judgmnent there are others who spqn- sored the -bis, Who feel otbe.rwise. ýfours ot. work- in drafting bills. printing bis, comhniittee hearlngs on bis, somhetimes traveling on tours of inspection and, finafly, the nece ssary effort, to push the bils through the various' stages-of legis- lative procédure, are ail Tepresented ini the lives of many bis. One can- not help but feel sorryfor sponsors of bifls wbýo have sincerelY worked, où 1bis only to have themn stricken inthe final Jam. BEech Voncurrence Stage On Thursday nigbt- the last of the Hlouse bis in the House were order- ed tabled. The Senate bas done the sanie wlth its own bis and in the final week the two branches of the igilataw. w4U wl wk.on the ill~s. from the other side of the State flouse. Considerable time will also. be given o v e r to the procedure known as concurrence- in amend- mients for if a bill, for example, bas passed the House and in passing the Senate bas been amended, it must return to the House for concurrence. If the House refuses to concur, the bill is sent to a conference commit- tee. If the con! erence committee does not reach an agreemnent before to $2.0.Amenuments bave rnso made, the, teechers pensions for1 down state teachers payable so'f ar as the State's contribution on a cUr- renit payment plan -rather than. by havinga'large accumulation:,o! re- serve funds. The very. controversial liquor regu- lationa bill flouse. Éà No. 802 was saved from tabling, by- belng in the Enrolling a n d Engrossing room. Thereé haveý been so many amnend- ments adopted' that it'is doubtful whetber even the sponsor of thebih,' Paul Powell of Harrisburg, recog- nizes bis own bill. Table Antl-spy »111 Probably the greatest joy in busi- ness circles is over the tabling of flouse Bill 94 known throughout the ~ssion es the A.nti-Spy Bill. Even the sponsor of the Bill, 1iar Me- Caskrin of Rock Island, I have been told, declded that bis bill went too far when it prôhiblted an employer from flnding out what was going on in bis o'wn business if he suspected fouI work among bis employees. The beaviest work of the entire session will take place in the final week. Tempers will correspond to' the prevaiing heat of Springfleldj 1111 LAND 0F THE FREE1 3. APPOVED 'vW ,.AND TRIE nom£ 0Fi "TENDUM"ADE'" MAmi Wlsomm Te#nder ~Z 4 Madee RamiW un-; ,,To mmA YOD cm won IA FOIX 4"VE E ASa.£ta.. bigl quality standard@of ilsIo & . t is aprood byor Roearch Laboea- toras prduc whch platis our ca" that motd 07M is before the flouse for consideration i the final week. Varlous social agencies bave been denianding an appropriation of six million dollars a month from the state but the ap- propriation bills caîl for, an expendi- ture of $72,.000 ,000. Appropriations are made for a two year period whicb would mean a montbly, appro-e priation of $3,000,000 a montb. There is, however, a provision over whilch cotnsiderable discussion. bas taken flouse wiU Dbe forgotten iempos.druj'1 at least. Christian Science Churches n Scieng ýe Lessit the sub- atist, on this An sent to It i. a'I of Wilas Sl of ApprC er Made"1 authorities ~Iso &Co. Mokes Tender Mode #4". for ience"(p UT MUST etl h... I in od au ý * for'