so mucn as question the placing of a, comma in .a White House bill, these two measures wouId undoubt- edly, have been "must" legisiation and. enacted without delay.. Today they are meeting with stAff opposi- The opposition to these two par- ticular bis as desired by the Pres- ident is strengthened by the, fact, that around this tizne of the -year Congress g e t s . anxious to "go4 home." A " motion to postpone con- sideration"' h a s supporting votes that a. i"motion to reject or -report adverseiy" would probably pot ob-ý tain. It s significant that the.12-11 vote in, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations was not. on the Neutrality Bil itself but rather for postponement of its consideration at this session. No doubt the vote was arso iifuenèed by the- fàct *th t at ieast 35, Senators, under the leader- ship of Senator Hiram Johnson, of California, and Senator William E. Boaof Idaho, had joined in a statement of persistent opposition to the mea sure should t reach the floor. That ciearly indicated a fili- butrthreatened, and a Congress anxious to "go home" would be in- ciined to favor postponement rather than sit throiugh days of spei'ch- making. Wby the Delay? Suely the Administration leade rs reaiized that the Neutrality Bill had strôflg opposition in Congress. It s thus hard to understand why, as a matter of legisiative strategy, they waited so iate in the session before having t formaliy before the House and the Senate. Experience shows that Congress invariabiy gets rest-, lesà and out of control after six mnontbs. It may be that the formai. consideration of the Neutrality Bill was deliberatèly delayed until after the King and Queen of Great Britain had made their visit to our shores of us, concerned as to the Presi- dent's foreign poli cy, feel t nmight be well to remain on the job., The President insists that the 'Neutrality Bil a &ncd Spending-lending Bill shouid be passed.. Perhaps there w il1i be comprom ises*. Perhaps there will be concessions.« Perhaps there- will be. promises to get votes. There are, too many "i-ts" for ý,any- one to. prediet when Congress will adjourn. MUSEUx-,TOURS On Thursday, Juiy 27, two gener- ai tours of outstanding1 anthro. pological, botanical, geologicai,. and zoologicai exhibits% at Field Mu- seum. of Natural History wili be presented for the general public, one at il a.m, -and-oine at 3 p.m. On~ Fida-y m -atf- tboeewili be a tour covering "Minerais and Prehistorie Life"; on Monday morning, "Plant Life"; Tuesday, "Primitive and Civilized. Peoples"; and W ednesday, "Animal Groups." Each afternoon, except Saturday and Sunday, at 3, o'clock, generai tours wiil be given. These tours are open to ail museum visitors. Par- ties assemble. inside the north en- trance of the museum. VISITS SISTÉER Miss Virginia iIays, daugbter of Mr. anid Mrs. Clyde T. Eays, 519 Laurel avenue, left this week for Washington, D. C., where she wiii be a houseguest for a fortnight at the home of ber sister, Mrs. Alan Ferguson, the former Miss Mary Louise Hays. Upon returning from Washington, Miss Virginia Hays will bring her small niece, Margay Fer- guson, west with her, to stay with her grandparents until the arrivai in Wilmette of the Fergusons about the middle of August. by, GEORGEI Probably D'ô othar pooçin tale their vacations as serouuly and as stremuoetsly as we Americana. Witb a wbole camtl- pet o ou vr ~ywtbSt. buafl of pmsspor t iAt no wooder that we 1110 Up mileage totale that look 11ke slivers off the national debt. There are two cuinary advantafe. to travel. Onee ta that witb Iuck you gnay run acrossemome realiy good eat- img and bring back a few new ideas for stepping up the domestic clie The other Wathat no matter wbether you have basai feeding at the top-notcbere or the one-amani enroiat. your ovrncooking ta uoing to, taste pretty sweet when yoe bock hompe again.- Fond Comuat Wlhoo & C4. A pleasipg varlety of flavors,9 colora and textues. Chilithe imeats wel before opening, Cut. thin wtth a sharp knife, -and arrange tastefuily in. overlapping slUces. Garnish . i4th spiced ý crab- app espikled baby beets, tiny water re8. -ULM jIUpQCO u Cauua. A99ORM mC" Mar LT Ma Hoir PorAT ro AL OSfasMIi4oCAaaUM HoT Baus uM OaUzm ftnPERS" UCLN imEIEI aENCOe*hMME 1 jar WilslaosCetified Cb5*b.Bot 1 tablospon platine Scup cold wator Salt and napper Soalk gelatine 5 minutes in c.ld water. add, bot brotb mandsoamn.Pour Ato miold #vhicb has boom rlmsed in cold water. ChilL <(Jnmold, beat eIIgt- ly and srve at once in cold bouillo cups. witba w*edge oflemonm WILSON S- E C.