next week. AU 'of t] open to the publie, themn are free. mýÏan y Davis Openihng the. lecture program ot of 'the Leonard Florsheims ii the school of speech, Elissa Landi, land Park. The photograph actress, will -deliver two addresses the bahbustr ace ]a -"h e R ol fteAdec, dens as well as the beautil . oe Rlé f te Adiece imposing residence designied and. "The Education'of the Actor-BeamnMshlcmpn on. Wednesday .and Thursday, June Another bouse featured is1 26 and 29j in the Great hall of the dolph Pa bst home, planned - Firt et4dit curh,. a S.SOinraml Weber, on De Windt Firs Met odit ch rch at :30 i wnnetjca. One of thè love] the ftenoon.the large country. estates ne. On.Wednesday a1nother school of cago is shown, in a view of ti speech series wili open when the Mayer lcountry> house at De UJniversity theater presents Robert- Several..examples of moden so's "CasteIl the flrst of sîix plays itecture by* George Fred Xe te be produced durmng the summer included ini the subject mi session. -TRie play will. be given thie photographs. Thie picture Wednésday througb Saturday. house he designed 'for Ei Cahn shows the 'huge plate Dean Ernest O. Melby of the window'that occupies an entît achool of education will deliver an of one of the 'bedrooms, gii address at thie annual education partieularly attractive vîew luncheon Tuesday alternoon at the woods on thie Cabn's Lake Firt Mthoistehuch.At 4 i9elock atet. Another of Édic' thie contemporary thought lectures graph's is a dramnatic night1 for thie summer will begun at the of Herbert Bruning's very n church, with an address ,by-Dr. Ed- residence, also designed by Kg ward Mlsworth Ross, professor of Wilmette. sociology at thie University of Wis- consin, speajclng on the topic "Fore- shadowings of thie Next Culture."r Two trips will be made thie week, on Frlday te thie tunnel system and on Satun Wonien Voters League News Sir Adrian Boult, ,,oted Brltish conductOr, wilt direct. the < Chi-- cago Symphony orchestra' dur- ingý the firat two weeka of the Ravinia *Music Festival which opetS 'hursday, rune 29. Sir Adrian Boult is internationially famous as thie musical director of thie British Broadcastung company, Hewas appolnted to the post in 1930 an "or ju un uagunl work was knlgbted. by George V. Under his direction, thie BBC orchestra has [become of, first importance in Eng- land and on the continent. Although a newcomer to Ravinia and to music in thie Midwest, Smr Adrian came to the UTnited States for thie first time in,' 1930 to conduct a single broadcast for thie National Broadcasting- company, which was This office will be ready to register workers for employment after June 26- it is stated.' One requirement of aIl unemployed persons seekung un- emÉploYment. compensation is that they register for work W.ith a. state. employment office. No dlaims for benefits,,bowever,' accepted until afier'July 1. 19 Job Inhurance Unernployment Compensation Às a type of state. administered. job in-: surance. TIe e ntire cost of job iii- surance in Illinois is paid by* em- ployers. More than 30,000 employers have been making, contributions to the job uinsurance fund for twoô years.. But noct ah unemployed workers In Illiois will be entitled to weekly cash beriefits after July L OnIy per- sons who worked at unsured jobs wilbeable to get pay*ments. Insured workers include those em- ployed in business, manutacturirig, building., mining and service estab- lishmnents that employ eigbt or more persons. Certain other employers hiring less tRan eigbt persons also have voluntarily insured their work- ers. An lExpIain ElIigbilItv employed worker evening on "The lImplications of D-week a ar D. Gd --s, --v r 0o ~1în t oac W Inocracy." 'Dr. John 1G. D e that tHary Gdone r-concert o't Nc Snin y, fol-a G.Rockwel esro cnnnc tClmilowing Artur Tsaii nae commissioner o! education for Min- university, submitted a statement ment. nesota, w ili address a luncheon this week to the Senate Judiciary He was recently hailed in New meeting o! the American Federation committee at the request of the York for two British concerts be of Teachers Thursday on "Are National League of Women Voters. coriducteci at Carnegie Hall witb tbe Teachers Professionals?" XI the present world situàtjon, New York Pbilharmonic-Symphony even thie discussiorn of a war refer- in the World's Fair Music Festival. Fliers Gather enoforgesaggres- Foîîowing bis two-week engage- * Gieone. wn hrn ~ ~ mnt at Ravinia, Sir Adrian will go nenents 5 office afit 5. Hie bas1 registered for, work at the f the Illinois State Employt-, ervice that serves bis corn- and continues to report* to ce when requested. filed an original dlaim for at the State Employmrent. 1er July i. Put in a two-week waiting alter .Tuly i.- No perind of >.mrent prior to 3uly I1, or 'hich the worker is flot revyis- the State Emplovrnent officeý iiljupset. IT jPresident arm o!f the wei alIY be criep- very MU&- cu-ur LAviratie5 and' swiit modern~ Icy down to rigid ruiez, teehnology would be aljnost crin-, 1 thie aggressors, as is unally negligent of thie facts o! the fro m thle stotY Of the moderný war problem." ,wor. e as siarter. ,Q"jq.wfý u