JACK SLOWN CO. o* u WM. Mir C.ndltloulng on1 Boum'. & Wao leater. icu=. -rurib d One was to rescue J. A. and Wil- liamn Corbus, teen-aged sons of Dr. B. C. Corbus, 2746 Eudlid Park place, Evanston, who were clinging to the bott9m of their overturned sailing canoe a. half mile of-shore. The boys were brougbt in and their boat wagssalvaged. Rescue Girl Slmmxer, Lois Fox and Alice Kresge of Wil- mette, and -Marilyn Frederieks of Keiilworth, ail students at New ri- er High seà, hool,, were rescued that Same.afternoon when a raft, on which they had been 'sun bathing,. float- ed out with the current. One of the girls had attempted1 to swim in for help and w as nearmng exhaustion when the coast guard motor launch, sent out by ,the lookout; .pic ked. ber out of the water. Ferdie Nead, Jlm Flanagan, and Burt Weir, of- Kenilworth, and Dot Canibell, of Gerieva, Ill., were towed jiJ b3y theçoast gýard, on Friday, w hèn their sails got away from them and their sloop becarne unmanage. able. The other trips that day were of minor importance, including a couple of false alarms. Chicago Wins Race On Wednesday, last weelç, the Wil- mette station competed with the Old Chicago coast guard station ini a two-mile rowing race as part of the annual rowboat elimination con- er to nave a full is necessary for Le all leaves of -a OIL DURNER, Réay 1Boom Photos The ubiquitous cameraman went into action Tecentli «t the annual public school field meet tcith thze resulting excellent "s hots" depicted above.__ Upper left: Class B prize award i tbe high jump, left to right, Dave Catholie Action Rentai Himmel, Howard school, second; Ed. Devlin, Howard, third; Dick Bolen- Lilhrary Now Established son, Stolp, first award. Upper right: Class C high jump Tbe circulating rental library es- awards, left to right, Bruce Smith, tablishedi by the Catholic a c t i o n Stolp, third; Ed Roberts, Stolp, sec- grôup of the Woman's Catholic Club ond, Clarence Weeks, Howard, first; of Wilmette now bas 125 books.avail- H-In (Gntherco.nn1th1aefb' fnstrvu'.tor..able, books forminga avaried colle-, AI JI~*A ower right: Ed Roberts, Stolp, ýi to discon-. second place, Class C, high jump. .ice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AT COMMENCEMENT Rosemary Jones, 1009 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, and Marjorie Steen of 155 Birch road, Winnetka,' have returned from. Culver, Id. ' where they attended the commen- cement bail and graduation exer- c1 u bu'us- piantiropy aepartment. Mrs. George Wells is librarian as- sisted by Mrs. Fred M. Clarke, Mrs. Francis X. Thale, and Mrs. F. Gor- don MeWilliams. Mrs. George Steele is8 cbairman of Catholic action deý- partment. The library bas been in actual existence for about ten days, and the resuits are very- aratifying to Pauline Van Hlome has been visit- ing in Lmcen for the past fortnight,' and wiill rernain for anotber wpek.