COMP. WOMAN WISHES WORK ANY DAY INC. SUN. IIOUSECLEANJNG. WASH WALLS, BLANKETS, PREPARE DINNER. CARE FOR CHILDREN EVES. BESIr REFS. WINNETKA 1511. 94L4.ltp EXPERIlENqCED*. SE¶TLED COLOREDý womnan; cooking and general bouse., work; or mn4other and daughter wili work together. Excellent' references.. Cail any- lime. ý Uni. 601L. 94LTN7ltp NEAT' RELIABLE e COLORED., GIRL wishes general housework. Loves'chul- dren. Willng to start at '$7. Stay. IPrefer Wilmette âs sîster is working here. Ref s. Wilmette 393. 94LTNX7-ltp 41GH SCHOOL GIRL WISHES TO TAKE care 6f children f ull days by the week. Or mother's helper. References. Winnetka 2917. 94LTN7ltp EXPERIENCED NEAT LAUNDRESS WANTS DAY WORK. OR LAUYNDRY TO DO AT HOME._CALL & DELIVER. EXPERIENC CLEANING, LA CHILDREN, BY HE N.S, REFS. WILM«. CAPABLE WOMAD day or hol*r. CIE ing. servlflg or cai evenlflg. Excel. ref Deulin fo InertClansifled advertisements wl» b. ac- I Dadlie lo Inaot4owa"'Éeptd up to Tuçaday 9 P.' M. for WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wedneadgy 9 P.M. for WINNETICA TALK and- Thurgday, 5 P. M. for GLEN1COENECWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4M0, Winnetka 2000 (Winnetka 50 atter 6 P. M., G»eenleaf400orSL. drake1216-21'e1 FOUNiDRÎY METAL MANUF&CTURING Sexecutive: Capable. of t aiing full charge of sales and production for inaker 1of gray iron castiS.g, ~t metal or light fabrlcated steel p roducts ery successful record in sho patices, layout. motion studies, Safty and per- sonnel mainagemnent. Unusual ability ini handling men. Succesgful sales expe- rience proves, ability to'sell meta] spe- cialties. MEN OVER FORTY CLUB, 41 W. Canal St., Chicago. REFER TO NO. 9. 95LTN7-tp OR~ OFFICE :S' es SITUATrION WANTED-MALE EXPERIENCED -MA$. aWiIHES Gardening and. Housework by day or, hour. Winnetka 1739 Experienced Houseman CHIAUFFEUR, G A RDENERi. CAN serve..N.S. rets. Wlmette 5381. room 9. 95LTN7-Itp -Cali, cALL MR.. MALE FOR sr WHITE, MAID YOUNG OR 0W: SMAIL house, 2 àduits. No laundry. Plain cook-ý ing. Smail salary. Refera..-Go or stfiy. Write Box 206. Box 60, Wilmette. MH. 97LTN7-ltc HIGH SCHOOL GIRIL FOR GENERAL Shôusework and care of 6 year aid cd. Homne ntghts,. Call i Wmnetka àM0. WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUPe- work, bungalow. Own, roomanid bath. 3 aduits. Plain coalclng. Laundry out. 0? week. Glencae 440. MI Tnu"Itp GIRLGXNERAL HOUSEWORK, S o'lck through dinner. Personal laun- dry. No Sundays. Rets. $7. Indian 1h1 transp. nnetka 3M3. , 97LTNY-lltc EXPERIZNCED WOMAN 25.35, voRt eneral ho eork,. 9 tru dinner. Go. Refers.reqtre.P.Wiute45. FORl G.EiRAL CaU il WJette 97LTNIte-l se HELP WANTD-MALE STOKER COLLEGE MEN. MAWIFAC- turer will select a few meni ta caver North Shore territory. This new .fast selimg feed offers excellent opportuntty to men who wll apply themselves. Ad- dress El-M0, Box,60, Wilmnette, 111. 9$LTN7.ltc nmother's nelper o r W11cat:u. REEP] dren. iteferences.. Wlmette 972W.AK AONDTltEA, IU.kAI DRI VES, ADWLS _____________________O0 GARDEN WOJIK BY AN EXPERIENCED'COLOREI) w O M A N ENCED GARDENER. WJNN. wants general housework<. full timne; stay on place; references. Glencoe 208. _____________ 94LTN7-ltp YOUNG SWEDISH MAN, SOI a willing, relial worker, gc Washing to Take Home pentry or all around handy ma WILL CALL FOR AND DELIVER. Wikell, 1531 Meirose,. Chicago. WIMTE 904 M q-UjW0 ïY KflW Jfach is assured of help or a. Job in 1 EXPERI- to 3 'intervieWs. 1813. OUR OFFICES -LT 748t Elm street Winnetka 2W03 ER AND p. od in car- CENTRALD -AGENCIES n. Arthur 8 N. First St., Highland Park 96LTN7-ltp 95L7-tp WANTI COOKS .......... GENERAL MAIDS .. COUPLES .......... Some jobs for ine CAIU.N'S EMPI oie Elm nt. 1 OPEN IEXP. IMITE GIRL I.N. S. refs. Goodc ri dren. No laundry p 'Winetlça 13M0. TN7-ltp I ~ M7 -ite