! Dr. George M. Fitzger- aid, added to the laureis she has aiready captured in her youthful diving career by winning fourth place in the fancy diving event. Canadian Tenor to A newcomer to American music, the youthfql mezzo-soprano Suzanne Sten has scored mapiy triumphs in Europe. Rer debut was made with the Saarbruecken Opera, which was followed by a number of appear- ances with the company as well as with the opera companies in Breslau and Prague.. Dinner Dance to Aid Rosa Bounheur enjoyed in Paris in Melvin, 65~4 Ash the second empire.. Mrs. Palmer's Mrs. Charles MelW medals and honors consume inches road, Wilmette; Él of agate type in the various «"Who's Kissofl, 490 Hawtl Who's," general. and artistic. lier netka; portraits, mostly of chiidren, but Lin .Ne many of women and a few of men, nue lnco. e M adorn a multitude o! homes. She 710 Longwood ave was a best seller *when art was I-. Ravenscroft,( being bought, before the depres- Glencoe; Mrs. M. sion, and laridscapes were among Hogarth lane, Gh the purchases as well as commis- Rice, 1007 Thirtei street, Winnetka, voin, 1025 Sheridan /rs. Robert W. Mc- Ithorne lane, Win- èes, 461 South, ave- s. George J. Pope, ,nue, Glencoe; E.' 677 Valley. road, 9.. lReutnr. 10 and lJa oeL -, n Tuesday,"