Flower Exhibit Ribbons were awarded in three classifications, last Friday, at the, flower arrangement competitiion c .onducted by the,.Kenilworth Gar- den' club. inthe garage ot Mrs. Charles Ware's home, 325 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth.. Mrs. 0. L. Heath. of Winnetka, Mirs. Frank Nason o! Kènilworth, and Mrs. Rob- ert Mandevilie of Lake.Bluff sérved. .as judges, and Mrs. D. W. Mercer, chairman of the exhibitions coin- mittee. was in charge o! the coin- petitiffle Friday afternoon o! this, week the Kenilworth Garden club is enter- taining the ýmembers of the Kenil- worth Home'and Garden club *at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eck- hart, 206 Cumberland avenue, Kenil- worth. Mr. Eckhart wiil give an illustrated talk on Italy and wrnl tel o seme lawkeus ~gades h. has visited. The ffrst classification o! the comn- pétition, Friday, specified a mono- chroniatic arrangement (one color) and the following prizes were won: Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett,. spécial award: Mns. Sidney Ball, blue rib- bon: Mrs. Grant Ridgway, red nib- bon; Mns. Bentley MeCloud, yellow ribbon. Mrs. Robent Oimsted. Jr., and Mns. Harny Williams, white Wilmette Weddung In an ail-white wedding, Saturday, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GUY' W. French' of, Morton- Grove, Miss Evelyn M. French, was married, to James: H. Krafthefer, soný of Mr. and Mrs. James M. krafthefer, 901 'Oakwood avenue, Wilmette. Both- the bride and« her attendants were gowned in white, and the ceremfony was performedby the Rev. John O'Mara >of St. Francis Xavier paris h be fore an all.;white settngo!peonies. White, satin fashioned the bridai gon,% worn with a veil of Bru sseis, lace whichý was held in place with a, braided, satin headdrèss.. Her bou- quet was white roses and Elles of the valley., White net go wns with lace bodices« were worn by Miss Dorothy Oison, maid of honor, and Miss Paula June 1cmftIuefer, br1deegmtld,.who 5carrted talisman roses and liles of the val- ley. They also wore roses in their hair. Mr. Krafthefer had as his best man his brother, David, and War- ren G. French was an usher. A weddmng dinner for the imme- diate farnily and a few intimate friends followed at the Evanston Golf club, and here the decorations ýwere pink peonies, white -stock,, and yellow ribbon: Mrs. Rufus Stolp, Mrs. McCioud and Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, white ribbons. Miniatures only were included in the third classification. The win- ners here were Mrs. James Prentiss, blue; Mrs. McCioud, red; Mns. Pren- tuss, yellow, and Mrs. Harry Wil- liamns, white .ibbon. The contest i the mroning was fe,11InA 1w 1,ln,hon ut Mrs. Ware's Mr. Brown, a former North Shore violinist, is a member of the faculty of Dakota Wesleyan. ThÂe bride ana onîaegroom iett *first for St. Mary's-of-the-Woods 'i * Indiana where they wili visit the lat- * ter's sister, Sister Immacuiee, and *froin there wiil go to Northern Wis-- consin on their wedding trip. MAter July 15, they will be at home, in the new sumnmer place they ar'e-building the, at Lo6tus Woods, -Spring Grove, n1. > -- - - --M. 0. emlzow.JV improving ini health, b bed patient. Frank Coi home because of ill heal Col. 18 still a is now at 34