*BHELP WTD,-MALE & FEMAILe CALL AT ONCE. ? MNY' POSmITIOS OPENq Generals,- couples$ Paulineys.EMPIY,. Agencies 421 4th: st. Wil. '2171 99LTN-lte GiRLS AND .COUPLES Good,,payjobs open inow Apply in person only. Carlson's Empl. Agency 88EmSt. Winn.17 COUPLES $100.200 Experienced oaly.' Those that can handie the good Jobs at good pay., Several openings SIORLINE IEMPL. AGCY. 746 Elm St., Winnetka 99LTN8-ltc 105 Iran nwl Col Cal £ u -.8 Get a« Amazi Chance to ed Car at Savings uof -OU. w1ae lavm i wfornt.laid-J H S O O 11L-t hae hhe ge elgoevergréeàs lvi JUINb UN CO PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT. EA yard with runmer hous tes h~LOpposite *_L- Terminal Wilmette 444 trnsportation. Phone W ilmet 16 Ideal for eh ildrein, suis. e re bys, o atehL4 LTNs. 1530 Central ave. Wilmette 116<a.T on treet where ail homes have wide, il keWTH pt lawns. Now, being decorated.14 FOR SALEOUE LAREds.AloOMFRRET T INwmAvail. JulYlIst, -Rentai $8. Bargain oeil. bed. Asosingle room. Wear transp. mg Price $10.250. Save $50 by dealing W RITAKER'S &59 Elm St. Wnnetka 132. l68.lpwîhoner direct.]Phone Monroe 183.PHT TOR0 HME bed $350 wek.Cloe t trnspr.133LTN8-îtp Projected views of photos North Shore FRONT,50ROOM F CO REN té.aSINLEhoesmakes it easy foryof0in tatio.homeeste 23. 1tLTN8ltp A taton.Wilett 03 jlLTjàýlr- OLL FlOUSE!, a home whiçh will meet your family ýPjLASAN FROT BEROOBRAUNE NW LITTLE FRENoe HOIUSE requirements. Among manY you will see: PLbiAt! FOTBDOM SI. wit Mansardi roof and blue htmES INTC abl tfo éon380t4. Near6LTN~pRt 6 roomns, a file bath 1with shower moem White' clapboard colonial !n'excellent tin.Wi mete38 4.I1 LT B.lp kitchen with ena mnel cabinets, av. on lit condition; grounds: formally land-. 117 WANTED 70 RNTr-OOMU floor. A fireplace, bookshelves, garage. scaped, many large shadIe trees. 6 bcd. youc' qa hiL 75prmnt om,4- baths, H.W.O. heat; apart- RESPONSIL YOd NGBSIESwlth a purchase option if desired.- Or ment in garage., An. Ideal location. A woa esires room In private home; bujr' It now if you hav 200cs-bal.- fine home a rc f$500 or will consider light housekeeping or anc$60p$r2onh0 rs.Fuier Wm. HUB a RD W ofS$SECTION share apt. Wilirnette location; convenient e e ot. r.Fle m UBR OD ETO to trans.- Please give rentai Ia Writing Pc Irdlc. Jniv.ý 7444, or Winn. 303. ,A opportuaity for a small family 10- B-21, Bx 6, Wlmete, ii.133TN8ltc own their own home at a low cost and _____________________________easy terms. A 6 roomn Cape Cod col- 1I7LTN8.Itp BE- SETTLED, WHEN onial,. H.W. hit., 2 car garage, on wood'ed _____100__________________________Me lot 50x20 ft. Coavenient to stores, trains*, FO RNTLa* SKG.*OjbSSCIJOOL OPENS & schools. Look at this and mn te 2 rooms near transpor.- WMETTE. AVAILABLE SEPT. 15. Noth Shore properties in our PHOTO* 4 bdrs., bth, ilht., $U TUR 0F HOMES. 362 :Glencoe Rd.,> G1. 13P6 4bdm. bts td, erynwR.B. WHITAKER 1OFDTALELI H IA-tNrlkeSihO RE I fRIsELTY50 Winn. Green Bay Rd., Winnetka COURALELGT-IIUÈiÈ;p O TH H R EATUi 3250. Rogers Park 7302 ing rooms, convenient central east lo- 523 Winnetka Ave. Wianetka 81 ' 4LN.t ation. Phone Wilmette 484. 133LTN8-ltc 4LN.t ON INDIAN HILL CLUB GROUND 11 »AND AND ROON Charmjipr OQioniail on Pý acres of 'perfectly beautifui woods and lawns-we offer a 9 room3 ÎRAIIqED iNirANTs N 17 s E WILL LARGE LIVING RM., SUN RM., LAV. bath house. This is. absolutely fireproof board & roomn infant or small child ini on lst floor. 3 bedrms., 2 baths, oil heat, and was builf by Chatten and Hammond wn home durlng parents long or short newly decorated. Conveaient location. -a12.Cs we vr$500 et tbcace. Excellent N.S. rèfers. WilI. Sublease at $110 a month. ing198.cost £ueo veectinslaton are nett 35 9, î lL T ~ .4t ' F ance J. W ins ôtt only $200 per year icluding 'hot water. r7. WTD TOHA E-APARTME;NTZB 614 WiUlow Road Winaetka 1267 Owner moving to Virginia will seli on UN G Wpolé. N *oftract n. or a e t ik 1nýa_ - 197 tuebaker Dictator 4 dr. truni sedan, $2M. 5 Others to Choose From EverY car backed- by larnus Dodge Dealers' Seal of Dependablty- Triple checked for appearance of an honest, depeadable value. LINDEN CREST BLDG. All new GE refrigs., Magie Chef Stoves. 4 rrn. APT. with 5 rm. efficieacy. Very choice across the front of an ergire Iwing. Il Ige. attrac. outside rms. Aval.ý able uy lst. Beau. 3 rmn. apt. wath 4 rm. efficiency. Liv. rm. with in-a-dor. Dinette, Kitchen- ette, bedrm. Ige. enough for twin beds. 1-uuns;à D.drrs.,11, bats, Dij roo mue, n Most heavil.y wood- oil het2crgaa.2 porhes. Pr. e section, yet close* to schools 811(j fect contion2 c 8r.garage 269 r- transpraii.Architect built, Studio liv- condition3$85.-Winetkao2m, natural stone fireplace-price 133LTN ,750, about $2.000 cash, wili handle-' 1JNUSUA TY ATTRACIVE SM A LL Cal Mr. Ballard. hse. on wooded lot close to lake, transp., sehool. 'Lvg. r. 18x30. Sereeneci SHORE4TOWNSREALTY pch. 2 year lease. Glecoe 1242. CORPOR1 ATION ý * 133LTN8ltp, 1603 Chicago Avenue b, -Evanston WIL E'rE 7 OOM MO ER N WIre. 2700,' Rog' Pk. 6636- Wil _ 608 decoratioas. $70 or seil S78W..î hneoil IA',T î_1,- vw I4 YOU NEED WIS INi BTYING a t e u bahnear tri Pave. Wibbette. mij. ~ I turing or Remy y. n THE 'BILLS REALTY, Ine., 510 Davis St. SEE OWNER, NON-RESIDENT ' 4 4'RO)M lHOMEs2 POSSSSON SON j PAV , xR , TY 147LTNB-Itc I I