Sto ckholm, Helsingfors, Leningradi, Moscow, Yalta, Tiflils, Odessa, Bu- charest; Budapest, Vienna, Munich, Interlaken, Berne, Geneva, and Par-, is, returning late in August. David has, an 82-year-old ýgrand- uncle living in. Tiflis, amonig the far off Cauca sus Mountains. Mr. Gep- pert wants to get some motion 'pie- tures of the aged gentleman., ,Mrs. Geppert, and Robert Will spend much of the summer with her motheÈ, Mrs.. Marie Masley, in her summer cabin in the northiern Mich- igan woodlands. Robert, after an i nteresting final year at Central-Stolp scbool, Wil- mette,' will enter New Trier High sichool, in September. He and his mother will enjoy the musical treats afforded by the summer .musié col- ony at Interlochen near Tra verse City Mieh. Mr. Oeppert made a hurried trip to northern Michigan over the De&- oration Day week-end. His English setter, Dtrde, stirred up a wild deer who seemed to be playing tag with the dog, keepîng just about 20 feet ahead of hlm as they went through the woods. They were moving 'just a littie too fast to permit bringix'g the camnera into action. GOING ABROAD Mr. and Mrg. Raymond J. Koch and famiîly, -ac companied by, F. Donald Frisbie, of the New Trier, High. sehuool aculty, are. saillng on the new S. S. "Mauretania" of the Cunard White Star LUne, to England June 30. Fromn there they will take a NorthCape cruise on the "Stella Polaris," and leave the ship when it calls at Bergen on the return frm North Cape, to motor through Sean- dinavia, before embarking from a . TRAVEL SERVICE STRTf F1.001 rýStA INK WULDON* IVANSI se . SOUTH ipboard g mals uets e ýYoNr Travel Agent,, or 9menu.. S*0M. ANdolph 2960 Cheyenne, Wyo., then t Salt Lak City, and on to Portland, Ore., Se- attle, Wash.. Vancouver and Vic- toria. She returned by way of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boulder dam and Denver, Colo. 8 Happy WeeJk-No Hay Foyer. iag July 6 to September 1. Phone Winnetka 2977 for nuovie s ad fuli information. WORLDI 1, ILLINOUS'