DUdyou know this? Y OUR ire insurance policy ludemnifies you for the 1ogo of your buildig but ends there. Your tos of re n tai1s *oepsn rnmitithe büffd- ing is replaced or miade tenantabie again - un- ies@ you have lient In- surance. When may we tell you more about this essential yet inexpensive poliey? B, G. EMERLE, Here are tome leaders of the Junior Auxillary of Wilmette Poait, American Legion. ,Back-Tow standing-Barbara Rodenhirk, Barbara Dowd, Sally Warden, Louise Broume, Jciq#elne Myrland, Marha Leach preident). AUce E lien Kennedy,, Ruth Wagner, Janet Dalstrom. Fronat row, standing-Darlene Cullison, Lois Ann, Cullison,, Carol Dowd, Nancy Le~e, Marie O'Connell. The JuniorAuxiliary of the Amer- ican Legion Unit No. 46 is a group Of twenty-three girls, 'daughters of mnembers of the American Legion.ý This- year they have held six meet- ings which included a membership luncheon;, the' making of several hundmdtry fiavosfr eteirasat Ilines hospital, and the cuttng and pasting of five large serap-books which were delivered to the Wil- mette Hlealth Center for the amuse- ment of children who attend the clinics there. BROWNSON CIRCLE PAR~TY The Brownson circle of Rogers Park is having a luncheon and card. ATTEND CH1UISTENING Mr. and.'Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwoféth, have returned from a motor trip to Minneapolis where they spent a week with their daughter, Mrs. R. ,J. Wille- anf iyifThe..occaion ofQ their visit was the baptîsm of Susan Jean,' ten-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wllle, at the Hennie- pin Methodist church of Minneap- olis on June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Wille hope to spend the latter part of August visiting in Kenilworth. TO,,GRADVATE u iNent ra«, wU3fletka, reutrirng president of' the Chicagov R ot a r y. club; Charles A. Dostal, 233 Fair- view rËoad, Glencone, former. presi- dent. of the *Chicago club; George, L. TreadwelL, 621 Warwick.road, Kenil- worth,e secretary of the Chicago club. Mr.. Perýry bas been secretary of the International organization for many, years and in- that capacity has traveled widely throughout. the world and bas attended most of the thirty International *conventions. . Mr. Treadwell this year celebrates his 'twentieth consecutive year as a ]Rotarïan, having become affiliated with the organization *hile in Shang- hai, China. He j o1ned the: Chicago club in August nineéteen. years ago. He is now attending his nineteenth annual convention. TO TEAÇH INj ÇOFERCE The Rev. Chandler W. Sterling. assistant rector at St. Augustine's Episcopal chureh, is leaving Mon- day to teach in the sumn-er confer- ence at the DeKoven foundation. at Racine. college, for two weeks. Hie w ill then go to Dixon, Ill., to take charge of services at St. -Luke's church for.the month of July. Mrs. Sterling leaves today (Thursday) on a trip, after which she will join 1Mr. Sterling in Dixon. UY 3 bis bot- price 0f S forý lgee-o.t one mtore foir o"ly lDepost 1c t'i Pr le me Io SALE ly 4 rois HILLS ERGSO&L 0 riCe,.1 4 bdforI3 Pc. St .,.StJN8ALD GRAPEFRUIT ire rem i IuoeI3~~S -AUMOUR'S STAR Iguy 3 1-lb., canu ut roqua- lar price of 3 QVAXER GUARANTEED FIuiur ____ ARmours WHITE LABEL NESTLE-S SEMI-SWEET VUIVcWIUIV....- BARS ' L;uui uu~mrnFINnEso un* .=rp=m aLi.wo w ID RIPE, To uatos 2R.I L Iii lfl k OrO _____PKG. 12o I 1115 CENTRAL AVE. AND 415S 2026 CENTRAL ST., EVANSTON angei CS, val 18 -~--~ ~ IDOO Dn, in, c9mmencement.,