her father in May, to complete herl M% termn as president. of Mu Xi chapter of Mu. Phi Epsilon society and have the initiation at ber home on June 4. The following dlay she was eleet- ed president of the Chicago, Musical guild at -the annual dinner at the, Cordon club. She had. planned to go back f0 Californiia, .when- the, approach of her son's wedding deterred, her. Last Friday night. in, the chapel of St. Mark's Epi!scopal church in Evanston. at 6 o'clock. at a simple ceremfony, Robert Sherman was married to Rudoiphine King, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Clare King ofl Swisher Photo Chica go. Dr. Herbert Prince, rc Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Colinis, for -of the Episcopal church in Lake 2033 Chest nut avenue,. Wilmette, Forest where 'Mrs. Harold: Sherman anuc h naeeto is. soloist,- off i ciated. Alice Emmons their'dan'ghter, Elizabeth June,l McBride, organist af., the s a m e t <grW mrosno church. played the wedding music. iMr.anMr.WJ.Eeo o The bride's sister, Leonore, was Chica go. maid of honor, the- bridegroom's brother, William~. was best. mari., . A1 dinner for twenty inerbers of the immediate family followed at the Georgian hotel, and later that night. Marrded June 24 Mr. and M\,rs. Harold Sherman en- Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Zaremba tertained at a neighlborhood birth- of Clipper. ahhv none day party at their borme for their marrash.ofhae anotned son- and. bis bride whose mriaethemargeo thiduher took place on nisarriagev Agnes, to C. Kenneth Hunter, who birtday.has mnade his. home on the norfb Mrs. Sherman, accompanied by a sho re wifh his sister, Mrs. HOyt school friend of her girlhood, Miss King, 711 Forest avenue. The coupl1e Mary Allfree of Chicago, left' Sun- were married Saturday . morning, day' fo drive w$.where she will t T,no 1'7 in C(intn. Iowa.nd Sumer inens for aCan Ever oa likes a change when it cornes to dressing. her. summer table. Summer linens for' both town and country are altogether. beguiling-table cl-othx and doilie, sets areý dainty, gay, smart and verypractîcal., Hand-blockedf cloths with napkin* hw uitpest figures in' bright coélors. Sheer, figured Swiss organza, makes ex- quisite, cool-looking luncheonsets T4 and tea cloôths..BU A cross-barred homespun doilie set ini pastel colors, 16 pieces' is a special value, $4.75. Our tables this week are set to display these linn. AI R-CONDITIONED for OPEN THURSDAY EVE PARROT 1551 Sherman Ave. EvanstonI COMFORTA8LE SA0PI NG NINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK and thle of the eiiowstc CoIebrafes BWrthday In celebration of ber third bir-th- dav, Elcanore Davie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weston E. Davie, 740 Maclean avenue. Kenilworth, enter- tainied hier young friends at a party ait her home on .À\1onday. Buff et. Supper Miss Mary Kafherme Lidecker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Lidecker, 728 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth, enfertained eighteen guesfs af a buffet supper last week in celebration of her birfhday. Miss Lidecker will be a senior at New Trier Hîgh schoo1 in the fall. msure you th. e a f hastrwalth Ak for our sch«IlleSof Ori0L. Our StoresClosa t 1p. )W. Sahudya during July andi Apgust ALIURcoU AND COMPANT log tdoeII W mosAve. ALL PHOMES 78 lm# jehnOm v. la Son* La Seest.. RAM. 7"67 1645 OrmtSAe.Iah 0e0. IEDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. EvansfonI I.