Commencement exercises at the Byron C. Stolp sehool will take place this afternoon, beginning at 4:15 o'clock, in Stolp gymnasium. Nlnety- six eighth..graders will participate and receiveé diplomnas. The program wil begin with a panel discussion on "Experienées a t Stolp School" in. which' six mem- bers of the graduating, class, Martha Armfitage, MeClain ercaw,,Yrank Ives, Patricia McDermott, Will iam Schmick, and Jean Shanesy will par- ticipaite. empressions, of School Individual impressions of the Stolp school wiIl be given by a number of members of the, eighth grade. A musical program: will follow., It is cxplained by Vernon Replogle, prin- cipal of Stolp school, that the pro- gram is beig carried on almost entirely by the rauang tdets. The acceptance of the class into New Trier HIigh school Là, Supermn- tendent Matthew P. Gaffney will conclude the exercises. Party Friday Night A graduation party will be given for the eighth graders on Friday evening in the Hloward school gym. There will be dancing and games. The Howard school graduation was ELGIN - BWOVA- HAMILTON WATCI4IS ýJ. o J .KUIKENl.- Eximaa4Waàck and CIncItR.nau. MMise Wr, J*cClinton i&s another addition to the list of June gTadtLates. On Jtne 5 ahe tvas graduczted from the Uni- versity of Iowa, andi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McClinton of 1216 Highland avenue, Wilmette, went to, Iowa City to be present during the week-end of gradua- tion ceremonies. mu 'Cass Day and l'icnic The seventh and eighth grades at Howard school are having their an- nual clase day and pienie today. The former is being held in the school auditorium in the morning, thé latter in the forest preserve this afternoon. A complete list of the graduates of both Stolp and Howard schools was Drinted i laqt 1uek's edition At a town meeting in which eni- thusiasm ran high, Kenilworthciti- zens decided Tuesday night to or- ganize the Kenilworth Community Chest association, and to make its initial drive for charity funds dur-7 ing the coming fail. The meeting was.opened by John Nuveen. Jr.., vresident of the Kenil-. MIARS Smolker Supplies, - nàbs I....lé - - LENTHEJC con The clinit charge. Al educationali are financei Christmas si one the TUA? I $1.oo annual s