Given -in Marriage By Her Crandfaiher Approaching the altar on the arm of her grandiather, Harry E. Robertson of Crystai Beach, Fia., formerly of Winnetka. who gave, her in marriage', Miss Virginia June, Smith, daughter of Mrs. Viola Smith, Df iimrette' wore a white net wed- ding gown, and, a tulle veil falling from .a headdress o! hules ,of the valley, when s he became. the bride of Gerard Welington. Brooks. in the. Church cf' the Holy Comfrter cf Kenilworth, last Saturday eveni ng. With, basque waist and full skirt ending in a train. 'the gown had>a sweetheart ,neckiine 1.and .puffed sieeves. Completing her costume was a bouquet cof jhules cf. the val- ley, whte roses, and white orchids. Mrs. Randolph Brooks (Ruth Kan- berg) of Nules Center, the matron cf honor, was in turquoise lace with mhaUhing po'ke' bonnet, and carried plnk sweet peas with a touch o! lavender. -The bridesnaids, Mrs. William Heyn (Jean Melntosh cf Dundee), Miss Margaret Loomîs of Glencoe, Miss Betty Jane Pryce cf Evanston, and Miss Janet McNulty of Wilmette, wore gowns cf rose petal pink marquisette trirnmed with streamers of rose velvet. Their bats wère matching poke bonnets, and they carried bouquets of lavender po Jn . di *30, their wedding having been one of the loveliest of the spring affairs, are returning from their honeymocn spent in Honolulu. Mrs. Prindivilie; formerly Miss Ruth Joyce, is the, daughter ýof the Joseph Joyces' of* Keniiworth. While ,in Honolulu they Were en-, tertained by the Farriôrs end mnany friends wbo: are permanent and transient Mrs. Farrior, the daugb- terý of Mrs. John Boylston, of Wil- mette, and her .husband r John B. Farrior, lieuteniant-commander in the Navy, have been stationed in Honolulu for some time.. Mr.' and Mrs.. Sheldon. Prentice, who were also spending terhoneymoon there, entertained for 'the: Prin- divilles. Mrs. Prentice, the former Sheila Potter of New York, is a cousin of Mr. Prindivilie. *'The yeung "uetm,¶wil nke their home in Chicago at 3640 Lake Shore drive. White net was the,. material from which was fashioned the dress Virginia June Smith of Wil- mette 'wore last Saturday ene- nng on the oc casion cf her mar- riage te G e r a r d. Wellingtfon Brooks of Northbrook in the Church of the Holy Cornforter. Her veil of tulle tuas helci te her hair by lilipeq of the v.,,n1. iMr. Attend Carpenter-Jernes Wedding H.Id in Nebraska Mrs. John C. Carpenter, 250 Ox- Is at High Noon Ia hlgh noon wedding ceremony in. St.' Francis Xavier- church on Thursday, June 29, Miss Genevieve, Muench, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. .Walter J. Muench, 826 Chestnut ave- nue,' will.,become the' bride of Thomas J. Madigan,' son of MrÉ. and Mrs. Dennis' Madigan cf Chicago. Immediately following, a weàddng. brea kfast will be servied at Shawnee Country 'club, and that aftérnoone commêncing at 5 o'clock there will be a reception at the home of the, bride's parents. The -evening before the wedding the lride's Parents are also giving the bridai dinner at the Edgewater Beach hotel. The bride's sister, Mrs. John L. Kellogg, Jr..* of Wilmette, is to be matron of honor, and serving as bridsmats wtt!'be the t«to si'sters- in-Iaw of the bride-. Mrs. James J. Muench of Wilmette and Mrs. Mor- gan C. Muench of, Chicago.ý Mr. Madigan will have bis brother. Jack, for bis best man, and the ushers will be the bridegroom's brother, 'Daniel, and the bride's two brothers, J a m e s and Morgan Muench. After a wedding trip to Bermuda. Mr. Madigan and bis bride will live Randoiph Brooks was b is brother's best man, and the ushers were John Phillips cf Winnetka, Richard Oison of Chicago, Bill Nordburg cf Win- netka, and John Ballenger cf Hub-' bard Woods. The Rev. Leiand Danfcrth per-. formed the ceremcny before an altar flanked on either side with green foliage and two large urns holding white gladioli. white stock, Francis W. 'Holbrook fo Wed Katherine CoIp The wedding cf Miss Katherine Colp, daughter cf Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard CoIp of Marion,' Ill., 'and Francis Wayland Holbrook cf Glen- coe 'wili be beld Saturday, June 24, at the home of the bride's parents. The bridegroom is' the son cf the of Columbus. Mr. Carpenter and 'bis bride' wili spend the summer traveling in various parts of the 'country, and la ter in the surnmer expect to be in Kenilworth for a visit. In the fail both will return to scbool at the University cf New Mexico at Albu- querque, where Mr. Carpenter bas been a stu dent for the past two years. on June 10. ee 36 cm' L 1 ne