Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1939, p. 45

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WELL-PLANNED 17 rm. resid. at 1610 Washington Ave. Wilmette on a good deep wooded 75-foot lot is offered for $10,000, This truly low pricé. bas been wired us« by out-of-town owner ready t o do business at once.. Call ue for further details. and suggestions. jiokanson & Jenks, Imc. 513 Davis Street, 'Evanston.- Gre., 1617 1ILTNlO-ltc IN WOODED RAVINIA SIEVIEN ROOM BRICK COLONIAL Spacious liv. rm..' 4 bedxrms.. 2 tule baths, -o11 ht. 2-car gar., scr. porch Large lot. A- fine opportunity to buy a modern home at much less than cost. F.H.A. terms. For appt. cgIll Mr. ]Daily., FRANKLIN REALTY. 1569 Sherman Ave.. Evanston. Uni. 7777 147LtN10-ltc PARK AT LAKE AVENUE. WILMETTE GÔod 4 bdrm. house. 2 baths, h.w. lit, 2 car garage. lot 5Ox240. If sold w,%ithin 10 tYV';. S6250: 203 THIRD STREET, WILMETTE. MOD- ern 6 rmn. brick, sun room, hw.ht.. priced to sCl. See 1%r. Ch'-rke BAIRD & WARNER, Inc., 79b Elm sireet-. Wihnet.ka, Winnetka 2700 Briarea te 1855. 147LTNI-te 5 BEDRMUS.. 31, TILE BATHS S17-50 OWNER BUILT BRICK HOUSE 0F' charming .design. Lari2e living rm.. a cool screen peh. overlookine a lovel.% garden 75x210 ft. Brk. nk. Fireplace in màster bedrm. 011 beat, Do flot miss seeing this excentional value at dras- tically reduced Drice, BAI'MANNCOOIC Exclusive Agents 53Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3456. 147LTNI0.1tç OWNER JUST REDUCED lIER COM- modious bouse in East Central Wil- mette. Spacious hall, living room 15 x 30, wvth fireplace. Modern kitchen with cabinets. 4 extra large becrms.. 2 car gar. with light and water. Exquisite gar. den. Giant elms. You will want to stay on the shady porches. Can't equal this at $10.000. Open for inspection Sunday 1 to0 6. Caîl us for address or earler aopoint- ment. MRS. FULLER &, WM. PICICRD Ine. Winnetka 3603 - Uni. 7444. 147LTN10-1tc uun, cnveni Wt testore. PRICE $6,750.00 MCGtIRE & QER, Ine.. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 5m0 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080-Wil. 228 147LTNIO-ite~ 636.13RIER HILL ROAD IN BEAUTI- ful wooded secluded sectionm Just in. Lake County. Low taxes. Colonial resi- dence. 4 becdrmrs., 3'31, batha,. lot 100x400 landscaped beautifully. It's a real home located where birds, flowers make it sucb." 100% good condition. New and mod- ern. Priced to seil. Apint. 'arranged. Hi. A. Smalley.-4031 N4. Crawford. Indep. ;2575. 147L10-ltp NEW WHITE FRAME Cape Cod home, 4 rms., finished. 1%' acres on paved hwy.. $4,75"1,l250 CASH $35 PER MO.ý: TIGHE 'REALTY CO. 52à Fourth. St. Wilmette .3005. 147LTN10-ltc REDUCED TO $15,OOO Close to lake, brick Colonial, 4 Ige. bedrms. 2 tice baths. 2 Ige. porches with view of lake. Deep lot. 2-car gar. Cal1 Mrs. .Mead, Ge. 16 THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 510 Davis St. Evanston 147LTNi-tc QUICK SALE 'S. E. WINNETKA. 6 ROOM, 2 BATH, brick, gar.. wooded lot. Ideai location. i 'Available nàwv for only $9,000. -Milton E. Reid & Co. 156 Green Bay Rd. Winnctka 1492.1 147LTN10-ltp' EAST WINNIETKA, $10,500 IDEAL FOR REMODELING, OR suitable as is. Very large living rrn., 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Beautîful large lot. Scrccned porch Ground Value. HEINSEN REALTY. WINNET1KA 254. 25,30 KENILWORTH AVE. WILMETTE. New 4 bedroom brick home, 31/a baths, $21,000, TERMS For inspection sec Pavlik Rcalty, Phone Kenilworth 2016 147LTN1Oltc bui, , x!i. Agents, 584 Lincoln Ave., Wlin, 177. 2 or 4 Acres in Northfield 82 Skokie Blvd., Northfield 131LTNIO-ltp TWO ZONED LOTS FOR BliTSINEss - One corner lot 96 ft. on Winn.'Avre. by 190 Mt on RoUte 41 andi one 261 on BlvdT. Also one residential.lot 50 x 150. Win- netka 3924., 151LTN10-ltp VACANTGLENCOE, 100x»20 HOGARTH LAE. EAST -0FrSiIERI dan rd. Beautiful surroundings, large trees. Bargain If bought at once. Owner, Michael Buhai, Winýnetka 2763. 153 FOR SALE--SUMME-R COTTAGE Homne on Beautiful Lake Lge., Dutcb 'colonial. 10 ACRES. A REAL INVESTMEN. Owner, 1box 1075i EIk Rapidai, Michigan BEAUTIFUL WISCONSIN SUMMER HOME - 35 miles No. of Milwaukee, 81'2~ acres - 800 ft. sandy beach. CemçntJ$pçc< 7rm butngalow~. Lge. fireplace. 50 ft. pcb.. one scrnd. Spring water. Electr. Mrs., A. E. Philips, Port Washington, Wis. R.F.D. 1. 153LTN94tp 154 SUMMEN ESTATES___ SUMMEÈR ESTATEON FINE LARGE fisbing lake, Northern Wisconsin. Near Spooner. Buildings include large, Main cabin of. Tamarack logs. double deck boathouse with insulated living quarters upstairs. 3 car garage, 2 rm. gucat house, tool bouse. Delco pump house. Running water throughout. Enclosed dlay tennis court, badminton court, 2 Koier light systenis. Delco wiater pi' p, new Chris-craft runabout, outboard nio- tor, row boats, divlng raft, tools, furni- turc and complete equiprnient. 31, acres of ground. 500 feet of sbore 1ine with atone retaining wall. *A $55.000 invest- ment for $13.000. G. S. Schreiner, 820 N. Michigan, Chicago. Superlor 7563. 154LTN1Oltp 156 FOR RENT-SUMMER COTTAGES MODERN COTTAGE ON 'LAKE ELIZ- abeth in Twin lakes park, Wis. Sîceps 10. For rent for Aug. $115 inel. rowboat. Or for sale. Wilmette 895-Y-i. 156L1-ltp FIRST CLASS HOUSEICEEPIfG COT- tages. Frigidaires. Runnlng water; in- SALE 0F HOUSEHOL» UNDIG a t 828 Bluff St., Glenco. riday& Bat- urdaY, JUlY 14-15, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Village T;rading Pa 173 FOR SL-ICLAou 4 IRRkIGATION SPRINICLcRS., MADE by Skinner Irrigation Co.-trademark- ed 'EBig Sqýuare Snrinkler."1 suitable for, golf crue., arn. parks, municipalities. and or Ige.: estate: 2« of these'.sprinklers never used., 2 sligbtly used. 6 elee. West-, Inocouse swinine tank llghts in good condition., orisrinally -used in cireular swimmlng pool. Cheical Laboratory eouipmnt. including scales, etc. .floctor'n office ecouipmnt. lncludlng steel Instru- ment cabinet, steel glass ton tables, w1th chairs, and a complete diathermyrnysd accessorles. Write B 216 box go. Wft. 2. RUGS WITH PADS $6 EA.; PORCH set, 2 rockers and table, $10: anttaue cherry 4 poster bcd comul., $45; walnut vencer bedrm. set. Incl. comnl. bcd; chiifferobe, vanity, stool. $30, twln com-' modes~ $4 ca.: rocker. $3.50.- occas. chair 146: Encyrl. Brit. 27 vols., $2; .ourneys tbrough Bklnd., by Sylvester, 10 vols., 8:Bk. Knowledge, 18 vols.. $4; Col. lier's Nat'l. encyl., 10 vols.,.8!M: Winn. 1235. 173LTN101tp FPOR IMMEDIATE SALE OF YOUR unnecessary furniturp. hnpuPhold ef- feete and ay.t1iipi. PRONE fl#. 0199. r'IROST FIURN7TURE 6TfRE. estahllalîod 1808, wil ffivé Your 081 Pro>mut atten- tMon. for single Items or comobt 'home. 1 M*TN4fq UNDERWQOD PORT. TYQPEWRrrER. almost ncw $18. Dbl. bed, comip,. Chest of drawers. chairs. indirert lamnu. lawn ,nowcr. bookrs. 9x12 it' G-Es'i laino, draperies, Glcncoe 1574. 13LO-4tp FHALF PRICE SALE ON CLOTHING;, rcdurd-d oncve on furniture. J,,lv 13-14. VILLAGE TRADING POST 372 Hazel Ave. Glene 173LTNIOlÏp 44

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