Hartford Travel and Vacatior Accident 'Insùrance for Persons Atrtending the 1939 Expositions. atNew York andSan Francisco ifyou arc plannin to vauit cither ai hegrarexpouinsat: Ncw York or San Francisco this Year, or if 7011 contexnplate any trip at ail, the Travel and Vacation Acci-- detISurance policy o0f the Hartford Accident and indemnuty Cosnpany ollerï protection weI suited'to your needa. Covcrang ail uccidcntal1 injuries éther than those s4ffred vwhilc at your work, this POlicy pays $5.000 for accidentai deada, large disanember- mient benefits, and à*# »JU và,hr.r. >a- deail Adistinctive leature of rhis Polic is ýthat rÇamay bc wrtten te cover, yo)u1 jusr for the iper-iod of your trip, and:consequently the cost is Un- tsallv Iow ont monh ot cover-w nge coss but. $5.0O. two monrhs $7.50 and thret mondassi$1.0o. To avoid'anirisk or Yout CrIp costing more than planned beauie of extra expense resulting frem an Saccident, wc recommcnd of these p1o ,or oa DeB. G.IMuRLEAGINCY Iusurwîce Speclolists $22 Gr..n Bey Rd. Rapp1 Winnofka 858 World war, our private capitalismn and free enterprise bas been thrown out of equilibrium and we have thus far been unable- to restore it to bal- ance. Our. danger' lies ln thé, tact that the resultlng economie and so- cial nieeds mateý fertile ground'for revolutionary seeds, hi take root and grow. Dangers . t our democracy wifl exist so long as great ecoônomie and socialneeds continue thi exist. Hfave, a Rexponslblllty We vlew with alaàrmi thé recent trend for the ',ePderal Governmnent hi, assume, more and more control over . ndustrial enterprise. .There la reason to be elarmned. We complain ~about the bungllng of the Federal Government in dealing with the eco- noiel and social problems. There' la reason to complain. But those of "coxnplaln,» however justlfied we; may be, - do not solve t.hese basic , problems, sirrply by our 'com-, ~plaints." We have the individual re- sponsibillty of suggesting the rem- edies America i. predominantly an in- dustrial nation andl the future of the nation thus depends upon the preser- had their fair %wages'). It rep- resents socia1-mindednesi, and dis- tinctly comports with the Amer- iean system because it is business demnocracy. It approprlately ac- knowledgé s the fuit contribution which- employees malte to an em- ployers success... Profit sharlng is not a solution to ail our.economnicfils. It is not a panacea.. But the plan suggests a way by whlch American business it- self ,miay :cause our capitalistic sys- tem to function more equitably. It suggests a way by which American' business may. contribute to preiser- vation of democracy confronted wit many dangers. %,-f«y Simits By the llinois Automobile Club Confidence, the keystone in Ar-ý ica 's motoring 'structure, depends largely upo n the maintenance of a constant bond of trust and reliarice. between ail drivers. To operate a car in a negligent or recE!less maIvin? I Cunuulttee Makes 1Report One of the chief points of attack Iby the opponents and critics of the IAmerîcan "profit systemn" has been - the contention that the 'profits of the system are not diffused or dis- gpve res onthe ;unneces.i .zwve me swYstone, you clestwoy t4e, entire structure - and that means death and injury! Let's have more recreati on and., leaa tvreck-creation! A Feather mn the Cap of Youth: Fromn 1922 to 1938, recent stiadies it a frlend. She is the flrst of next I fi JC"SSLUMSUR SHO M Am IANSTON UNI. 2 a Tbusrdq umaStfuud.y iv.êhp uni P. .___