fodaq~ sI'e B ýiNTEK nc. PURE GRAPEFRUIT ?èUf 'U Inland faxicyi JUICE. No. 2 size Phonoe Wilmette 420 fins......... 3 for 25C PEA R1S.1 No. 2 1/2 » size tins. ......*-2 for 47c BANANAS 3 Ibs. 20C Flrm and FImvorf ml tast foods for a treat. There is a vaut dif- ference in ba- nanas so look for the Inlandý trade mark for y o ur protec- ion. They are not ta be com- pared w ith * Scot Paper Sale *1 SCOT TOWELS Use them in the kitchen, base- ment, garage and summer cot- tage. Save wear and tear on better linens. FANCY STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. 16-oz. glass jar. C & 8 FAMOUS ORANGE MARMALADE. 16-oz. gles ija. OLP MONK, SALAD DRESSING TRIPLE WHIP. Full quart jar. .23c .23c. ~37c size fins.. *LD MONK OLIVE OIL. Full pmnt fin Spam mrakes an ideal luncheon treat for the farnily. Everybody likes Spamn. ..63c WORTHALL YOMATOES.: No. 2 size, fins. . 3 for 27c *8 deliclous vegefobles are baked itb every slice. *No sugur or fais used. TOAST HOLLYWOOD e.. thoroyghy enjoy its I 6-oz. fin ..... .. Iloc 6 9/oiu~ Wlih il '"Nature'. Royal Family. omI .1 1 I, ie ~Oef~ 1142m44»46 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 1420 -4 s gros. ý '. , 1 -ý .. ý, - : ' 1 « , ýý i :ý ý, mi.. ý- ýý ý i o- , 1 i e là i ; -1 1 , ýi ý -- 'il .1ýý jk