bt dis pp.iàmt.d la y.fl vueelissomumer.- the# k«s *ui.oy.d Mort* b 1w pofrocalge 46 yers ,beoCuseof Ileed fési ..dscua. serrema.d- li *ver o@d beple«Metly serissie No, ÉoUScKEHPING COTTAGES ILECSTRICTED CLUENTULE %il informa4tion: Wite, MWir,Phono CDD FRALIN~ I Woodruff in, Mrs. Robert Stout, and her :daughter, Barbara, of Omaha, Neb. After nearly seven weeks of travel througli France, Switzerland, Hol- land, Italy, and Belgium, the'Mc- Clouds and Stouts will be.,join*ed in England by Mr. McCloudi and Mr. Stoutwh wil return toNew York with their, famiies. Nancy McCloud will be a senior next year at Roycenore, and her. brother, Robert,, has Just completed hi& sophoMore year at Duke univer- site, Durham, N. C. Here isan aerial vetv of Ogunquit, tvell-kn oum aumme r -resort vil- lage un Maine's aouthern coat 70 miles nor th of.Boaton. The Lookout hotel un the cliffa (right center) hae among ita guests è ery season memetaof Wilmet.te, KenÎlwtorth,. Winnetka, and Glencoe aociety. Ini the background is the famed in bathing, should they- not' desire to .ong Sands, the lorigest and widest each on Maine's coatwhkh go to the more. public Long Sands. wre than three milles long and400 Under certain surf conditions, the TI0,OR P WHOTE L AND COTTAGES P1S14 CREEK, DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSI N Opening June212n frthe lbth consecutivc of northern Door County. Two hofel' build- ings and 20 cottages. Select Clientele. Speciat monthly or season rates. Bookiet. WINTERS: SUNSET HOTEL, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA ariven snow. Betweg and shore is a tidal ri fordable i places at Io Ogunquit, which in age means "a beautifui ment, to' ait or readers at no obligation whatsoever. Parents faced with . c a m p placement problems are invitecl to consult with Mrs. Leary u'ho is a recog- ,ized authority on camps. Call, this news magazine for an1 ap-, pointment. Ait conferencea are as thie pro- waves wasn Daec into the tidal river id white as channel the lighter quartz sands, the beach leaving the heavier garnet sands to ýr, which is settie and lodge on the béach nearý tide. high, tide level. Thie concentrated flan langu- garnet d e p o s i t s thus produced )lace by thie sparkle in the sunlike like myrlad- ýnds" beach faceted diamnonds. iich affords A renowned Summer Theater, in Yi,. vith I1 -1wva At Kenilworth Ho'me Miss Barbara Ann Crowe of Kenil - worth and Mrs. Robert Prentiss of Evanston started. their n u rser y school Monday morning o n t he screened porch of the Crowe home. 234 Raleigh road, lCenilworth, where the nursery equipment is set Up.. Enrollment ini the school is flot yet Av.. PrMBhil. 626 , eweffl Ofice. ý àmwmwqwmý