Used Cars Wanted for Cash Pure Oil Station,. 4tb Li«nenWalette 551. 100LTq54tp OS AurlTiUOLa rt^ ILxits Box Trailer, 56"lx72"'ý UXKE NEW.,2 WHEELER. 66Green Bay, Rd., Wlnnetka 109LTIW7ltp 113OATB à OUTOARD MOTORS PARTLY ASSEMELED 17 FrT. BAIL. 1boat, national one design. Al parts,' malIs, blue pints. Ready to be completed. Want an oFer. Can be seen ate745 Sheri- dan Rd. Winnetka 1523.ý 113L7-Itp WATA CHT? 1--L SELL MY FAST 30-foot power cruiser. "Buccaneer Ill" with 100 HP Kermath Engine for $1,500. Built down east for two to live aboard or for ton on day trips. See it at Lar- sen's Yard. Waukegan Harbor. ils FOR RENT-RooMB !NSUALLY ATTRACTIVE ROOM IN private adult home, reas. Brkfst. op- tionat. Nr. transp. Exceptional oppor- tunity for gentleman or lady. GI. 1719. ___________116LT7ltp C LE A N WELL-FURNISHED ROOM with plenty of bot water., Near trans. Empty because former occupant was transferred. Winnetka '2420 after 4:30. Il * OARD AND ROOM TRAI= WD InA'S NU RS E WILL board & room infant or smai child ln oWn home durlngparents long or ' short abgence. .Excellent N.S. refera. Wil- mette 3m8. 121LTS54tP 127 wTD. TO UHAREC-APARTMIENTS WANT TO SHARE OURAPARTMENT .With one girl-two bedriiis.,-ige., lvg. rm,, kitchenette, bath. Complete mnodlem furnishings. Meats op>tional.. Cati Wilmnette 1921, evenings. 127LTN7-ltp iat, pouan i UENTAARTMENTB 425 GROVE STREET 8 ROOMS -4, BATHS Raymond Park Apartment Homes -EVANSTON'S MOST EXCLUSIVE" OFFERS A REFINED ATMOSPJtERF, for <iscrimnating people in a most de- sirable location. A real home with large, sacieoue rmnt, wooObtnng 1lmpIatas, abundant closet space. Ail the luxury of a private resideriùe- without the care. Garage and elevator attendants, hand- ball court and recreation room. McGUIRE & ORR, Inca 530 Davis -St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wi. 228 128LTN7Itc BEAUTIFUL LINDEN CREST BLDG. Ail new GE refrigs.. Magic Chef Stoves. 1» lUth st. Wllmette or cati- WiJ. -432, eVes. à129LTN7ltp I ROOM FUENISHËffED APARTMWENT for rent . uiy and August4. Wilmnette 41$6.129LTN7-tp 133 HOUSe» TO SHAREc WlILL SHARE BEAUTIFUL HOME wlth couple :or tWo ladies. G "arage op tional.. I blok from Eider 1Lane beach. $10 week. References.. WINNETKA 16 132LTN7 ltp REAL COZY H1OME 1704 HIGHîLAND AVE. WVILMETITE.. Twin Gables. English Col, type. Liv. rooffi 14x24 with h6oded 10g burning lire place, m as. bedrm. same size and two others, inviting dining rm. and kitchen, tule bath. Frigidaire, gas ht.. insulated, ample closets, sun in every rm., Ige. light basement, wide lawn in front; land. scaped with hedge also evergreens. Ige'. Yard wîth sùmmer bouse, trees, shrubs. Ôo1 street '\here all homnes have wide, weil kept lawns. Now being decorated. Avait. Juty lst. Rental $80. Bargain set!- ing price $10,250. Save $500 by dealing with owner direct. Phone Monroe 183. S133LTN7-ltp 4 bedrms., oil, 2 c. gar........ ....$90 3 bedrms. b.w. ht., 1 c. gar ......... 65 5 rrn. apt. h.w. ht., east Winn ....... 60 6 rms h.w.h. 1 c. gar. 2 pchs ....... 55 Bung. 2 bdrms., newty dec., 1 c. gar. 50 E. S. WISDOM & C0. Winn. 387, Eves., Wînn. 1235 Wit. 2904 133LTN7ltp 147 F@o SI-N UE ]EAST KENILWORTH 150 feet from beach, almpst ripa- rIan, without. high *coot of lake frontage. GROUNDS 80*190 ra- vine-ldscpd.,'10 ROOMA. 5 bcd- rms., 31,2 batbso, sîp. P. Spacious foyer, salon, and solarium. olI hot water beat. 3 car garage. ONLY 5 blocks to school. trains, shop-> ping. 4 btocks to'New Trier. IMMEDIATE OR OCT. OCCUPANCY This. home has- been :Immnaculately. kept and is _ready to just mhove In andl live. PICE $27,900.00 Cati Mr. Eyster- Wii. 358-1067 for appt. EAST'WINNETKA LINCOLN AVE. Low cost.0f remodellng will make this home into >a fine residence and modern. WITHIN 5 blocks of lake, schI., transp. 8 RMS. 5 bdrms.. 2 battis, oit, bot wt. hit. WOODED LOT 60 0- attractive s>.aroindngs PRICE $10,900 Cati Mr. Jacobs - Wii. 1067-358 KING REALTY Leckerbie Country Estates Kingswood Country Estates 3343 Gtenview Rd., Wilrnette CHERRMES ARE RI IN ABUNDANCE, HANGING the corner of this artistic .Aineian Colonial, Stone and, )E - 116L7ltp- DOUB~LE ROÔM, TWIN BEBS, MAHOG. furn. 2 closets. Private bath and porch. MAso attractive single rm. Conv. to lake and transp. Winnetka 2144. - 116LTNl-ltp .LARGE BOOM SUITABLE FOR 1 OR.2., Nice for couple. Kitchen privileges: if desired. Cali Wmnnetka 505-W.- - Desirable 2 rmn. with 3 rm. efficiency. Lge/ lv. rm. with rn-a-dor. Kitchenette and dinette. KROLL and SMITH, Agents 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 500 128LTN7-ltp 800 MICHIGAN AVE. 1 III, PLANN ING YOUR NEW lHOME- %84 LncoinAve. inn .7 whether buying or renting-a large 54LnonAe in 7 mensure of security and peace of nilnd 147LTN7-ltc depensupn the RgtA location.-See Close to Transportation Yet on woded133LTN7.ltc, With Ail the Seclusion of, UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE M EL-onr hse.onwoe lot close to lake, the 'onr ttansp.. school. Lvg. rm. 18x30. Screened This English cottage hung with wis- pch. 2 year lease. Giencoe 1242. ai wyfo thsre nastig 133LN7-ltpof beautiful trees and garden is unusi LOVELY 7» ROOM HOME N E A R in charm and comfort. 5 bedrms.. 3'Ça schools and transportation. $75. baths, heated sleeping porch, library, HIL.L AND STONE screened porch, 011 heat. 2 car garage. WILMETTE 1644 Priced at $16,000 which is half of the 3ROOI4S FOR 'RENT. Near transportation. 4m 4Pb. WlIm.tte 3478. 1BT7lpJ F a -ming Hubbard Woods Colonial, set nong beautiful trees, on large . lot, oins, 2 battis. bot wter oil heat. itot eto nelghbors but convenient to ots. church, stores, depot; posses-t to suit. &Stone;,-543 Lincoln, Tel. Winn. 1544. 147LTrNI-ltc 1 ý . 128L=7-ltp Y. Darr