Mahv. Baiîtohit Ste* lVàlkér .-7 -a a a predecessors. Frank Hlavacek, Jr. and Afred W. Jensen, in active charge of the affair, report that several new amusement features will be* avail- ableonthe gàrounds, and that other attractions will also be added. The site for these two great play days will be the Village Green, near Howard school, ,easily accessible from «ail parts of the village. A per- mit for .thé affair has already been gr anted by the Village board-. As a reminder of the two-day ýcel- ebYration, .a ,street parade is -being' Iplanned, with business concerns join- ing with floats, decorated automo- biles. and other features. The dates, just to make, sure, are Wednesday, July '19 and Thursday, July, 20. Young Peo ple Will HeurEarl E. Orner Harold. LAnderson, 536 War- wickr o a d, Kemilworth, mas elected, a trustee of Northuestern univers«ft. laast .week, according to an' announcement made by President Walter Dill Scott. Mr. Anderson is a partner in Pub- lisher's Syndicate, onie of the found- ers -of-the Aierficn sttute of Pub- lie Opinion, and a publishing conl- sultant for several large metropoli- tan newspapers. Hé is a former president of the Northwestern -uni- V.ersity Alurnni asslociation. During the. first week, Josef Ilof- mann, pianist, wil be, soloist on June 30 and July 1. Concerts -are 'held Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings at 8:30 and Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock. Coupon books are now on sale -wih save purchser $3.50, intce, they sell for $10 and contain 18 coupons, each good either for a 75- cent admission or a 75-cent reserved seat at any regular concert during the season. Flrst Week's Programs The programs for the first Week's concerts, under the baton of Sir Adrian Boult, foflow: Thursday, June 29. at 8:30 Overture to "DerFliegende