Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1939, p. 37

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LiUII, it wl* announea this week. Arnong the citations whici tom- The object of the study is to in-. prised the lesson-sermon was the vestigate the standards of the train- following from the Bible: "T h en ing of teachers n universities and said Jesus unto his.disciples, If alny normal sehools and their subse-,iman will corne after me, let hlm quent further training in the school deny himself, and take up hjs cross, systems by. which they are employ. and follow me. For whosoever ýwill ed, it was explained. The survey j~sv i iesa oeit: and who- to begm nexé:t fail. soever will'lose his life -for mny sake Superintendents Paul J. Misner:of shalf find it" (Matthew 16:24, 25). Glencoe and j. R. Harper of Wil-1 The lesson-sermon also included mete av bendesignated as dele-'lthe following pasages from the gates from the township school ss-Chr istian S ci e n c e textbook,. ts teenda remnryc- "Scie ,nce and Heaith with Key to ference at Bennington college, Ben- the Scriptures.",by Mary.Baker Ed- nington, Vt.,, late in the sumrmàer. dY: "Are ail who eatý bread and Superintendents Carleton' W. Wash-1 drink wine in memory of J esus will- burne of Winnetka and Matthew jing truly Io drink his -cup, take his P. Gaffney of the .high school. wuîî cross, and leave ail for. the Christ- attend part of the conference. principlel. . If Christ, Truth, lhas corne to us in demonstration, no other commemoration is requisite, Surprise visit Brings for, demonstration is Immanuel, or ~Jes F'am D1au~vtp God with- us" (pp. 33, 34). Mr.. and' Mrs. J. H. Birlauf, 913 Thirteenth street, hâd a very p'leas- ant surprise hast wveek ivhen a cou- ple of German students, on théir way .to California and Colorado, stopped at the Birlauf home to de- liver personal greetings from, theirr daughter, Miss Genevieve flirlauf, who has been in Europe for two: years. She studied German in Ger- many and Switzerland, and the pastý year was studying French in Paris,. at the Alliance Francaise. She jý now at the seashore for the sun- I JD. Melutyre Suiccumbs At Golf Practice Links J. D. Mclntyre, 65, 1414 Demp- ster street, Evanston, died sudden- ly, Sunday, July 88, at 8:30 p.m., of heart failure, at the Skokie-Lake golf practice course in Wilmette, of which he was part owner. Dr. Mar- tin H. Seifert, health commissioner, was summoned and pronounced Mclntyre dead. 11248 ASH STREETý (1. block northof WilIow Rd., 1/ block eagt of Hibbard), English Design, (Illustrated) Seven rooma; 4 bedrooma . . . brafs oom 2 lte- baths .powdé t6m ..récreaton room Iwo-car allached garage. 1177 ASH STREET (1block north of WiIlow Rd., 1 block aâ- -ceob aeast of .}ibbard) ..breakfjast room...powder si.ady . .. recreation room ia% , r'anadj.rs. H-. Walter, For- Sjster. O! Philadéiphia. Mrs. Gilbert, Sign Obscures Tra/ic; whodi-ove east with Mrs. Newel Removed by Police Order t worth, will return with her next At 2:30 p.m. Sunday Police Ser- week. geant Joseph Steffens camne uponý two men erecting a sign 10x13.41 Judson Stone, 1234 Ashland ave- feet in size, on private ground at nue, who has been i11 in. the hospi- Hlibbard road and Skokie boulevard. tai since Wednesday of last weelc, The position of the sign was such as was repor ted to be imprvn h to obstruct vision at the intersec -_______________________ tion. Investigzation re'vealpg1 hat n Dr. and Mrs. Fred O'lIonnell, 2114 Lake avenue, have as their bouse guests, Miss Mary O'Donnell of Jacksonville, Ill., Dr. O,'Donnel's sister; and the Misses Miriam and Margaret Sherlock of Denver, C1lo., nieces of Mrs. O'Donnell. c»uze in, phone or wrjge AIE CONSIIMERS ~- CR1917 CORPORATION j ARCI4ITICTS CONTItACTOItS BUILDERS State Ba" cand 2Trust C.ii,. 518-26 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON UNI. 6060 4th FJoor-Orrington at Davis f9pcnaso ue1oi ur Greesueaf 82»E Utm"Reaidene c lisi'of Theirh$0,l l'il

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