TWO DOLLARSA TRU Nom swri pma ru.c& .4toe by TutsdnI*y.. C.d mnl46w r a -- omereq*. 1«lu t rS.. sua.« e .etwauriy or pubicoi. JUNE 22e 1939: No Man's Land, The annexation of. No, Man's Land by Wlmette or Kenil worth,. which seems imn- minent., awaiting only the passage by the state àenate of the bill on.,which the. bouse acted favoraàbly hast. weekl,..will .clear up a situation which for many. years has been Of much concern to every, New Trier vil-. lage. HoWever, fot one of. them but will regret'the uùfair publicity given the area on account of the proposed legisiation. To read the fanciful articles in certain papers onle. would thinhç that all business is restrlcted to the illegal class, such as gam bling, selling of liquor or beer and the, like. This is, of course, far from the truth. The real business people are carrying on legitimate commercial enterprises and are in no way entitled to the stigma that bas been cast upon them. Among these are an automobile sales agency, several service stations, a high grade photograph studio, fine apparel establishments, ood restau- services, sucli as police and. lire protection and water, may be secured. The area is too small to go it alone, anid it stands sorely in rieed of what the larger community cari supply. Freer Air' It is to be eedthat the recent itain's kinig and aueeri present plenity is dei uncerta This Crazy Age To the stone age, the bronze age, theý ice aie anid other periods marking the' progress of .man and. of the world ca n nw~ be, added the..crazy age. We are in, it aidý of it. Its purpose seems to be toý push, us back -into the ol1der ages from which, we emerged in the false belief that, we were progressiâg toward a finer- and better civýil- ization. How, prorie is man. to be wrong. The chief characteristic, of Participants in the moving activities of today is a lack; of mental balance. In fact, if onte is pos- sessed of mental balance that very posses- sion is sufficient to cast him out from the couneils of thoÈé Who il~ie str1itig to rnàke us perfect by law anid to huddle us willy nilly in the embrace of the perfect life. Meaning that the whole world, and espe- a c Ily these United States. of America, seems to have gone crazy. The evidence, if any were needed, is to be found in the bills introduced into the national corigress andI ahmost every state legislature. The thing seemns to be a game of some sort. Snrne 2x4 conizressman or legislator from up a sillier one mhar nt.t! and proceecis to write ýorie, or have it written for him. The trouble is be usually succeeds in reach- ing his objective, wbich is for one crazy man to outdo the crazy antics of anôther crazy mari. The result is the passage of legislation which, teri years ago or less, would riot even have reached the front door of any hegisiative hall. The Illinois legislature gave as fine an es Well, well! So Chicago bars are now to remamn Lad open until. 2 o'chock in the morning. That should i give any ma 1 (or woman) trne enough in which to get a snootful. But we venture a guess that after a time they wil be pleading to keep openi urtil 3 o'clock. Dicek James, a former Winnetka boy, but who now lives in Deniver, Colo.,. is only sixteen years old,, but, has already sbown that he bas in lm the stuif of which, leaders are made. On, Dick's %ý birthday his father, a former Win- netka automobile dealer, gave .him> a Cessna monoplane, with a, Warneir. 110. horse power. mnotor. On the same day he received hisý pil9tls license-a license with a string to it. Bcate o some provision or another in the lawbe couldn't take anybody aioft. with him. And Dick bad set bis heart on flying bis father to Chicago. Recognizing law as law, the lad set bis teeth and said he was going to fiy to Chicago, atone if he must. And that is just what hie did, leaving Denver early Wednesday and landing in Chicago Thursday. That's an adventure 't, speed Up the blood of any boy. His grit, determination, cour- age and good sense may welh be emulated by otber North Shore boys, who will hope that bis every fiight will be as -suecessful. If you are in Wausau, Wis., refrain from. say- ing "So long. *Don't take any wooden nickels."ý They are a medium of excbange there just now. O f course you have aiways warited to dé some- thing for that contingent of our citizensbip who are uriderfed, underclothed and underhoused. Not with any idea of personal profit, you under- stand, but, just for the satisfaction of belping your' fellowmen who are, to say the least, un- fortunate. If the housin.g lottery bill gets by the Illinois senate. (it has already passed the lower bouse) ;and Governor Horner, you wil get your chance. Ail you bave to do is to buy a ticket in a slum clearance lottery, hegal as anything, and if you draw a winnirig number you wiIl be a corporation officer and sbare in 10 per cent of the pot-anid no limit on the pot has appeared. Boy! Wbat a scheme for boodle! a of accordedA merican iiewspaper people Dy for Mr. Cburch's accu: the royal. pair witb that -dealt out to their knows what he is about. the basis -9 evidently This is a ine and notiling raore. Tur PRANTOM RPORtTER FVVECMNflàACOPY 7y a