Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1939, p. 54

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.tÏaLTN7Iltc old iron, washing machines, any 1kind ol -junk. Pay best prices. Wilmette 744. GOLD MEDAL COTS, GLASS WARE, 174TI44-2t] golf curtains, ice box, fernery, mise. articles. Ph. Wilmette 1405. TWIN BABY CAB, ENGLISH STYLE 173LTN7-ltp prceferrèd. Must be, reasonable and in good' condition. Ph. Wilmette 4512. DAEPRT TABLES, NEW e2 RIFLE, 74LTN7ltp 9.thgshoes, mise, articles. Go6odWLLAYCS coniton Phone Kenilwoôrth,1504. F'OR USEDTIRES 173LTN7ltp CALL, WIL. 551 Pure Oil Station: 4th and Lindeti ËFRENCH STYLE DRE SSER $30, SM. -ý74LTN7I4tp Vict. dresser $20, oak table grand for THE BOOK 'SHIP MODELS, HOW TO doctor's. office or llbrary $10, sin .. Vict. Make Thern" by Chas. G. Davis. Any chairs, 4 'French doors 84x24". Giencoe condition. Cal) 'Rogers Park, 9ZI4. M. J. 66.173LTN7-te.1 Fauhi. 174LTN7-ltp TUE KENILWORLTI PARK DISTRICT' Statement, of Receip3ts and Disbursements June 1. 1938 to May 31, 1939: Rau'oint! VesctpUonAmouint Taxes, Township Coflector-General Taxes, 1937 ......................$ 7.451.99 Taxes, Township Coiector-Genieral Taxes, 1938.......... ............ 2,000.00 Taxes, County Coietor-General Taxes,' 1928-1932............ ........ 341.32 Taxes, County Coiector-General Taxes,,1933 ....... .............78.56 Taxes, County- (bllector-General Taxes, 1934..............147.99I Taxes, County Colector-Gejieral Taxes, 1935 ..................253.641I Taxes, County Colector-GeneraI Taxes, 1936...............01.51I TaxsCountY Collector-.General Taxes, 1937 .. .ef......a.o...e.Ta...... ........... ........... .... 3450 Ref nd G e x ... .. ... . .. ... .. .. ... .. . . .. .. ... .. 232 Sale, Grass Seed ....... ....... .......... ........................... 28è8 Refund, Merchandise returned to Sears, Roebuc'k & Co ........... 8.21 To tal Receiptu June 1, 1938 »o Ma y 31, 1939. Diabursements Naupe .Accotant .Detail W. M. Brown-Park Gardener .................$1,70.00 W. P. Brown-Ass't Gardener ..... ............. ..170.00 Louis Faac-Ass't Gardener . ................... .... o9.00 George Brown-Labor, Parks ......... ................ $ 540.00 Wm. Trefenthal-Labor. Parks............... ............ 300.00 Russell Baker-Labor, Parka.... .............. ý... ....... 270.00 C. A, Thorsen-Labor, Park ................................. 30.70 Wendeli Philpe-Labor, Parks.............. ......... 17.50 WauJeëan Nurseries-Plants, Shrubs, Etc........... 471.29 Edwards, Th~e Florist-Plants, Shrubs. Etc..........144.75 Silnusens Nurseries-PlJants, Shrubs, Etc. 15.45 G. T.' Vink &*'Soni-Plants, Shi'ubs, Etc ....................9.6i8 West End F1orist-Plants, Shrubs, Etc.............20.00, Ridge Road Fiorist-PIants, Shrubs, Etc. .............24.00 H. C. Pifer-Plants, Shrubs, Etc .............. ......... 38.00 Wendeil Phillips-Seed, Soil, Tan Bark, Fertulizer.........$ 33.99 Geo. A. Davis Co.-Seed, Soi], Tan Bark, Fertilizer.......... 224,28 Worthington Midwest Co.-Seed, Soi1, Tan Bark, Ferti ,lizeri 1.80 Gutman & Co.-Seed, Soil, Tan Bark, Fertilizer........30.00 Kenilworth Hardware Co.-Supplies, Maintenance. Repaiirs..$ 8.47 Martin Jacobson-Supplies, Maintenance, Repairs...........259 'Moto Mower Co.-Suppies, Maintenance. Repairs ..........' * 141.93 Sears, Roebuck & Co.-Supplies. Maintenance, Repairs ... ..... 61.68 Iluck Welding Co,--Supplies, Maintenance, Repairs '......... 44.30 Pavlik 'Bros.-Supplîes, Maintenance, Repairs ................597 Worthligton Midwest Co.-Supplies, Maintenance, Repairs .. 4.00' Wolff & Watt Co.-Supplies, Maintenance,' Repairs ............. 15.29 J.Shortr*dge-Sugpîies.. MaintenaceRepairs ........ ...... ý61.00 Amount. $ 3,330,00 $ 1.158.201 $723.17 $290,07 Rînk. ......... Rink. ïg Rink.... I p j - I 1 . W. Petersen Coal Co.--Coal, Bldg........................ $ 346.U5 Marquette Coal Co.-Coal,,Bldg. ................50.38 $ 396.83 L. HMollister & CC.-PËrînting, Lega otcS....... ........$ 38.7 20th. Century Pregss-Printing, Stationery........ ....... .... 2730 Harr .Wese--StelnograpDhic Services ...... ... .-........... 50 00: HB:Tayior-,stamps., lIncidental, Expenses................... 19.15 P. . Pettiboe Co.-Ilection Supplies ................ ....... .4.80 1Viflage of Kenilworth-Stamps,'Mailing Expensc ..... .........1.8 $145 Jamres R. Starra-Insurance Premniums...........$ 224.57 Hartford Accident & Ind. Co>.--Insur>ale 'Premiuins...........12.5 Edward.J. Hughes-Truek License ...................50 Illinois Ass'n of Park Distrits-Dues.... .................. 2.00 $280 H. B. Taylor-Building Administration &t Officers: Salary ... 500.00 Schuyler & Hentiessy-Attorney Fees .......... .......... ... 200.0 Chas. N. Evanis-ýAttorney Fees ........ .............. ...... 23.87 $ 723.87 Geo. Kreite,. Jr.-Judges. Clerks of Election ...........$ 6.00 Jean P. Moss-Judges, Clerks of 'Election........ ........... 600 Ruth Crooks-Judges, Cler*s of Election .............. ...600 Dorothy 'Smith-Judges- Clerks of Election......... .N9 Nona Schrei-Judges, Clerks of 'Electton, . .... , 6.00 $ 300 Principal Paid on Matured Bonds.............. ..... .. ......... $ 4,000.00 Interest Paid on Bonded Indebtedness................ ............ 1...0 Total Disbursements June 1, 1938 to May 31. 1939 ..... .... $17.067.48 State of Ilinois County of Cookss. Harry E1. eese, being duly sworn on oath deposes and says that hc 1is Treasurer of the Kenilworth Park District and. that the above and foregoing is a. correct statement. of monies received 'and paid out by him as' Treasurer of saidý Park District for the fiscal year beginning on the lst day of June. 1938, and ending onithe3ist day of May, 1939. Further affiant saith flot, *HERBERT B. TAY!~LOR, Secretary .HA YE. ESETraue Subscribed and sworn before me this 13th day 0f June. A.D. 1939. EDWARD S. HEARN, Notary Public My comlmission expires January 9. 1940. Ncih M euin Isreen wife, inlerrÉoleof Mrs. SUP She will be the mother of Bobs Wat- F'aculit Bl ding son, appearing as Pud, in M-G-M's g picturization of last years stage h it. A.t1Kemper Hall - 1"PREL. Formai dedication ,of the Nash MY P! R EErT17 rnansion as a faculty buflding asDoytretfar* hikayoafr ng ýv hDay? i.fýýt anirythe ai o uferna announced this week by the Kemper Why flot, put an end to suelh misery 4y Hll Alumni association withthe con- using a mnarvelous preparation that, has made millions of feet hiappier? Get .qiiek clusion of the annual meeting and relief %vith (>1L-of-SALT. As first-ald for the election of officers. injuries, sunburn, cuts, sealds, hii~ Mrs. N. M. Forsythe. '22. of 37 k -y: t noII.,-Of-SALT. <enilworth. daughter of Mrs. Emilv , lg1dg..* . . ri', Bidg . . . . . . . . . arBldg . ...................... Bldg ........... ................ ating, ld.... ............... Wase emval .................... min.. . 12.00 BARIBARA PLAYS 1OTIJER Barbara' Bedfoird, silent sereen star, will: be Trumhan Bradley's first 1, ;on--Ci »Ong 1 62in

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