Wilmette residents are invited te join in the annual North Evanston observance of Independence day next Tuesday in an ail-day celebra- tion: including sports events, a mile- long para de and a gigan .tic daylight and evening show at Dyche stadiumý which -will be climaxed by 'a huge fireworks display. The. programn which will run ai- Most continuously from. 9 in the morning until il at night, wili again be sponsored by the North Evanston Fourth of July corporation, which. for the iast 18 Years has. been ob- serving a "'safe, and sanle" celebra- tion of Independence day.: Under direction of Mrs. Guy M. Pelton,' celebration manager,, an ex- tensive progran has'been arranged. Seven sports events open to men, wvomen and children will be held in the parks and playgrounds of the north end. starting at 9. 1A high point t>& thyedayý. eocivi- tics will be the annual Fourth of July parade which will start at 2:30 from Central Park avenue and pro- ceed east to Dyche stadium. Dr. Charles D. Keigwin, parade chair- men, announces that this year's par- ade wiil be Irager than ever. Pour Rands to March Four bands inciuding the Evans- ton American Legion's drum and bugle corps,, the Evanston high D.John G. Hindley, minster of t h e Firât Covgegational church, will be the preacher, at ýcombrned Sundaii morn:ng ser- vices which- h i s congre gaiion and that of the Wlmette Baptist church witt hold during* July in the Baptist church edifice. Wefn Parents of Thèse concerts are free to the public, but, they. must be financed by popular subsçription or under-, wvritten by, a.sponsoring organiza- tion. The cost of the coming series will be about $1.200. Mèr. Huggins lays stress in the tact that the symphony concertsare a distinct asset to the village, and one of the outstandîng civic activi- ties offered by Wilmette.. Voluntary contributions by persons wvho enjoy the concerts will be moit welcome, he added. Thèse may be sent to W. B. Robinson Jr., treasurer, at Wil- mette State bank. Sponsor tickets are heing sent te the 250 memibers of the Chamber, with the request that fthey seil them té defray a portion of the expnse. Twto Churdiest b Fireworks Peril JonSrie To Children FrSumitm Parents in this community are advised to warn their children United Sunday morning serv: against the indiscriminate use o! for the members of the Wilnm fireworks or. wherever possible, to Baptist a n d irst Congregati( prohibit their use entireliy. churches will begin Sunday, Jul, 4- xxat the Baptist.-church--edifice,' R. J. Néhmzow, president Wof te Glenview Bus Company, Inc., whlch lu seeking a franchise to operate a Glenview-Wilrnette bus Une over Wilrnette streets, li1as subrnltted to, the Village board a revised route which, he asserts, wmll best iserve sections of the vlaein. greatest need of transportation. faciities, and overcome some objections to the route previously proposed. Awaiting> Aetkr> Mr. Nehmzow stated that the nevr- route has been favorably consIdered by members . of the Vilage board, but no action has as yet been taken. Trhe matter wlll corne> belore the board at its next regular meeting, whlch will be held on Wednesday eve- ning, July 5. Tuesday being a holi- day. He also stated that a hearing Iaad beear aange4. 1w the -I1ois Commerce commission for July 11. In1 icates New Route The route as now proposed ilb Entering. Wi)rnette at the Village limits on Glenview road; east on vices Glenview road to Skokie boulevard; nette north on Skokie boulevard te Lake ional avenue;- east on Lake avenue te Il- ly 2, linois road; north on Mlinois road Wil- to Thornwood avenue; east on cnurcnes ana .uuuieb ZAnrmsb wi v --De - represented ti the lie of march. gency facilities o!f the hospital are tiortal church in August. More than 20,000 persons . are ex- kept busy not only on the Fourth- Dr. John G. Hindley, minister of pected to attend the show at Dyche but during the week preceding. the Congregational church, wrnl con- stadium, whieh will start at 7:30 "And," says Miss Ibsen, "it is duct the services for July, and wil with a daylight performance more ini the premature celebration of the also be available for pastoral serv- varied and extensive than ever be- Fourth of July when some o! our ice to members of both churches fore. A high point o! this show wrnl worst accidents occur. As I recail durmng that period.' In August the- be a series of native folk dances by the damaged eyes, torn handa and pulpit will be occupied by Dr. Polish, German, Lithuanian and oth- fingers and serious facial burns. Of George D. Allison of the Baptist er groups from Chicago. Attired in last year I arn reminded of the ciiurcii. native costumes and with their na- dangers of the next few weeks. We .m.aaaamgmanIujiommflMIlNI8I North Shore station. at Wiimete and. Greenleaf avenues; east on Green- leaf avenue to Fourth street, and south on Fourth street to the "V' terminal station at Linden avenue. Returnfig, the route will be west on Linden. avenue to Fi!th street, north on Fifth street te Greenleaf ave-, nue, thence west on Greenleaf ave- nue over the same route to Glen- rian, who has recentl on her. vacation, rel' village last Saturday-.. .jur I mflblheIIIIiUUIIMIIhhheblhhflhUU JL