new mR Tape ALUANce un arts . Co. ,leOUA U s.*. souk ais*din Evu.s.. ASavings Plan . iFor EVERY ,BUDGET. F "Il lam't WIuaî You Make. It la Whet Von Save." Let U.s Help You Plan a Savngs progam NftW. Your Savings WiII .Earn a Good Return, Why Not Inquire TODAY. Wfnuetka Buflding and- Loa AssoCiation 118 Mm St. Wim. 11 4ji O- The measure i-question la a joint resolution,, Senate Bili 31 and Bouse, Bill 40, ealllng ,for a -constitutional amendmnent which would permanent- ly limit prçoperty taxes to one per cent of assessed- valuation, thereby puttlng a positiveé brake. on the free and easy spendingý of the people's money by _' miting the amount that could be collected. Fectire hln19M Adoption of the resolution at this session would mean that- the pro- posed- amendmnent would be present- ed to the -people for a vote at the next general 'election. tjnder its provisions it would.take effect Janu- ary 1, 1943, making Illinois the tenth state to adopt this progressive form of legislation. The neighboc states'of Ohio,,MiIchi- gan and Indiana afready have tax limitation begislation. Wisconsin la about to adopt it. Property owners i Rhode Island, West Virginia, Washm gton, Nevada and New Mexico also live under its protec- tion. The proposed tax limitation legis- lation measure for Illinois provides that the onie per cent limitation fair cash value. Urge Qulck Action, This resolution, must be brought te a vote before the 'Genieral. Assembly adjourns on June 30, it Wa explained. Legisiators.representing the New Trrier district, to whom. realtors and property. owners hi genieral are ask- eëd t o write,. follow: Senator Arthur J. Bidwill, and rep-, resentatives Bernice T., Van der Vries, Etmett McGrath, *and Arthur W. Sprague. Cet Heaïtig Commtrc ln Menrton Residence Fred A. Ellis and. company, Inc., 840 Green Bay road, Winetja, has secureathie contract for heating and air conditioning the new residence beig erected i Lake Forest, for Sterlig Morton. The heatig -and virconditioning system has been de- signed by the Ellis company, i col- laboration with Milman and Mor- phett, the architects. BUIL DS PRIVATE GARAGE distribution. The rate to be paid continues the earnings on stock fer the past twelve month period the same as bas been. paid since the bank 'started. Stockholders, including the United, States governnient and 479, savings. building and ban associatlions -in l linoi s and Wisconsin, will. receive a total- of $187,16848 on July 10 ac-. cording to A. R. Gardner, president. It is the largest amount yet, dis- bursed in' the course of theý bank'sý semi-annual dividends,. the s t o -c k held. by savings . and: ban institu- tions having increased by $132,00.00 in the past six Imonths. Government- ownied stock bas remained the same for three years. The First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Wilmette is an affiliatte of the bank. Start Another Home in. Connecticut Village A building permit for another Of the 39 residences which will com- prise the Irvin A. Blietz "Connecti- cut Village" in the nortli part of WiJniette, was issued the past week. Located gt 1245 Richmond lane, it wll be .two stories. of frame on ARE YOU GUITiINO A SAP ZON YOUR SAVINOS STEL. MONroe 810IW J5. P. O'Connor took out a permit for a residence remodeling job at 2111 Beechwood avenue, an improve- ~ ment costing $1,000. Charles Schnell is making a ga- rage alteration àt 2315 ýThornwood avenue, costig $100. J. T. Hanley la building a ýprivate ýrage at 827 Chestnut street, cost- ig $500. J»oseph ,J. iarnett is buildig an Iopen porch on his residence at 571 Drexel avenue, costinýg40.-..