Shore for somne years to. corne. In the long run no sensible per- Mofftt son would, wanit W.A Sder acontinuation of Chca g'9 pligh t, as. the suburbs are entirely dependerit upon the restor ation of a helthy, ormal- growth of the sec- ond city in the country. One of. life's 'oddities is the effeet of trivial incidents. in shaping, the degtiny of man. Take 0. H. Arm-ý strong,,Evanstofl's, veteran real es- tate salesmaàn, for example. For a long ti me~ "Army" considered join- ing the staff of Smart &, Golee. He was invariably a mernber of ariy forome. frçým. that %rm that went out on the golf links wbere thé va- garies of human nature as it affects real estate salesmen finds sym- pathetic understandilig. The turning point in "Army's" career was a w ater hole which cost him 14 strokes and within a few .days he joined Smart & Golee . . . his friends say, to explain how it happened. We wonder if the nice lady out in last few years, a slack market has sharpened. competitioli and in one respet-advertising-ýhas left somne- thing to be. desired., If the real estate profession. is to dignify itself-. and command respect, It ,should develop its advertising, .appeal...about, the. amnenities an d sound .security of home. ownerShip. rather than. break- i ng itdown under the auctioneer' s axe. Ail that brokers can e Xpect, and> ail that the buyinig public wants, is a dllar's Worth ýof valuefor a dollar. The type of advertisiflg that fe0tures, -Smashout-OWfer in Tears!" or ".You Can Steal Thiïs House!" will not build up any confidence in real estate. Actually it is misrepreseflta- tion, as any property priced on a Sound appraisal will sell ini today's, marktt's a step back to the old days when a, real 'est ate agent Wa merely an opportunist who per- formned no greater service than to hagH ousefor Rent"n rsi front of his shanty: "Live Minnows for Sale" FHA Loans For FOR SALE ConetiutColi0mal H ne-u$ ôCmpleted 510 ELDER LAME, WINNETKA set baek 50fret frorn the street amngbeaiffll CenturY-h re. Design Odbul yRbert &rngld Assoeistes, fo r owner. wh0 bas iived là. the marne block for the past tWontye years.' Locuion isGret-On lc rî'<reeley Grade SchoolthrCeblockis frornNew Trier High Sho-WObek frorn mian 1391 Station ogChicagg,& North Western MILsYIlWB ud, Chicago North shore Eiectric-4WO biocks fOnmlnHRPr -three blocks freinEider Lane Seach and Park-. Ulimi tbeautiflf irooms; four bedroomsw-Z% bh.-KodehCC 4KoeJier plumbng-rnoderfl kitcbeun-compIete wlth steel cabi- mîets - panéfrl >MI* toou an- i jty và Bmm4wMBUWt wîl lightlug llxtures-5'uii-TY wlnd.w glassi-wood-bUrIing ireplace --screeuiei porch-New EngI~ln type shutters on ail wifl<Iws- attached garage with roili-op door -summer and winter air- condtloned-4oW-EOî gas heating unit guaraftteed by North Shore Gas Co. not to exceed $110 per year-.colilleteiy weather-strippel and Insulate - specially iesigned hardware thtugiIot beautiful 2-story windiflg staircase. A 'pert ect honte in .a ideaei location. The only nw home. for sale inz southeaiat Wianeika. Reo<ly for imntediate occupafl<y. july mPeekýpreferably on the lake and in Evanston. George Dalgety. appraiser, has beenin such demnand for commence- ment addfresses ailaround the, coun- try. that people who have wanted to know what their preperty was worth, if anything, have either had to bide their time or get the shock bluntly fronm real estate brokers who lack homes _ with FHA insured 'oans totaling $38,872,690. These homne improvements, accordiiig to Victor N. Fleming, administrative assist- ant to the state director of the Federal l{ousjng Administration, have a Il b e e n made since the government' s "better housing" pro- gram was begun in 1934. "The FHA Plan is really very simple to understand." Mr. Fleming "Tise Home 01 1564 Shermaul Ave- Rogè. Uni. 0283 b lS o i v ehr S &U 'I- . - - -é i Choic* of .utSc"' odl sud ixas for evcry ne. Fs9m 'iw