Tractor Own Career A rlp-roarifl' buckaroo, Clark Ga- ble stili must learn how to break ini a fractious tractor before lie can tili the soil of his San. Ferando Valley ranch. IBuying a nçw tractor, he told Sthe ýsalesmnan: ie. knew how to run Ione, Sa the sales- man went his way. S5hortly af- ~terwards,aneiéh- A boring rancher saw the tract.or doing unusual an- tics and strolled toClark Gable ovrer, to the fence t idGable on the seat. "Hey, do you know how to run one of these things?" Gable yelled. "You seem to be doing ail riglit," repliëd thre ltEtghbor. 'Then, do you know how to stop one?" Gable called. Henry Huit to Play Triple Sereen Role Henry Hull will play the first triple role on record in "Miracles for Sale."t He will play three distinct charac- ownt Moran, hé is the-, son of' a ývaucevi performer a. n d Palace Theater in New York dur- ing a., performr- Sreally- is the son -former ,vaudevil- thougli not actu- ally born back- stage,, he spent Most of hisi- fant life minsta ge dressing r o o m s Micky Boney and in the wings Mltey tiineyas his dad per- formed. stary is that Mickey writes and seils a song for a hundred dollars. Mick- ey lias been writing sangs on the side for some time and sold bis first one only recently. The dlffereince is that when the real Mickey put over his first number his name was known to millions and lie gat $500 for it instead of $100. Rfr umtiw'" & K Theuat "'The I4ordys Ride HigUa' Also "'GAve Me Llberty" in E Sat. Mat. "OR9(GON TRFAI] NSHORE iCOR9 Howard, HearClark FIDiAY F~or 1 Big Pays Joel UcCrea in Cecil B. DeMiDles Greatest Triumph "6UNION PACIFIC" Plus Bing Crosby Joan Blondeli Iiscba Auer "EAST SIDE 0F HEAVEN" Sat. Mat.: New Serial "OREGON( TRAIL" GALA H.OLIDýAY. WEEK SHOW I Lew Ayres-LionCél Barryniore "ICaliI. Dr. Kldaree color and Popeye Cartooni Rit iv, Serlal-Opefi 12:15 P. M. DNET. VAL04CIA Frltlay-SaiIITIay WALLACE BzRy7 "SERGEAN MADDtN"r Plus Peter Lorre 6"MR. MOTO IN DANGER ISL.AND" Also Mickey Mouse SUD.-Moa.-Tixes. Astaire and ]Rogers VERNON AND IREt4E CASYLE" Plus Merle Oberon .Next Prooraui shape of nis Skuu, njs p ce ail. - for each character. In one of the characters lie will wear a clubfoot. His manner of speech will be dis- tinctly different in the three roles. Most of the actor'5s senes will be in dlouble exposure in which lie plays opposite himself. "OLE- REDUCES ANN~ Rehearsal, for lier role ti "The First reinforcernents ta th of the "Maraj" clubs corne initiation of Laraine, Day tu cred circle cornpased of M-C lets who have banded tog( council for "date" approv vetos. "Oath"* home o! entertaii riss, Ruth~ iasý adlmmistered at 'the m Rutherford W-hen sh Phones: NoIse» S.turdoye Su.doy Fe akn Wlette end Holidays FeeParkin Wlunetka Evemngs -,DooMs Opena# inluNe Man's I 6:00-25< t. 6:30 ILad fri.. Sat., Sun., Mon. lune 30-july -- FrodriC Marcbh-LoIiCl arrymore Plus 'BACK DOOR TO HEAVEN" WaceFrd-~Patrtcla Bih Comrer: mIug'Thur., Frf., Sat., July 6-7-8 ably . THE STQEY 0F VERNON AND RNE CASTLJE' Cool Fred 5Asre iGngeWroffgers Plus -WUTHERING HEIGHTS" Merle oberoIi-Lawreflce olivier Of "Dixie-- kes rn arc Plus "Blind AIley" Chester Morris Aun Dvorak igalph Beilamy "Broadway Sereade" Jeanette MacDonald Lew Ayres Frlday "MÂGNIFICENT OBSESSION" Plus BA BY"ýU Saturdiay al I à MMR