wished, 18 ieing accompuanhec at what seems to the writer consider- able hazard to ail concerned. According. to your issue of July 13, the governor has approved en- abling legisiation that would permit Wilmette or KeniIworth, -by action of the respective. village boards, to annex this unincorporated strip of territory. The dangers this. action involves, and the, unfortunate. precedent-e-it- sets, wouid seem. far to outweigh the temporary, advaritages. First, annexation of anytract of !and without any. kind. of a, vote or referenidum or consent ýo! he -own- ers or Inhabitants, is a negation of a very oid democratic principie. The fact that the village of Wiimette wili be able to impose its taxes up;- on the property. owners and. its li- cense (and other) fees upon the residents before those people have a chance to vote for the taxing of- ficiais in the election of April, 1941, comes n ear to being taxation With- out representation. wages A saiary of one.executive, regard- iess of.his abiiity,.that would equai three salaries of.-worthy men strug-. gllng for existence becomes, not phiianthropy but graft.-M. E. - MICHIGAN VACATION Mrs.. John W. Ladd, 257 Wood- stock. avenue, Kenilworth, and her daughter, Jean, ieft the flrst of June for Muilet Lake, Mich., andmwil be there until the rniddie o! Septem- ber., Mr. Ladd, who makes frequent trips back, and forth, is with thern. at present. rar aa IAwAAAe5A a LIieuntinwiti a brightiy fiowered tule as its back- ground. .Jars o! plants decorate the courtyard, and pianting of tropical varieties forms its border. Bill and Frank Carroll, sons of Mr. and Mrs. William V. Carroll, Jr.., 1550 Tower road, Hubbard Woods, left yesterday (Wednesday) for. a six-week stay--at-Camp Doug- las Smith,- near Ludington,- Mièh. Their sisters, Gloria and Ainin, will leave next Wednesday: to spend. a mônth at Camp Osoha on Trout Lake iinorthern Wisconsin. FOURTH TO BEAU FAMILY NAYM A son,. the fourth of, his family to bear his name, John OsgoodPak er, was born Juiy 13, at the lEvans- ton hospital to M*r. and. Mrs. John Osgood Parker of .Wmnnetka., The baby is the second- grandson 0of Mr., and Mdrs. Alfred P., Brown: of 439 Mapie -avenue, :wlth whotn. Mr. and Mrs, Parker ive.. 1r. .and lMu.o L. A.. Parker of Gull Lake, Midi., arrived Tuesday to stay over, the w eekt-end: at the Brown 'home, hav-. Ing corne to see thé baby, w*hoéM their first grandchild., WJE IOL T'SEvanstonl wi L - ][aviasst. Shop Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 9p.un. Saturday from 9:30, to 6>