HOME SERVICE BUREAU SelVenetian blinds 45e sq. It. Kirsch Traverse & extension rods. Hfome articles repaired. WILMETTE 126. PICTURE 1RMLTN -4tp PZ~?RE RAME REAIRE» AN»m regilded.0O1 paintings restored. For estimates Phone Unversity 0770. ISLTN4O.tfc HAý-EVE YOU SOMETHING :TO TRADEÊ for clear real estate?' Frank Pavlik, Jr.; oWner. Kenilworth. 1SLTNB-îtc 89 BUILDING AND CONTRACTINO MASON. STONe & CEMENT Contractor THOMAS MECYER 2101 Schiller Ave. Wlmette 1778 2GLTN48.tf c ai BUILDING ANDORPAIR ROOC GARCES AND FLAGSTOXES, brick eienmt 1rid lt6IIè Wt. Tüc pointing. Outdoor fireplaces. I have a stock of unusuaily large stones ideal for a lake or strong retainlng wafl. HUBEERT HARTWELL WINM. 1861. _____________________21LTN4-tfe E. V. HOLDING CARPENTER & BUILDER REPAIRS & REMODELING Modernistie Celotex interlor designs. 309 l7th St. Wilmette 1408 21LTN64ti) CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AN» BUILDER Stucco repairs, refnilshed. G. A. Thursby, Wilmette 3W87 JOSPHKNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Speeiallzlng - Waterprooflig Basements 114Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 21LTN8-4tp 1ment trogh thé aid of h( :SERVICE columns., Free est and moderate prices aeoffe This:Page Is Yé as IDAINiN4rro AND DECORATINGO Room Papered,ý $4 'Up CEILING CALCIiNkED, $2 UP. PAPER 1 cleahed, 75 -cents. Rooms washed and starched .$0.5o up. Other decorating. very reas. Outside painting reason. Insured.: Louis, Winn. 1921, Nil 350U 25LTN8-ltp EXTERIOR, HousE PAINTING We. specia . ize in outside only. WIth white lead and cil. Special water- proofing added. Guaranteed to last twice au long-y'et oui' prices are the lowest. 25LIN-t J. M. ECKER DECORATING SERVICE Having served. the North Shore for 2() years we have established a reputationý for better quality .work at moderate cost.' Residence phone, Wlmette 1199. 25LTN8-l2tp DECORATING EUGENE DURKOOP Ask Me 325 Washin~gton Glencoe 1512 25LTN8.4tp Pederseni Decorating Co. F "CLASS OR. ULY INSURED. 25LTN8-4tp 042 GARDZNINS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO FILL EMPTY SPACES IN YOUR GARDES. UIBBARD ROAD GARDENS Prop. Joe Borovicka CROSSING HILL AND HIBBARD RDS. 42LTN8-ltp: Wiliam J. BE LANDS( Phone Win Ià.. & o s eU. . larly, 'too, to forestali the Sttack of time;-may we sug- Lest a prompt beauty treat- te s]K1iCle »o listed in ,our wu.L IUKFORCUILDREN IN9MY back, yard play growLid. Plenty of toys. timates, excellent Suggestions Beto ar.3hur-0.WLT81eti ered by these advertisers. NU NC mr Service Page 1NRAC, l kns.Lie' cid' 7, ~JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN 73 ORWIN6 MAÀCHINE R ePAiRuINO Réal Estate., Notary Publie,nurance. 558 Green Bay Road -Wlnn. 1760 GUARANTEED SERVICE______ ________ Sewing 'Machines.- Vacpuum Claners. and 59 UICLISTUET Radios. Ail Makeés., Free Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 9 'FINE GRAND PIANOS,ô INCL. 2 607 Dempster-St., Uni. ",8, Gre 7 S Steinwaysaso several good uprîghts. 73TN8tf torage Ma rt in Iredale Storage.ý 1723 Besn Ave., Evanston. 59L.TN8-ltp SINGER. WHITE, OTHER MAXES, AMS E 8BS ULTE foo o eecri. Epet ua le, pi ano accordion and cýase. Cheap., Cal pair- Service $1.00 SeIl-buy.excéhange, 21 Wlmette .2632. 59LTPN841tp yrs, exper. At Millen's 'Hardware. WU.__________________ mette 3060. ?_3LTN5ý4tP '72 UPHOI.STERIIqo AND REPAI'R 3 1.98? AND FOUNID ARE YOU LOOKING FOR -LSE NMRANAD1ASN work, also antiques. Customn work. case found in Wlmette. [oser xnay Wilmette 4034 1827 Wlmette~Ae have same upon identification at the 72LT54t Wilmette Lite office, 1232 Central ave, _______________________ Wilmette. 3LTN8S1tp WAtN PAE LOS - LORNTIE PINTZIPER GIRLS' SI).K AND COTT~ON DRESSES. coin purse, June 19; vicinity of Kenil. Frorn Specialty Shop, Drake Hotel. Size worth business sec. Need keys. Please 10-14 yrs Very reas. Womans black wool return to Wilmette Lite, 1232 Central ca,(lrneSo)sz 2 1.Cer Âve.3LTX -'tP ance sale, summer bats and shoes. MAN'S BLACK PLIOFILM RAINCOAT FLAMINGO SHOP. 956 Linden ave. Wlnn. in envelope container lost June 21 on 2067. 8OLTN8.ltc. morning soiuth-bound N. W. train. Cal] _________________ evenings Wilmette 2649. 80j% WANTrED Tro SUY-CLOTIrHNG Gove or Jefferson and Gréenwood, Glen- ~*~ coe. Reward. Glencoe 1054. 3LT8-ltus BUSINESS LOST - PAIR 0F B R 0 W N IRORN land. Eve rimmed spectacles. Please cail Win- open. Ownei netka 2845. 3L8-ltp Write B 212 4A BICYCLES GIRL'S 26" BICYCLE. Good condition, Winnetka 1905. L( 4ALTN8îtp 7 . ANTIQUES . Allia taken up in aB < Box 60, WilIm 1 Ready to, r businéss. e,. I LAàL EsTAlx'E LOANS )WER RATES s Co. C. WA"DieR Painting and Decoc 1Xel*fe. Phone. Wlmette -IPIANO TUNING AN»DJA nable. Thomas Lockerble1 TUNER, WILMET'E. PUBLI Tul T >ORi joseph c. Cormack & Co- mtha-10 hma Ave., Evan.toeUni. U3M ecs. 1 . -lU-ltT lr à- A 113 IV"W- iýw . ý" lý7