Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1939, p. 8

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FULL QUART 35t1 JACK SLOWN CO. OU Duriers Air Conditioniug OUl Boilers & al.. Heaters orne. p. e. orne. p. (r~s Equip- Meng 'Ackermann Photo A part of the leadership staff of iCul Packc No. 63 shows above in- cludes:. front rov le#t to iight, Don Daplaon,: junior assistant. cul>- maéter; Steve'Brooks, cubmaster;- Charlie Morrison, den chief of the Mohawk, den; rear roux, left to r:ght, Dick Arma, dén chie f of Buffalo den, Bill- Merkle, den chie f of Hawk den, and Lion WillUng', de chie f of Bear des. This Cub Pack, which has an en-, rollment of 114 Cubs, and meets monthly at the Pirst Congregatioônal e h d s C r h church, is a. character-building' or- ganization for. boys of pre-Scout age similar to and sponsored by the Boy~ Su nday Vacation a Scout o!f frst class ranlc, t carry out the program of activities cen- ered about the home. - Laor of Love for Bloys The Den Chief devotes a great deal of Urne and energy to a generous service which is entirely without compensation and usually with very ittle recognition. For this he de- serves rnuch credit, andi appreciation. Judson j5auer, icic .oway, Johni IBooz, Jr., Dick Siegel, Don Maxwell, iBob Bush, and Dick Starkel. Charles Morrison is chairman of the pack comrnittee. Valuable service has also been rendered by the Den Mothers, who work with the Den Ghiefs to plan the den mneetings and carry out the cUb- A ccept Experte' Suggestions for Shore Welf are Recommendations made by Ben- nett and Frost, widely known city anid community planners, for the resideritial welfare of the North ~Shore have been adopted by the di- week. oppose Outer Drive Included ini the proposais which were presenteti after a thorough sur- vey, are abandonment of plans for ~an outer drive in Evanston, joint study of grade crossing elimination by ail the communities north of Ev- anston to Waukegan, review of zon-, Thèse imrnunization programs are under the direction of Dr. Martin Seifert, Commissioner of Heaith, Wilmette, and are available to those who are unable to employ a private phygician... Anyone wishing: this serviceeae call the Wilmette Health Center, Wilmette'158 or the Wilmette Health .Department, Wil- mette 2700. Miss Pearl A. Calvert, director of. social service for, Emmanuel Com- munity house, Cleveland, O., was a visitor at the Ifealth Center Wed- nesday of Iast week. Will,,Conduc Church School' Sunday,, June 18, will*be Chil- dren's Day at the Wilrnette Parish Method4it church. IR wll mnark the officiai closing of the regular Church school year. Accordingly, fitting worship services have been arrang- -ed for the Il o'clock hour. At this service the children of the various ages and departments will participate under the direction of the general superintendent, Thomnas H. West, and the pastor, Rev. Er- skine M. Jeffords. There will be. baptismn of children and the recep- tion of preparatory members into the 1 1-,2tl. sIs ..... p.uui .l Ve %*rll ed. A program similar to 'a Daily Vacation Bible school will be pre- sented, but on Sunday mornings orily for. the six weeks' period. Al cbjîdren .rernaining in the vil- lage during that period will be wel- corne to attend the Sunday Vacation project which will include games,, music, stories, worship, Bible and handcraft, it is poinied out. A staff of helpers is assembleti to gude the be f u or exécu at ---- -- -- -" . 1a aý aayette, In d. The club will, smg again in the festival in.August. be

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