Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1939, p. 8

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EST1y Service ........-8:3o a.m. Clnarch School .............. 9.45 a.m. Second Service ..........Il a.m. The nwSlc for the services of worship next Sunday morning is as foliows: Prelude-Album Leaf.......... Kierulf Quartette-St ill, st ili wlth Thee .................. Thickstun Mrs. J. H. Hopp. Margaret Johnston, Jerome Nevins, 'Frank Dorband , Solo-The Twenty-Third Psalm-. Malotte otle-Margaret Johnston Marcia Renlgoso ý.... Horatio Parker Victoria MeLeod-.-Minjstry of Music The Church sehool wlll conve ne througbout the suxnmer ,m onths on Sun- day morning. at 9:3ô0'cloCk. There are classes for all., We invite you to .attend Our Church sehool. dur two. servies eacüh Sunday morn. ing are for your convenience. Worshîp regfularly during the summer months. Long Lake Summer sehool -July 16 to 22. A week of intensive and inspiring training and recreation for, church, workers. Luther league ràlly and opening of Long Lake Surmner school - Sunday' ~afterweoon, Jfly 16, at 4 i. . Theflev. IF, Eppling Reinartz of Philadelphia wivl speak. At the evening service at 8 p.rn. thc Rev. WendeI S. Dysinger, D. D., of 'Thiel. coliege will, be the speaker. On Thursdày, JUly 20. the women ýof the church are planning to attend the sessions of the Long Lake Summnner school. Reservations are to be made with Mrs. Lightner. Cars will leave her home at 7:,30 a. m,. Attend church every Sunday - our two services are for your convenience. Services Sunday, July,16, wiIl be Holy Communion at 8 A. M.; Morning Prayer apnd Sermon at Il A. M. Members of the Womnen's Gulld-W'ill ineet for sewing at the residence of Mrs. H. V. Green, 1600 Highland *ave- nue, each Thursday in July at 10:30 A.M. The .Rev. Chandler W. Sterling, as- sistant at St. Augustine's, .and Mrs. Ster- ling are spending three weeks at Dixori, 11., Mfr. Sterllng'.s home, where he is in charge of the tarish, durihg the rec- tor's absence on vacation. are coaat t..iAfnuvtecu. St. .John's Lutheran Wilmeètte and Park avenues J. H. Gocekel, pastor SERVICES 9:15 a.m.--Fîrst service. 9:30 a.n.-Sunday school. il a.m.-Second service. Next Sundaywe have our monthiy question.box service in which the ser- mon .answers-a number of questions about the Bible itseif or about Christian faith and life. These'questionsý are sub- mitted in advance bymembers.of the churchand by others. The story of some one's favorite hyrnn is also related dur- ing the course of',the service. You willl flnid this, service unusually Interesting and instructive. The order of service will incluide the following: Preiude-.Fugue in F Minor .. .... .Bach Solo-"The Lord Rosa 1lie 'Car'lenii.. Offertory-Adagio fromn The Sermion-Based on questions asked by members' and by others. Postlude-March Celebre .... Laclhner Also the surnmer sea son is a time to "enter into Hi s courts thanksgiving and into His courts praise." Methodist Chu rcit Wilrnette avenue at Lake avenue Erskine M. Jeffords,. minister good with with The Woman's Year.Book goes 'o Press very. soon. Any changes in Phone num- bers or addresses should be given to the church office limmediately.- Holy Comrter <Episcopal) Keniilworth avenue andWarwick road' Rev. Leland H.'Dantorth, rectôr 9 A.M.-Musjc from Mémorial Singing Tower, 9:30 A.M.-Holy. Communion. Brief sermon by the Rev. A. H. Forster. During the rector's summer, holiday; the Rev. Mr. Porster (815 Ridge terrace, Evanstonl, Gre. 32141 will be on*eall, ln case of emergency. He will take over the ser*vice at 9:30, A.M. every Sundav iln JuIy> the 1I, o'clock. service being'omitted' on the summer schedule. MEMORIAL STPNGING TOWER PROGRAM Sunday, JIuly 16, 4 to fi Doxology Oh Mother Dear Jerusalem Faîth of Our Fathers Sarabande .....................Handel Andante Cantabile ........ Tschaikowsky *What a Friend We Have ln Jesus At Dawning ................... Cadman The Belis of St. Mary's Andantino............... Cesar Franck qong of Lidia ........ Rimsky Korsakow The Lost Chord ......... Sullivan Softlv Nov the Light ofDa-, This concert is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Patil Schultze, Jr., and Mr. and.Mrs. Frank W. Ketcham. The mnistr wil - Iirst fionzregational Th mnite wllbe ini the pulpit Sun-. Lake and Wiln-itte avenues day morning, July 16, and will, preach Dr1onG idemnse on the theme, "Earth's Epic." Miss D. onG idemnse May Strong will be the soloist at this iSidv uy1,a11AM->onsm sevc.Teseilmsc sarranged Sna.Jl 1.ailAM.uinsm servce.Thespeialmusc,.asier wýorýship ýin the Baptist church. Ser-- by Miss Marie Briel, organist.dîrector, mion themne Changîng Lights"; soloist: w~ill be as follows: Organ (10:50): Dr. Shank. '"Rhsyredr" .% Vagha Wilias Honors are even in the race as to * "hosmede" .. Vughn Wllimswhich outnumbers-the host church or "Andante Cantabile" . Tschaikowskytegetcuc.T aeec a 0i (String Quartet) 'ky the gutcu. T aeec a o Solo: "Let the Wse, Man Gloryonhecut Not in His Wisdom"-.-...... Roge.rs These commnunity services are designed May A. Strong. in summier length and style and 'the joint Organ Offertory: congre-oation seenis to be very happy "Ave Maria" .............Scuetaothewl hig Organ Postlude:..Shuetaottewoehlg "St. Anne's Fugue"........... Bach A high proportion of summer visitors corne to this service and you are Jnvitî'd Çhildren will be cared for in the nur- to hring your guests for an upllftlnoe and Dr. Hndley is. in residlence for the month and is free to rçspond' where the services of. a pastor are in demnand. Flower Arrangement Is ,subject o Books.. av Anna L. Whitmack jKnowing how to -arran .ge flowers beautifully bas always been a fIem- mine . accomplishment. And, n o t kniowing hoïwbas caused chagrin ini many. a heart. InJapan. it is taken seriously and. girls *have classes and instructors, as well as books to teaich themthe theories of flower arrangement. But it isn't necessary to go to Japari or suffer chagrin. The Wi- mette publie library has the foliow- ing volumes that will instruct the amateur and aid the professional: Averil-Japanese Flower Arrangemnenti. "Deal$ first wîth. the hi st o ry and, theory of the subject, then gives ex- plicit directions for some of 'the< simpler forms of arrangement, in each ca se explaining t h e underlying reasons." Averll-Flower Art in .Tapan. Supplements the earlier book. Many illustrations. Biddle-How to Arrange Flowers. .Simple *rules for 'the arrangement of garden and hothouse floivers. Conway-Flolters: East-West. 1 A beautifully illustrated book show- ing the principles and practice of flow- er arrangement in the Occident as well as Japan for the layman and commercial florist. Hines-Arrangemnent of Flowers. Directions for flower arrangements drawn from French, Japanese and Victorian sources. Also bas plans for flower shows. Tiptôn-Fiowers for Every Occasion. A comprehensive book on flower ar.; rangements - includes churches and' festival occasions. Son and Daughter Are This chureh will have. the good for.1 tune to hear the Moderator of the Gpn. eral Asuembly of thie Presbytoelai. church, Dr. Sam Higginbottom, uncayn G. Sunday morning worship, Xuly 16 at d- 11 o'clock, conducted bv Dr. J. G. Hlnd- A Iey; sermon theme: "Changing Lights",'; ir- soloist, Dr. Shank. IV. cf- The Congregational church people are k guests for the month of JuIy and we mno is1 zdek of ecnison,, te fira: Joseph, Jr. Mrs. ormer Bessie Rose ,Wilmette avenue. J6

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