M'LlIlUR SuIIIDSUITS wzth Lastez yarn NewFsinbe acln Fabrfrs for 1939 oys' Ss S 5 Styled to) outsmart the smartest on any beachi. Conifortable, twrlway elasticity. The WimeteStore1 1164 Wlimtte Ave.. FMRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCENT Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMETTIE, ILLINOIS Sunday School, Exercises-9:45 $4. jU LY 2, 1939 Subiect: GOD READING ROOM -Il133 Central Avenue Open Daily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P-M. ing his parents, M r. and Mrs. D.M., Warinner of 1105 Lakce ave- 'nue, Wilmette. He recentlii re- ceii>ed the degree of Master o' Science at the *Urdversity of Iowa and has the distinction of hcsrnng also been the onlui one to h~ave received th~e pro feésondlT de gree of Chemical Engineer at the same commencement ex'er- cises. The professional d e g r e e was awarded on work done on germanium while in the employ of the Anaconda Copper Mining company. at Great Falls, Mont. IMeet on July 7 The Suburban Area an'd County Towns Association of Chicago will hold its seventh annual meeting Fmi- day, July 'i at 8 P. M. in the muni- cipal building at Oak Park. Elmer Schnackenberg, represent- ativ.e in the legisiatume, Wull talk on .anfuuwi n. eprebui-=vtruub ciaii legitimate and attractive com- mercial center and at the saine time, patrons and visitors will.en- joy *hat every community, should provide, adequate health and safety inspection and protection. New Lack Protection "'At present,- No Man'sý Land has no municipal police, fire or health protection. Ail these will. be pro-' vidied if the district is annexed. The necessity for these facilities is too well recogni zed to' require, any further comment.. On the' other hnit. is manife.stly unwise and below modern standards not to have such protective1 features, in such . ommunities as the North Shore and, No Man's Land, where the public, including thousands of school children and students, is entertainedi in increasing numbers yearly, "Mr. Weber's bill was flot offered for the sole benefit of any small sec- lion of the North Shore. Fellowý, rep- resentatives Drennan J. Siater and Mrs. Bemnice T. Van dem Vries voted' for~ the'mneasure with fuit knowledge of its benefits to their communities. Evanston and \Vinnetka. But the wide support the measure had in the house lrom eresentatives ".The present zoning , aws of WiI- mette prohibit the village from af- fecting structures now standing in the No Man's Land area and wilI not interfere with thp present use of any structure for pumposes not in violation of other existing village. laws. Those who have examined, the question carefully are deflnitely of. the opinion that annexation wili mean better business for the area. This will mean that physical and other improvements not now justi- Next Door to Public ServiCe -mna me air inl New 'York and visit relatives in New Jersey, on Long Island, in Bennington, 'Vt., Boston and Scituate, Mass. x y i.