Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1939, p. 10

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SUNDAT SERVICES % Iyserivce .........8:30, a.m. Cbureh uchool ...... ..... 9:W a.mi. Obcond service ..........1lam rhe music for the services next Sun- *4"tnoraIng 14as follows: r.....imace. ..Rubenstein »010o-Juat fer Today .......... Seaver rnesi Sehaper Posiude.arg ............. Mandel Victoria McLdeod-ministryo of MUSIC Beginnlng next Sunday morning we v«.l havre an early.service of worshlp at 8:30 o'clock for the convenlence of those who wish to sPend the day away from home. The Chuirch achool will con-1 yen. ati 9:30 and the second service wil be.iieid at the usual, time, Il oclock. W. invite you *to ýattend our services. Ie Woman's society wilU meet'Thurs- day. i iffy 0O, ai2 o'clokat 1010 Central avenue. Mrs. D. C. Lightner wili ho the speaker. The sixth. annuai Nachusa, orphanage hornecoming' wMll h heid Sunday, Juiy 9. at our Lutheran orphanage, Nachusa. 111. Nachusa la about nlnety miles west, on a the Lincoln highway. Ail are in- ~ IJo teatte4d thisbomrncomtsg. Af program bas beein arranged and an op- portunity wil ho given ail to see the buildings of the home. Our Summer school for leadership, training wiU ho held at Long Lake. July1 16 to 22. The school will open with a Luther league rally Sunday, July 16, ai 4 p. m. 'Ihe school offera courses in leadership for the-young' peope, aduits and there wilI also ho a Junior Assemn- 'bly. Pastor Kahole is dean of the school and wii be giad to furnlsh you with additional, information. Attend church reguiarly during the aumnier mont)>.! Methodist Caurch Wlmette avenue ai Lake avenue 5 Erakine M. Jeffords, minister à 4'A Rack for our Weary Land" will be1 th.e themne of the minister's sermon for liexi Sunday morning, July 2. ai the Il o'clock worship hour. The special miusic for. the servie will ho as follows:- Organ Prelude: : "Allegro moderato".......... Rogers "<Adagio-"................... .Rogers * Marie Briel Solo: "Great Peace Have They Whlch Love Thy Law'" ...... Rogers May A, Strong' The minister il be in the throughout the. month of .Tu1Y. sermon themnes for.the remainder. .Mont)> will ho as follows: July .9--"Our Gardener ýGod" July 16-C Earth's Epic", July.23-**Horizon Huntlnig- JuWy 3e-"MSylvan Symphony"- puipl mis of. hie A Garden party for the honefit of thie Lake -Bluff o rphanage will ho held ai 'Belorme, 1130 Nori-h Sheridan- road, Lake Foresi, Saturday. Juiy 8 fromn 10:*30 a. m.. to 6.,p.. m. Children and adulta will. greatly enjoy. the activities planned. T Ihere wlll be pony -rides, aý pet show,. puppet shows, a fashion show. luncheon and a cake sale. Tickets mnay ho obtained at the church office. Bible Church 886 Elm street, Winnetka Howard A. Hermansen, minister Thuruulay, June 29 P.?M-'eily VacationBible-'sehSlef x- ercises and exhibition of children's work. Parents and !riends cordaaily in- vited. Friday, Jume 30 8 P.M.-Bible Fellowship Prayer meeting. Saturday, July' 1 ANNUAL CHURCH AND. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC TO HARMS WOODS. CARS WILL ASSEMB1LE AT CHURCI! AT 1 O'CL.OCK TO TRIANSPORT CHIL. DREN AND FRIE'NDS WITHOUT CARS TO PICNIC GR~OUNDS. BRING OWN LUNCH. ICE CREAM AN4D MILK WILL BE SERVED. Bwkaiy, 5u13r Z 9:45 A.M.-Bible school. Il AM.-ýPreaohlng service, Excpositions in Ephesians. Sbjct- '<Redemption 5 P.M.-1M>nthly Communion service. 5 P.M.-Christian Crusaders; high selipol and college young people. 71:45 P.M.-Gospel singing and message. Tuesday, 'July 4 The monthly church business meeting scheduled to meet on the first Tuesday of the month is postponed on account o! thc holiday until Tuesday, July Il. Thursday, Juiy 6 7:45 P.M.-Midweek service of praise, prayer and Bible stuciy. Firui Presbvîterian smng on ,iuzy 16 and iUlmu rce s-ar- mele on the remailng Sundàays of:the month. Visitors are cordlally iinvited. 'the Womans soclety of this church announces a h.ew serles of! summer. teais to ho heid on second; and fourth Frldays of, Jly, and Auguat. The places of!meet- ing 'arm as. foflows:' Ju 4, Mrs. A. C. Youngberg, 1004 Hlbrd 8road. buneove rs. G. N. Lamb. 115 "Wood- Aug. Il, Mrs.. George D. hllison, The IParsonage. Aue~ 25, Mrs. C. E. Trhompson, Gien- On Monday, Jiiy, 10, the l'Young- Mr.. and Mrs. Club" meets ai the home of 11oband Irene Buethe, 1351 Greenwood avenue. Also, on Monday, J'uly 19, there wiII ho a session of the Board of Trustees 'ai the church. Lake Geneva Summer Assembly for Baptists begins on Sunday, July 23, and includes a full week of! mterestlng gVo- grams. We expect to ho well rep- resented. Hoiy Comforter (Episcopal) Keniiworth avenue and Warwick road 11ev. Leland H. Danforth, rector 9 A. M. - M~usic from Memorial Sing- lng Tower. 9:30 A. 'M. - Holy Communion. Brie! sermon by the Rev. A. H1. Forster. Dwring the rector's aummer holiday, the~ ReV. Mr-. Forster (815 Ridge icer- race, Evanston, Gré. e1I4) wilii h on cal, i case o! ernergency. H1e will take over the service at 9.30 A. M. 'every Sunday in Juiy, the Il o'clock service )eing omitted on the summer schedule, F irst Congregational Wlmette and Lake avenues. John G. Hindléy, minister SUNDAY, JULY 2 il A. M. - Union service i the Ba:> tist church. Guest-preacher, the 11ev. J. G.' Hindley. Sermon Thene - "Th e «Il was glad when they said unto me, Lýet us go into the house o! the Lord." Rapt ise Church Wlmnette and Forest avenues George D. Allison, minister BUNDAT,; JULY 2 il A. M. m- United service M* this church. The Revý. J. G. . Hindiey of the Ffrst Congregatioflal church wili con. duci the worohip and preach. the scr- mon on "The Rkeason For FPait)." Thiis la the firsi of a . eres, of union summer s ervices and hit s open to ev- erybody. If you have no otiier chuFch affiliation in Wfimette you wlll find a cordial reception here. Mr. ilindley is available for pastoral Health News From Head quarters, IL Health renter, 90 idge Rond About thirty people attended the tea given in honor 'of Dr. Mary Schroeder, at the Heaith Center Thursday, June 22. Dr. Schroeder, who is a noted psychiatrist, was in- troduced by Albert A. McKeighan, chairinan of the Wilmette Health Center board, and gave a splendid taik whieh Was thoroughly enjoyed by those who had the priviiege o! hearing her. "Psychiatry and its Relation to Public. Iealt.h" was thie asbject of' Dr. Schroeder's talk, and a't is con- clusion she aniuwered questions from the floor. PLAN HOLIDAY OIJTING Mr'. and Mrs. E. C. Buchanan and theu, son and d'aughter, Donald and, Jean, o! Sandusky, Ohio, are house- guests of Mr. .Buchanan's brother and his famlly, the Kenneth B. Bu- chanans, 1943 Xenilworth avenue, Wilmette. The two Buchanan !am- ilies wil spend the Fourth of July week-end in 'Land-o'-Lakes, Wis.. rward, 1. S eaer É,Will sPeak t Sservices.onhegoud on a ZF, JLU M. ..A. - d on the-gropnds

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