rm% u i 1* i ul %*oîo l The'.Ravin ia: Festival Willop ,en Thursday Even in g, June 29' The 1939 Ravinia: Festival will present thé Chicago Symphony Orchestra in a series of twenty-four concerts directed by the finest international Coniductors available. Distin- guished Guests, Artists'andSoloists wil appear this.season as added attractions to this: superb program. The 1939 Ravinia Festival season -this year will extend for 6 weeks. closing AugUst 6th. You Can Save,$3.5Q on Each Coupon Book by Purclasing Now! Books containing eighteen coupons are now on sale for $10.00 each. These coupons can be used either for admission. at the gate, or for reserved seats in the pavilion. Coupons are transferable and can be used for any concert., Without coupon books eighteen gate admissions for regular programs would cost $13.50. Coupon books can be secured from the-Ravmnia Festival Chairman or a committee member in your community, the North Shore banks or stores listed below. Make ahl checks payable to Ravinia Festival. This offer mîll definitely close when our liimited supply of coupon books has been ex- hausted. No Coupon Books Wil De $old Al ter hdly 2 RAVINIA FESTIVAL TICKET COMMITTEE. General Chairman, J. Eugene Davis 333 N. Michigan Ave., Central 7360. 200 Maple Hill Road, Glencoe, Glencoe 1106. COMMUNITY -CHAIRMEN LAKE FOREST GLENCOÉ Mrs. Ewing T. Webb, 501 N. .Oakwood, Lake Forest 1134 Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, 786 Greenleaf, Glencoe 238 LAKE BLUFF WNEK missJulett Brwn,540Scrnto Av., akeBluf 126, Mrs. Ernst C, von Ammon, 568 Elm, Winnetka 262 Mis ulete rQn,54 Srato Ae. Lke~1ft156 KEI<ILWORTH WAUKEGAN Mrs. T. Weller Kimbal, Kenilworth, Kenilworth. 3582 Mrs. Rush E. Hussey, 462 Gleridenning Pl., Majestic 80 IMET »IHLNDPAêKM*rs. Walter R~. Knupfer, 7 Crescent Pl., Wilmette 1152ý Mrs. Henry Getz, 64 Clltton, Ave., Highland Park 1962 EVANSTON Mrs. RobertA. Gosling,'328: Central Ave, H. P. 25600 Mrs Gilbert Smith, 1320 Chicago.Ave.. Davis 7662 COUPON. SOOKAGENIES FIn TT 4OQAL BANK OF LAEFOREST. FmST NATIONAL B AAD TRUST CG. FIRT NATIOAL BWNK OF WAUKEAN TAE BAKMANDTRUSTf COMPANY Wapea, llnisranston, llinoi $M~~ANÇ ~ ~tI~I~AN fAVNIA FSTIVAL TI-I, FRST ATINALBANKOF IGHLND oQm152--23 S.,La.gll St. Chcag