SPIEND to create jobs? SPend to bring back prosperity? You be- the more the betterl But which kind of spending does the trick? Spending by govern- men-or speinding by business? Take your own town for exam- pie. Which of these two kinds of spencling would do it the most good: Money spent for a government project, desirabie as it may seem to be-or anoney spent for a new new store is compleced-that's only the bcginnwing. Up goes the sign '"HELP WANTED" -permanent jobs for peopie who wiil spend thcir pay checs for homes, for food, for furtisbings, for autos, for, insurance-araking more jobs somewhere cisc for sili more people. Not only char, we get more new encerprises co share. the ,cax bur- den business must bear. So you sec, Roverament spending But today, storm signals«arc kcép- ing idems and money idIe--ýfro- zen" by warnings of burdensome taxes, handcuff Icgisiation, gov- erument competition, politicai restrictions on dollars -ac.wozk, and even çoncera for the, nations very soivency. So what? Just this: Teli your Congressman and Senator you want co sec the brakes released on business enterprise. America nceds less taxes and