as Schmitz, BiJly WatrKms, BilyWwielnu, Nancy ZeBss, Robert Drew. Warren Tom- masene, r a n k Pendleton, Bradley Glass, Don Brighamn, Robert Brenneck. Barrie Bedell, Barbara Zipprodt. Nat- ale Wakeley, Clara, Wanner,> Betty Schaefer, Sue Royoe, Jane Meacham,' Florence Maurer, Patricia-,Kubiak.ý Janet FPryi Nancy Danforth, Joan Bufley, Marilyn )Wshoi>. rourth Grades Dianne AubmheaU, Tommy Babcock,ý Barbara Jeanne Branceh, Joyce. dCing- man,- Alfred !)avis, Barbara Dyer,, Mar- ion Gage,. Harriett Goodsmith, Marion Gridley, .Arabella Heberling, Beverley Jorgensen, Clella LfetMargaret Nu- veen, Thomas Rigler. John Robertson, David Rockcastle, AI- Ian Rnoss, Bfi Schangen. Suzanne Schwab, Josephine Scribner, M i11 e s Seley, Marcia' Seely, Jimmy Urice, Edith Watklns, Benny Weese, BiiIy Nil- son, Leland Barnard._ Happier vacation dans await.100 chilclren in the Mary, Crane Nursery school at Hu41 house, Chicago,, as. soon as this $12,000 cottage at Bowen Countr~y club nea r Wa'uke.gan is completed for 'their use.. The architeet, William A. Ganster, flnished the plans Last ueek, and the structure iwUl be erected in the fai for use next summer. Richard Pemnble, Mariannle. Reeder. Dawn Reynolds,. Annta Richter, Carolyn Rowe, George Sherman, Dana 'Stprch, Virgînia -Vernon, Gwain. Wiliams, Su- zanne Andersoni,, Vrginia Beaven, Nancy Chase, PhOlip draft, Laura Alice Dodd., Joe Jannotta, Larry Jarchow. Robert Johnson, Richard Minte r, Lor- etta Montonaro Toni Mforrison, Betty Munroe, Marie Powers, Catherine Scbrieber, Suzanne Sherman, J oa n Small, Mary Lucinda SmaU. Suisan Sun- kel, George Vaught, RudyVeoel e -Roger itz- Chapin E Clark,E Harriet 1 ik Bobby yAntHl Icetcham,1 Herman IJoanne' mer,. Storch, The Mary Crane league, headed by Mrs. W. Vandervort Gathany of, Ev- anston, is financmng the building fromn proceeds of its various benefit 'proj- ects. Accommodations will be. pro- vided for 25 children. at one' time., The league has a large mnembershipý in North Shore .villages. iWranglers Plan'to Crowefl, The executive council of Alpha ert Billy Delta Phi fraternity has approved ýy, Roddy the petition o! the Wranglers, local i Knight, social fraternity on the Evanston , Barbara campus, for the establishmnent of a i Loucks. chapter of Alpha Delta Phi at )ly Plum- Northwestern university this fail. Clemens Wieland. This information was received by Richmond M. Corbett, Chicago at- à,l3aveli, tornev.Who i'h la hrman tof the ex Corne.From Connecticut For Visit on North Shore 1Mrs. Charles S.ý Bisseil and- her daughter, Betsy,'. of Suffield,.,Conn.. are houseguests. of Mrs. Bissell's sister and her family, the E. Leroy Halls, 138 Winnetka avenue, Kenil- worth. Miss Emily Bisseil, Betsy's sister, ie visiting Miss Jean Riedel, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Ri.eIe, 1-018 Tenth .freet, Wilrnotte. After the Fourth of July, Mrs. Hall and her two sons, Maritn and Michael, will, go east with. the Bis- selîs to visit them in Suffield and. Mrs. Charles Fuller, mother of Mrs. Bisseil and Mrs. Hall, whose home is also in Suffield. Mr. Hall will join bis family for his vacation late in July. TO Q0Oý Eighth Grî Becker, Luc! lDry C!ooter, : i. Karen WiI- Ïncluding the- Evanst<rn chapter,. aul Clovis. Dodd, Wil- Alpha Delta Phi will nuw have 27 Holmës, Bob active chapters of which six are in mnd, Charles the following institutions o! higher aék Taft, My- iearnmng in the middle west: the 5 universities of Illinois, Michigan, Becker, Anti Wisconsin, Minnesota, Chicago, and, rerly Darling, Kenyon college, at Gambier, Ohio, a Hemrphifll, Einney, Jean Alpha Delta Phi was founded in er. 1832 at Hamilton college, Clmnton, orrson, Joan N. Y., by Samnuel Eells. t was home of Mrs. Wagner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Martin of Beverly Hilîs, Ill. After leaving Pentwater, the Wagners will go to Sayner, Wis., where they will spend three weeks, at the summer home of Mr. Wag- ner' s mother, Mrs. Fritz Wagner.of Wilmette, who bas a home on Big Sainte Germaine Lake. ENTERTAINS LUNCHEON Mrs. F. A. P. Fischer, 848 Park iser. n Street, roni I w1-