lion that the sessio n ,Would close * earlier,,than usual. has. been dis- carded In viewv of the vast amount of work: yet to be dlone, There, is certainly. the subjeet.rriatter before us. For ex- ample, as I glance clown. Wednesday's House Calendar, I find that weîcon- sidered bills. having to do wi th a miner's examining board, examina- t ion of mines, horologists. crippled eh ildren. bottling o! 'beer, boards. of education, icrirninal code com- mission, housing in -Cook counity, liquor packages, private game pre- serves. liquor control act, refunds ,by 1 i q uor control commission. Bang's disease, liquor control act., building at Jacksonville State ho 1s- pital, board of N o r mal School trustees, classes for delinquent chil- dren. portraits of former speaker Louie E. Lewiis anid the'late Sena- tor James Hamilton Lewis. drivers' i license. applications, teachér pen-t sions, police pensions, strip mining. 1 liquor control act, State Ferry serv- ice.* Chicago parks, plumbers act school pegged levies, bond issue to 1 pay firemen and policemen. and1 several amendments to the Cities and Villages Act. Liquor Question Dominates 11 If My readers will analyze, the Senate gave tne Usteopathy Bih1 four votes of the. twenty-six require in that body for.passage. Mille Price Bills, Doomùea Minimum wage bills for domestic help were, defeateti by a decisive vote in the House. on Thursday. The widel.y discussed milk price fixing bills -have probably been defeateti as a *.technicality raised by tihe. op- ponents as to 'the qcuestion. of the appropriation of $120.000 for the en- forcemnent :caused, the bills to be' sent to the Appropriations1 comm it- tee. flairy farmers favored the bills .but the consumers and. distributors opposed them violently. The truck reeulation bills also su!- fered defeat. If the bills had been more simffle in character their nes- sagee right have been accomplished, but, like manv. other mafters pro- nose'I for reçrulation. the scone was too broad. QOponents to the truck bills claimed that a department store which contracted. for delivery o! packagles with a cartage com- p)anv wrould have to make out four lsie~for everv package. Every set of labels would have to show the weigzht o! the shioment, number of units or size. information as to in- surance and parne o! insurance, ticipant in t h e Ilinois La ti n was the onlyýsen- jorFgirl inthe.......... state who placeti !n the finals helti at Rockford col-, lege, andi as 'an award. was given scholarships from McMIfla.n Rockford, R o s ary, and Mumdelemn colleges. Upon the recommendation of the mu sic integration. departinent of New Trrier, she receiveti the region-. al award'fromn Sigma chapter of, Mu Phi, Epsilon, national music honor society, in recognition of her high scholastic standing andi ler service tô music. She was also awarded a freshrnan scholarshlp by ?foethweftern oevery New Trier honored Miss Meliillan IFRIDE cand1 delein college ini the fail. ANNOUNCE RIÉTH A son,. Frank, w*as born at the Ev- anston hospital Wednesday of last week. to -Mr~.. and lirs. James .L.. Surpies.., former Wilmette residents' who bought a new, home at 205, Ab- ingdon ýavenue, -Kenîilworth, two months ago. lirs. Sûrpless was Miss Mary liii! of Winraetka before her marriage., Edward Bruchauser came from Maquoketa, Iowa, lait week-end to visit his mother,. Mrà Aima Bru- chauser, 1602. Wilmette avenue, anld to attend the graduation of hi. sis- ter, Dorothy, from, New T1rier migh ichool He was accompanieti by a friend, Michael -Sweemey of Maquù- keta. lacs. lent steak . Private as Boai) inate. In rnis session a steuoVuUU effort is being made to break down the local option lews. Representa- -t ive--Schna ckenberg, who describes' *himnself as a middle o! the roader on the liquor question has made strenuous efforts to preserve the liquor regulation laws. Many of us believe that unless proper regula-' tion is preserved there will be a *swing back to the days of striitgent HousewÏves can vou imagine, the cost which wôuld be added to everv article whichi vou niirchaged with the order "Deliver Please?- Anorove Annexcation The passagle of the bill o)rovidin« for the Annexation of No Man's Land in the, House is of particular interest to the citizens in the nnrth-i several joint progrrpsin m %AI uu rich arena et the New Vork World's fair early ini Septeniber. the unie EM )rne. Open Tbursday and Saturdoy Evemings uglil 9 P., M.