Luncheon Program The pungent aroma of blazing back-logs in the huge fireplace in the lounge of Kildeer Country club perlmeated the adjoining dining roomn and, conveyed North Woods nostal- gia to at least. this one guest at the anriual spring luncheon and program o! the Northridge ,Woman's club'. Golfers teeing off over rolling greens added a 'further vacation feeling to the outinig. NXorthridge Woman's. club colors, lavender and yellow, were, brought to ta event in the fiowers on the. speaker's.,table, in -the programs, and,;. again, on the dainty .nut con- tainers. remniniscent of diminutive French hat-boxes. The occasion attracted a large percentage of the club's member- ship, and their guests. It marked, top, th pesing of the gavel o o ffice from the outgoing president, Mrs. Edward J. Devlin, into the hands o! lier successor, Mrs. William Heise. The installation of officers was a m~ajor part o! the meeting and the' newcomers to the board were named by Mrs. Devlin; Mrs. Frank Suttle, corresponding secretary; M r s. Frank Gunderson, treasurer; coin- xittee chairmen, .Mrs. Maxwell not present, however t9, take ineir bows." Other members o! the board rè- maining in office are Mrs. Roland Ferguson, vice-president; Mrs,- Louis Beckcer, recording secretary; Mrs. Devli n, community interest; and Mrs. J. A. Hartley, publicity. Mrs., Leonard Vani Deursen gave the in- vocation. Its Cates to 1lst Croup of Campers. Everything at A r den. Shore, grounds, buildings andi beach.has beeri in sparkling order for thé open- inigof summer camp onWednesday, June 28, when the first group, five- hundred. mothers, and. children, ar- rived for a two weeks' outing. Afil necessary repairs have been made on. the buildings, the trees have been trimmed, the grass, cut and gardens planted. Sewing quotas have'been completed by the various. >North Shore committees, so ýthat a fine. supply of garmn.ents, bedding and such,. has been' on hand, fresh,. new and. dean, ready for the UII first visitors. Arden Shore, which is run on the. ~1Jcottage plan, with sixty-five build- (Jings - dormitories, main building Jf(offices, dining room, staff quarters, Jkitchern) rnualtraiing. building,. hospital, and groups of cottages for the campers - is situated in a beau- tifully wooded grove of twenty- three acres on the shore of Lake SMichigan, just north of the village of Lake Bluff. F'rom October to May, it operates as a winter camp to which under-nourished boys are sent frorn Chicago by the health de- 'J' partment of the board of education. And in the summer, for eight weeks, it off ers refreshing hospi- tality to mothers, grandmoth'ers and children frorn the city's hot and fortnight in the country - five hun- dred at a time, with a total of more' Mofet P htothan two thôusand by the end. of the. Mofet Phtoseason. Wearing the traditional white satin, with a long tulle veil, andi carrying a bouquet of liles of the valley, Miss Mary Jean Bartelme of At reet, is Annfth a mell ' er Hubbard Woods was muarried June 9, to Robert Hosmer Breu,, in a reeeuieha ftecmi home cerernony. Mr. Brew and his bride had a brief wedding trip, and being besieged with requests to be plan a longer trip later in the summer. They are living temporarily i lwd ocr oAdn Shore,. E vanston. requests flot only fromn the- large group of social agencies Who annu- ally . send their quotas to the lovely camp. by the lake, but from inothers CJ..~.J. I?2.... gon fshinedwithnufed leees.who have been there before and who Mrs.' 'oices' oz an or r.j~. ment at nome V inanGEL Gj,- MJVrs. Beacon street, Chicago. ick Tilt. nl i T.B. ment at o