Mrs. Warren Shoemaker and Mrs. Mark Çresap will judge the show, the first class of which is obligatory; each member mnust wear a corsage mnade by. herseif, and sultable to the costume she-wears. The other classes, ali of them optional-, are, as, follows: Arrangement of flowers. ing shades of one color. of. vary- Table set to represent titile of a book. ,Arrangement of flowers ilar containers. in. six sift-[ Hanging w a il, arrangement of floWers. VI Arrangement, of flowers using a figurine. VII, Flat vase with arrangement of fowers, for wix4o.w 1edge or very narrow mantel. Betty and Teddy MeNabb, the twin daughter and son of the J. Hl. MeNabbs of 950 Hill road, are leav-ý ing Saturday for the Rio Blancho' ranch near Rifle, Col., for eighti weeks of cnrmping.. Dutring t h is summer, Mrs. Robert Brown will, with h e.r husbanid, be, a resident-.of Wil- mette,.staying with.his parents, the J. Melville Browns of, 738 Eleventh street. Mr. Brown's ?narriage to the former Irene Putnam of Mitchell, S. D., toolc place there June 10. The Browns will return to Mitchell this fal where he is a memfer of the faédrty of Dakz1ota 'Weslêyan un*t- versity. N1VIEDOLDT'S Davis Street, Evanston Ith of 'JUIYI OXFORD Smart white and browa lie. Conti- nental h eel1. For sports wear andint- fornal dress. PUMP Box Cameras Eastmanl cam.--0 /01 eras reducedA Baby Browuie Famous Eastman la- - era famous forIts eff- cfrflcy. 9- plates, whit.e liaed 7 ....................... .......................:17 For exterlr or ln- 12, ft. WaxedPper. lie White with Brown Saddles Sport Oxford Mail and Phoue Orders Open Thurasday and Saturdcty Eveninga '"tu 9 Spectators. Puni ndOxfo'rds $ .5 9