i»clude tW tWE lop MUTELAND ITTm asi Double your vacation enjoyment at the Aniderson Ilotel, overlooking b2eauïtiful Green Pay and Penisula St. Park.. Al sports and social activities. Un.xceUeid home coifokiztg and accomumodations - innersprmg bds- private or adjoining cusios zKemu> LuxsicierauJn the mat- ter of Urne length available ta vaca- tioners. With :two faire beckonfing entîcing- ly, a. visit to one or, both of them will ufdoubtedly be, included In most vacation plans and since, these ex- positions are on our extremfe East- erni and Western- coa sts0 much, of scenic ýand historié, America will be covered., on the way to California or New York.. After this sumn.mer. we are certain- ly' going to know our own -country better than ever before and> to real- ize afresh that we> have. withini our own confines, the worId's finest col-, both Fa 'cover actual OUI o tht te seenie country *w1 always be traversed during the.dar. LiàseSuggested Trips As the lenigth of, one's hoilidayis largelyr the ,determining factor iii the choice.of vacations, we, are listl, ing our suggestions below under the varying, Uime limhits. ON1E WEK TO EIGHT DAYS: 1,000-mile inland vôyage-Nia*garai St. Lawrence and Sag uenay rivers, Mont- real and.Quebec. Mark Twain River Packet on the Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee rivers. Gaspe Peninsula mnotar trip fromft Quebec - awe-inspiring scenery through ]French Canadian villages. New York Fair wlth 4-day cruise. N.ew York Pair wlthý circle tour to Washington. ànç!Niagara. Five days in some- lovely spot, lack Huiis of South Dakota, French. Rivrer, Canada, Northern Wisconsin_ Minne- sota or Mi<.hirn. relieves hay fever. Write for booklet. - Cloae 111: 33a. Michigan Ave., CERtrai 2828 *In the East, New England wjth its historical background and own in- trinsie charm, wiIl play hoat to many visitors while Washington and near- by places of inteiet will likewise draw- a heavy patronage of "Fair" goers. And once having reached onie seacoast or the other, many travelers from the Middle West will undoubtedly take advantage of the York Fair with cruise ta. Guate- la or "Columbus" Cruise (8 days) Nassau, Havana; or "Rama" ise to West Indies; or. "Kungs- rn Cruise ta Bermuda and Hali- trips Inta Western Canada and itime Provinces. Yark Fair and a week in Ber- la. use an the new' "Mauretania" t. rnuda and Halifax. Ranch or attractive resort in YOU May loin. New Trier's Can You Stvim? 0"m4. nae rranged all mariner of trips, with a range in price and duiration to suit every budget, a bewil dering array in variety and number, mak- ing a choice almost difficuit. rI the Foreigni field; Bermuda, the West Indies, Canada, Labrador, Hawaii, Mexico and for those with longer holidays, South Arnérica and Europe have been made most available and cruises, unique in the history of 'a, 15 a ays; Ci idays). Califarnia ar Cruise. . la" 13-day Cr-,i anal and kd Kîngs- nd return. I Cruises to Bermuda, ugston. Pire Tours-YelUoxv 1Grand Tetans, Cana- west. ITorthwest Fe. Informatio Coli Mr. Jacks«m, Wln..d ',,vv.I.~1 I o America W-« &-j ci 1. Americ4